Robert William Pickton

100326269 (du-crydillane)

Professor: Dr. Peter Sacco

Due: August 10, 2009

Course: Criminal Psychology: Psychopathic Minds

Is Robert William Pickton been proven to be the worst Canadian serial

killer? Between 1983 and 1998 a total of twenty-six Vancouver females went

missing from the Low Track district, Vancouver. Clifford Olsen a serial killer

charged for murdering eleven children was Canada’s worst serial killer until

Robert Pickton walked out of British Columbia courts. (M. Newton)

Robert William Pickton was born October 24, 1949 to parents Leonard &

Louise Pickton. (Canadian Press) The Pickton family was well known around

Port Coquitlam, B.C. for their big parties, which were held at the family farm

known as the Piggy Palace (M.Newton) Pickton was seen as a hardworking,

clean – living sort always willing to lend a hand and his money by his neighbours

and friends.(M.Newton) Robert and his brother Dave operated a pig farm on

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside also known as "Low Track". (M.Newton)

Picktons first victim Rebecca Guno, a 23 year old First Nations female,

who was last seen alive June 22, 1983 and reported missing approximately three

days later.(M.Newton) Picktons second victim, Forty Three year old Sherry Rail

went missing January, 1984 and yet wasn’t reported missing until three years

after she was last seen.(M.Newton) A Third known victim, Elaine Auerbach, 33,

told friends she was moving to Seattle in March,1986. She disappeared but

never arrived in Seattle. She was reported missing approximately a month

later.(M.Newton). Twenty-six years old Aboriginal, Teressa Ann Williams, was

last seen alive sometime in July, 1988, but was not reported missing until March

of the following year.(M.Newton) Ingrid Soet, 40 went missing August,1989 and

was reported missing October 1, 1990 over a year from her disappearance.

(M.Newton) African American victim, 39 year old Kathleen Wattley disappeared

June 1992 and reported missing later that month.(M.Newton) Forty-Seven year

old, Catherine Gonzales disappeared March, 1995 but as many victims before

Gonzales was not reported missing until February 1996.(M.Newton) Catherine

Knight 32 went missing not being reported missing till 8 months later. Thirty-Six

year old, Aboriginal Dorothy Spence went missing August of 1995 and reported

missing October of that year. (M.Newton). Diana Melnick 23 disappeared and

reported missing in December 1995. Tanya Holyk, 24 disappeared October 1996

and reported missing November of that year.(M.Newton) Twenty Two year old,

Olivia Williams disappeared December yet wasn’t reported missing until July of

that year. Twenty year old Stephanie Lane was admitted to the hospital after a

drug overdose being released March 10, 1997 then disappearing. Janet Henry

who also had a hit misses with serial killer Clifford Olson. Henry went missing

June 1997.(M.Newton) Marnie Frey, 25 went missing August 1997 but wasn’t

reported missing until September 1998. (M.Newton)Thirty two year old Helen

Hallmark went missing early September was reported missing on September 23

1998. Jacqueline Murdock 28 was reported missing October 1998 but

disappeared at an unknown date. Thirty Three year old Cindy Beck went missing

September 1997 but wasn’t reported missing until April 1998. Andrea Borhaven

disappeared within the year of 1997 but an exact date is unknown. Borhaven was

reported missing May 1999.(M.Newton) Kerry Koski 39 went missing January of

1998 and was later report missing near the end of the month. Twenty-three year

old, Jacqueline McDonnell disappeared January 1998 but wasn’t reported

missing till February 1999.(M.Newton) Inga Hall was last seen February of 1993

and was reported missing March 3 of that year.(M.Newton) Sarah Jane deVries,

29 vanished on April 14, 2998. A friend reported her missing the same. Picktons

last victim Sheila Egan, 20 disappeared July 1998 but wasn’t reported missing

until August 5th, 1998. (M.Newton)

The official search for the missing women didn’t start until September

1998 yet the first victim went missing June 1983. Over the years many noticed

the high amount of Vancouver prostitutes going missing with no explanation.

