Trevithick Class Newsletter – September 2017

Welcome to the first Trevithick Class Newsletter. I hope you all had a lovely summer. I look forward to meeting you and working with your child.

This will be a regular feature from me and aims to inform you of news, topics and important dates. If you have any concerns please see me or a teaching assistant as soon as possible. You can also keep up to date with what is happening in Trevithick Class by visiting our blog available on our school website

Please also email me at if you have any questions or concerns.

Trevithick Update:

This year we welcome Mrs Amy Williamson to the EYFS team. Amy will be teaching the children on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Natasha Brooks will also be completing her teaching practice with us this year, she is undertaking herSCITT year and is looking forward to teaching the class and gaining as much experience as she can.

SEAL: What is SEAL?

SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning (see attached newsletter). Our theme for this half term is ‘New Beginnings’.

Key Persons:

Each child has a key person who will work closely with your child to ensure their needs are met. Please feel free to talk to your child’s key person and share relevant information that may affect your child’s progress.

Nadia Lampier / Amy Williamson / Lizzie White/ Fiona Harrington
Nathanael / Cooper / Zackary
Francesca / Isobel / Finley
Leo / Caden / Lenna
Ayla / Frederick / Xavier
Elizabeth / Dillon / Oliver
Charlie / Charles / Leo
Joshua / Eden / Seren
Levon / Oscar / Corryn
Isaac / Kaya / Willow
Thomas / Flynn

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with youand it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night.This term I will be changing their reading books once a week, however it is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress.Thank you! For more information about our reading schemeplease attend our ‘Parent Meeting’ later in the term. Please check your child’s book bag regularly for notes and newsletters. Children have received a laminated copy of the 45 key words and handwriting and numeral practice. Encourage your child to practise forming the letters and numerals correctly.


  • Share books and read with your child every day.
  • Get them to school on time.
  • Encourage your child to be independent; dressing, toileting and eating
  • Practise maths together (counting, recognising and writing numbers 0 – 20)
  • Share the sounds your child has learnt each week.
  • Contribute to your child’s learning journey. Use WOW Moments or update Tapestry.
  • Discuss, explore and question with your child whilst out and about.
  • Come along to school events like parents evenings. This lets you know what is going on and lets your child know that you are supporting them.

WOW Moments:

Attached is a sheet for you to record observations of your child at home. It can be used to help build a picture of your child’s development or any other significant information you wish to share with us. I have included some previous ‘WOW moments’ so you can see what kind of information might be relevant.

‘Ollie used my lap top to write the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.’

‘Joe sang Cornish songs to his Daddy at home.’

‘Emily used a knife to butter her own toast this morning.’

‘Ben amazed us by riding his bike without stabilisers for the first time.’

‘Jade wrote her numbers to 10 without help from me – well done.’

We are also continuing to use the ‘Tapestry’ online Learning Journey please contribute to this and we will share their successes in class.


We use a range of strategies and schemes to teach phonics these include Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds. Each week your child will be learning a new letter, the sound it makes and will be practicing forming it correctly. The sounds we will be learning this half term are s, a, t, i, p, n. Play ‘Eye Spy’ with your child focussing on these sounds.


P.E will be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) in school.Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.If you wish to send your child in with a bottle of water, please make sure it is labelled clearly with your child’s name and put it in the blue tray next to the book bags.

Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practice with the children in

Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time.

School Lunch:

Each child should have received a menu. Please discuss with your child what they are having for lunch before they come to school e.g. a school lunch or a packed lunch. Children are provided with water or milk at snack and lunch times but they might prefer to bring in their own water bottle. Please put your child’s name clearly on the bottle. School lunches are free for children in YR.

Meet the Teacher:

You are invited to a ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Wednesday 13th Septat 3.30 and repeated at5.00 in Trevithick Class. Join us for an informal chat about how you can best support your child with their learning.

Important Dates:

Meet the teacher – 13th September 2017 (3.30pm & 5.00pm)

Reading workshop – 3rd October 2017

Phonics workshop – 17th October 2017 (3.30pm)

Halloween Disco – 20th October

Harvest Festival – 31st October (9.45am)

Parent’s Evening – 13th & 14th November 2017

Nadia Lampier, Amy Williamson, Lizzie White, Fiona Harrington, Natasha Brooks