Commemorative Speech Requirements
Assignment: Commemorative Speech
Grade Value: 10% of final grade
Subject: Approval by instructor required no later than class time Monday, July 11. 5-point deduction for late approval or changes to the subject.
Objective: To pay tribute to a person, group or organization. The subject may be historical or contemporary, famous or obscure. You will need to explain to the audience why the subject is praiseworthy; however your objective is not simply to inform, but to inspire the audience to a heightened admiration for the subject.
Time Limit: 4 to 6 minutes
Time penalty points assessed as follows:
Under 3:00 a total score of 60
3:01-3:59 - 5 points
6:01-7:00 - 5 points
7:00 Time called
Visuals: No audio or visuals permitted with this speech.
Organization: Introduction, Body and Conclusion
Notes: Written speech notes submitted by class time, Wednesday, July 13. Notes will be returned on Thursday, July 14 to be used for the speech presentation.. No changes to notes.
Speech Date: All students must be prepared to present their speech on Thursday, July 14. Students called upon and not ready will be assessed a 10-point deduction. All speeches must be presented to the class. Speeches may only be presented on assigned speech dates—refer to your calendar.
Makeup speeches to accommodate absences occurring on assigned speech dates are solely at the discretion of the instructor. Failure to present will result in a “0” for the assignment.
Decorum: You will give your full attention to each speaker. Computer monitors and/or laptops will be turned off on speech days. No one is to enter the room while a speaker is presenting. Five points will be deducted from your speech grade for each occurrence of any and all of the following: Any use of any electronic device and/or its audio alerts, eating in class during a speech, talking, drawing or any activity that could be disturbing to the speaker and/or deemed by the instructor as being inattentive. Without exception, you will give your full attention to each speaker.
COM 111-350 Summer 2011