Police push these accusations and concerns to the back burner. Once the

investigation was brought forward several fingers were pointed at pimps, and

other prostitutes for these crimes. Several past serial killer were suspected such

as Gary Leon Ridgway (Green River Murderer) , Dayton Leroy Rogers (Molalla

Forest Killer) or John Eric Armstrong. Noone expect pig farmer Robert Pickton to

be the serial murderer walking about B.C for almost 15 years. (M.Newton)

Although the farm was search in 1997 and 1998 no evidence was found

and no charges were ever laid. March 23, 1997 should have brought a red flag

when accusations came flying his way but police brushed this as being

unrelated to the case. Pickton was arrested with attempting to murder a

prostitute. But charged were later dropped but red flags should have been up.

February 7, 2002 police searched Picktons farm plus additional property owned

by the family. Pickton was later arrested for the murders of Sereena Armstroug

and Mona Wilson. Later on in the investigation several samples of DNA were

found throughout the pig farm including those of the above victims as well as

some unknown samples. Pickton was then charged with four more counts of

murder after evidences solved the disappearance of Jacqueline McDonnell,

Heather Bottomley, Diane Rock and Angela Josebury. Investigator continue with

a theral check of the farm for incriminating evidents when the remains of Brenda

Wolfe were found. Pickton denied all charges and accusations against him

throughout the investigation. The charges kept heading his way. Later October

1996 more charges were laid against Pickton for the murders of Gabrielle

Chinnock, Tanya Harlyk, and Inga Hall. As the investigation unleashed 9 more

victims were found throughout Picktons farm but were unidentified.

Although for years police were unable to make a description or profile the

expected suspects due to no correlation or a repeat pattern in his victims. Later

on in the investigation police and forensic officers described this pattern to be:

Those who possible work in the sex trade and prostitution, history of alcohol,

drug and abuse.

Accusations were brought forward in 2004 stating there were possibilities

that Pickton fed his victims bodies to his pigs which were later sent to slaughter

to be used as pork. Although police confirmed that these pigs were not

slaughtered for public consumption. Pickton gave fellow neighbours and friends

pork which were not able to be sold to the public. Pickton was also serving this

pork to his guest which accompanied to his parties as well as his victims.

Throughout the search police found such evidence as a mattress covered

in blood, which was later, identified as Mona Wilson. Also, Mona Wilson’s head

and hands were also found within the farms boundaries. Sereena Abotsway and

Andrea Josesbury jawbones were both found in pigpens located on Picktons

farm. Also, multiple body parts were found within storage freezer on the farm


On December 11, 2007 pig farmer Robert Pickton received his sentence

after a long investigation, conviction, and trial. Pickton was sentenced to a life

sentence in prison with chance of parole or 25 years in jail for the murder of 6

prostitutes: Sereena Abotsway, Marnie Frey, Andrea Joesbuy, Georgina Papin,

Mona Wilson, and Brenda Wolfe.

Picktons M.O with all his crimes were to bring his victims back to his farm,

party & have sexual relations with the victims then kill them afterwards. Although

unaware of his reason to why he would kill his victims.

Picktons signature for his crimes to burry, or place body parts throughout

his farm. For example investigators found hands, heads, jawbones spread in

pigpens and freezers on the farm. Another signature could possible be Pickton

feeding the remains of his victims to his pigs.

Pickton was viewed as one who didn’t have many girlfriends or friends.

Pickton's older brother Dave was viewed as the popular well known whereas

Robert was the loser. This may have caused Robert to have a drastically low

self-esteem while growing up and even as an adult. Many claimed that

Pickton met a female pen pal in the early 70s, which later fell apart. This

experience may have been the beginning of his rage and jealousy. Pickton may

have had some form of trust issues, which may have begun from family

members, and friends miss using him for possessions and money. This may

have escalated into anger later on in life. Although there is very little amount of

information about Picktons childhood and biography available there may have

been some form of abuse or neglect while growing up. He may possible saw his

father inflict verbal or physical violence upon his mother or siblings which would

explain his violence towards women. Early signs that could possible have been

detected earlier in life could be tourture to siblings or animals, angry behaviour,

stalking or creeping people, anti-social behaviour or a loner type behaviour, and

a fascination with certain crimes or activities such as fire.

