Minutes of May 24, 2012Meeting

The special meeting of the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors was held on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the General District Courtroom, Lunenburg Courts Building, Lunenburg, Virginia. The following members were present: Supervisors T. Wayne Hoover, Frank Bacon, Charles R. Slayton,Robert Zava, Edward Pennington, County Administrator Tracy M. Gee, Assistant to the Administrator Nicole Clark and County Attorney Frank Rennie. Supervisor Wingold was absent. Supervisor Alvester Edmonds arrived at 6:15 p.m.

Chairman Hoover called the meeting to order.

Supervisor Zava gave the invocation.

Chairman Hoover requested additions to the agenda from the Board and the public.

Emergency lawn maintenance and Social Services vehicle were added as 6A and 6B respectively, on request by Administrator Gee.

School Board Chairman, “Barry” Carnes, called the School Board meeting to order.

School Board members Donald B. Carnes, Kathy Coffee,Janis Whitehead, Beverley Hawthorne, and Ada Whitehead were all present. James Duffy andElizabeth Williams were not present.

Supervisor Slayton made motion, seconded by Supervisor Bacon and unanimously approved, to enter into Public Hearing regarding the school construction project.

School Board Member J. Whitehead made motion, seconded by School Board Member Coffee and unanimously approved, to enter into Public Hearing regarding the school construction project.

Superintendent Doris Wynn thanked the Board for holding the joint public hearing and turned the meeting over to Director of Operations Charles Berkley for a presentation.

Mr. Berkley began with a handout with plans for the new construction.

Chairman Hoover commented that the Fitness Building appeared bigger than in the previous discussion of the building on May 10, 2012.

School Board Chairman Barnes stated that the building is bigger since the November plans.

Mr. Berkley continued to explain that more storage room is included in the classrooms. The entrance door has been changed to meet existing fire codes. He stated that the new Jr. ROTC rooms require a tripe lock system due to the type of the equipment that will be stored and used in the rooms. The location of the HAVC system has been moved to allow for more space. The new system will work in conjunction with the existing system. A storage room will be added to the Field House on request by the Athletic Director. There will be a double door on the side of the building which faces Kenbridge to allow for the ease of moving fitness equipment.

Chairman Hoover asked for the total square footage of the new building.

County Attorney Rennie responded 7,761 square feet. He stated that the total cost for Phase 1 is $1,637,000 and $420,992 for Phase 2. Phase 1 includes the construction of the Fitness Center and new classrooms. Phase 2 will include updates to the existing building including bleachers, curtains, stage, fire system, intercom system and lockers.

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Edmonds and unanimously approved, to close Public Hearing regarding the school construction project.

School Board Member J. Whitehead made motion, seconded by School Board Member A. Whitehead and unanimously approved, to close Public Hearing regarding the school construction project.

Chairman Hoover thanked everyone for bring the updated proposal to the Supervisors. He believes this is a much more functional building.

Supervisor Zava made motion, seconded by Supervisor Pennington and unanimously approved, to approve both phases of the school construction project and sign the contract to begin construction.

County Attorney Rennie stated that the contracts are prepared for signatures and if signed during this meeting, the construction can begin the next day.

Administrator Gee discussed the current health insurance bid proposals. She explained that advertisements were placed in the paper and on the government procurement site, eVA, last week to receive bids for health coverage. The additional procurement was performed to ease concern that all routes of obtaining coverage hadn’t been explored. Several bids were received, however, only one was a suitable, qualified bid. The qualified bid came from Mr. Sam Irby’s firm, Insurance Services South of Kenbridge.

Mr. Irby’s plan includes two options, a High Deductible plan with a Health Savings Account and the other a “buy-up” co-payment plan. The County will contribute $499.83 per month per employee for either plan.

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Edmonds and unanimously approved, to recall the motion made during the May 3, 2012 and May 10, 2012 meetings and adopt the plans presented, including the High Deductible plan with a County funded $2,500 HSA or the option of buying up to the co-payment plan.

Chairman Hoover questioned if there would be any lapse in coverage for employees.

Administrator Gee replied that there would not be any lapse. The new coverage will begin July 1, 2012. She suggested funding the HSA with $400 the first month and equal deposits of the remaining $2,100 over 11 months.

Supervisor Zava made motion, seconded by Supervisor Bacon and unanimously approved, to allow the Administrator to determine how to fund the HSA accounts.

Administrator Gee alerted the Board for the need of emergency lawn care maintenance. Mr. Bob Matthews, Courthouse Groundskeeper, was mauled by a dog while serving as Deputy Animal Control Officer and is expected to be out of work for at least four weeks. Administrator Gee would like to have lawn maintenance performed before the upcoming Memorial Day events occur in three days.

Supervisor Zava suggested asking the school’s grounds keepers to help, given the emergency circumstances.

Chairman Hoover requested that Administrator Gee obtain at least three bids from lawn care service providers. If the school system is unable to assist before the Memorial Day events, employ services from the lowest bidder in this case.

Supervisor Zava reported that he and Supervisor Edmonds met with VDOT to discuss possible entrance points for a new convenience site on Ward’s Corner Road. Supervisor Zava visited a similar site in Prince Edward County that is very efficient but not expensive to operate. The site has containers for recycling and brush. He stated that the gates will be very close to the road and therefore the County may need to adopt a variance to the current ordinance for distance from the road.

Supervisor Slayton commented that this site would serve a large portion of his district. He believes it will be a high traffic location.

Supervisor Bacon agreed that the initial plans seem simple and realistic. He believes this type of will be just as good as the other sites in the County but be less expensive to operate.

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Edmonds and unanimously approved, to proceed with the planning of construction for this site.

Administrator Gee reminded the Board that Mr. William O’Brien turned over the County Administrator’s vehicle to the Social Services Department upon his departure, citing that Administrator Gee would not utilize County transportation. The Ford Explorer is being towed to Tri-County Ford for repairs and the 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee that Social Services owns isdilapidated. Administrator Gee requested that the vehicle be turned into surplus allowing for the purchase of a Chevrolet Malibu at a price of $17,000 from the website following the receipt of two other prices for comparable vehicles. The total County expense will be $2,700 after the State match.

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Slayton and unanimously approved, to relinquish the Jeep Grand Cherokee as surplus property and approve the purchase of the Chevrolet Malibu.

SupervisorBacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Pennington and unanimously approved, to enter Closed Session citing Virginia Code Section§2.2-3711A3 Discussion of the disposition of publicly held real property.


WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Lunenburg County, Virginia (“Board”) convened a Closed Session Meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act; and

WHEREAS, Section §2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, requires a certification by the Board that such Closed Meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the Closed Meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board.


Supervisor BaconSupervisor Wingold

Supervisor Hoover

Supervisor Edmonds

Supervisor Pennington

Supervisor Slayton

Supervisor Zava

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Pennington and unanimously approved, to return to Open Session.

Supervisor Bacon made motion, seconded by Supervisor Slayton and unanimously approved, to continue the meeting toJune 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.for a budget worksession at the Lunenburg Courthouse Building.


Tracy M. Gee, ClerkT. Wayne Hoover, Chairman

County AdministratorBoard of Supervisors