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Plural Publishing Editorial & Marketing Questionnaire (EMQ)
Please complete all questions as comprehensively as possible. This form is designed to be edited electronically. Please place your answers inside the boxes provided.
Submitted by:
Product Title:
Full Name, Degrees, and Affiliations (as you would like them to appear in print) of the main authors and/or editors.
Will your book be Authored (no contributors) or Edited (with contributing authors)?
Authored Edited
Preferred Mailing Address for each main author or editor (please, no P.O. Boxes):
LEAD EDITOR/AUTHOR (to be listed first on book and the primary contact for correspondence):
Office Phone:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
U.S. Citizen? / Yes or No
Proposed Manuscript Completion Date
Please provide your best estimate of a date when you expect to submit the completed manuscript and any accompanying multimedia to Plural Publishing. You will have two due dates: one is the first draft ready for peer reviewers and the second and final draft is the one where you have addressed any concerns or made any enhancements based on the feedback from reviewers.
Note: The final draft will be due 2 months after the date of the first draft above and the book will be published 6 months later.
Book Type
Is your book a core textbook for academic coursework or a professional resource? Please be as specific as possible. If it is a textbook, please specify what level and the appropriate courses for which it might be adopted by instructors.
Goal, Scope, and Vision:
Please convey to us your vision for this project: the content, goal and scope. This is the main section of this questionnaire and should be as detailed as possible.
Why have you chosen to write this book? Who is this book written for? Why is this book needed? What will it cover? What will be the outstanding or unique features of your text? What will be different about it compared to similar materials? What is special or unique about the approach, organization, or style in which it is being prepared? What are the credentials of the authors/editors?What are the top 5 selling points? Note: You must include a one-or two-paragraph answer for the goal, scope, and vision portion to fully equip Plural to consider your proposal for publication.
Table of Contents:
If you have not already provided us with a table of contents, please list the chapters in the order of which they will appear. Please provide a brief summary or single-sentence abstract of the material to be included in each chapter, and list headings and sub-headings if possible. Plural requires a preliminary table of contents in order to make a publishing decision.If there will be contributing authors to your book, please list all known contributor’s names, current affiliations, and the sections they will write.(At a later date you will be asked to provide contact information for each contributor.)Please include, at minimum, a single-sentence abstract for each chapter in your book. These abstracts will help Plural Publishing’s marketing team make your content available to wider and secondary audiences, via print and electronic formats.
Along with the chapter outline, please include what frontmatter (foreword, preface, introduction, acknowledgements, dedication) and backmatter (glossary, appendices) you plan to include.Size of Book Project:
How long do you estimate your book project will be? Please provide us with your best approximation of the length of your manuscript. The manuscript is submitted to us in MS Word, double-spaced, 12-point font with each image estimated at a ½ page.
Estimated number of printed pages.
Illustrations and Tables:
How many illustrations (figures, illustrations and photographs) do you estimate will be included? Please provide us with your best approximation and brief description of the type of illustrations that will be included.
Will your illustrations be in black and white or color?Note: The decision to publish the book in black and white or color is based on various factors and is ultimately the decision of Plural.
Will you be creating new illustrations or republishing them from other works? Will you need to request permission for any illustrations from other works? If so, how many?
Note: The author(s) is responsible for obtaining any needed permission to use copyrighted materials in the book. If an edited work, all contributors must obtain their own permissions to use copyrighted materials in their chapters.
Will you be including any multimedia to be published with the book? Examples includeCD-ROM, DVD, software, or materials to be placed on a companion website. If yes, please give a brief description.
Note: Plural Publishing has guidelines for all multimedia, and included media must meet quality and technological requirements.
Target Markets:
For whom is the book/product primarily intended? Please be as specific as possible, and include the primary market first and then any secondary markets. If you have information on the size of the target market, please also include it here.
Competing/Complimentary Titles:
Provide a list of other products on the same subject as your book, including any you believe may be in preparation. If known, provide the publication details of each competing work, including the price, year of publication, and number of pages. Indicate how your book/project differs in content, approach, and style.Please review the competition thoroughly. This is not only helpful to us in determining marketing for your book but also may assist you in planning a more successful book/project.
Title / Author / Publisher / Price / Year / Pages / How Your Book/Project Differs1