Although violence or neglect was possible this is no excuse to go out and

murder multiple women. Robert Pickton deserves a heavier sentence then what

Judge Williams gave him. Pickton was charged with the murder of 6 Vancouver

women and pending 20 more murders. Picktons was sentenced to life

imprisonment without eligible parole (or 25 years). Twenty- Five years for

murdering 6 proven murders is a slap on wrist. Pickton killed multiple women his

sentencing says your being punished for murder 1 but not murder 2, 3 and so on.

Why should he be let off with 1 sentence or even 6 when multiple women

disappeared and Pickton has allegedly killed them.

This case is one example of misinterpretation, miscommunication, and

denial between the town, police department, family members, and neighbours of

both Pickton and the victims. Pickton was accused of attempting to murder a

prostitute prior to the big allegations against him of multiple prostitutes. Police

shrug these cases off as the victims either left town, went through rehab or died

from their lifestyles. I could see this if minimal amount went missing in the same

period, which could be other reasoning for this. But when multiple victims up to

60 go missing and when the cases seem similar – same type of victim, same

disappearance, no contact or mentioning leaving to family members. Picktons

farm was a family owned business, which means Robert, wasn’t the only

operater of the farm. Did Dave know about Picktons behaviours? Did he help

with these crimes? Although minor crimes can be missed and not noticed by

neighbours, family, or police but why was murder missed. How could people not

see these crimes being committed? Body parts being stored in the same freezer

as pork that he gave to family members, and neighbours. Pickton held big parties

did they not question about the body parts, articles such as personal items, and

possible the bones. More people knew about his behaviour than they wanted to

admit to knowing. Noone came forward with these allegations in afraid of what

they may find, what may happen to them, and what Pickton may do to them.

Did someone put Pickton to do these crimes? Was he trying to prove a

point? Was he trying to prove he was a man and could be the boss? After

reading about Robert Pickton it was hard to believe he could do such a crime but

then I didn’t personally know him, which is completely different from just reading

it off paper. Pickton had a low self esteem and was categoriezed as a loner. Did

someone promise him something he could prove he was a man? For example if

Pickton murders Jane Doe he would move up in the world and have a higher

status. Other will look up to him for being a man and taking someone’s life. He

grew up being the shadow of his brother. Pickton was looked down on

throughout his life by committing these crimes he could have been trying to prove

a point to someone or a group of people. This form of violence is a demonstration

of empowerment and being able to be in charge or the boss. Did he bottle his

feelings up till he snapped? Why did he commit these crimes? There are reasons

why people do what they do. A lot of times people will commit crimes or even go

to school to benefit themselves. You commit a crime such as stealing to gain a

possession or money. You go to school to gain knowledge and experience to get

a job that will earn more money. But why did Pickton commit his crimes? What

was he gaining from murdering prostitutes? Pickton did this to show his authority

to someone due to his family looking down on him and insulting him.

Has Robert Pickton been prove to be Canada’s worst serial killer? Yes, in

my opinion he is currently Canadians worst serial killer. Someone who could kill

multiple prostitutes as many as 26, giving them drugs, killing them and feeding

their remains to his pigs then slaughter and giving family members, neighbours,

and the community these animals which have ingested human beings. I’m just

shocked at how he got away with so many murders over such a big span of time.

If you suspected such fowl play with a family member, neighbour or friend would

you notify police and investigate yourself? I would. Anyone is capable of doing

such acts as those of Robert Pickton.


CTV. December 11 2007. Pickton gets life, no chance of parole for 25 years. Retrieved: July 31, 2009.

M. Newton. Robert Pickton: The Vancouver Missing Women. Retrieved: August 02, 2009.

Canadian Press. Key Dates in the Robert Pickton case. Retrieved: August 05, 2009

May 29 2008. Life Sentence without parole 25 years. Retrieved: August 02, 2009

K Burns. The missing Women of Vancouver. Retrieved: July 31, 2009

P.Fong. December 12, 2007. Pickton gets the maximum. Retrieved: August 02, 2009.

R. Southern. How to recognize early warning signs of a serial killer. Retrieved: August 07, 2009