

The Council Chamber, King Street

Pateley Bridge, HG3 5LE

Tel: 01423 755628 Email:



Cllr C Skaife, Mayor (Chair)
Cllr A Brown
Cllr S Hesselden (Deputy Chair)
Cllr H Jefferson / Cllr J Leggett
Cllr S Lumley
Cllr N Scott
Cllr I Skaife
Cllr J Wardman
Clerk: Sarah Adamson

Apologies for absence: Cllrs Hawkesworth and Holt

Parishioners’ Representations: a Parishioner had complained about persistent fly tipping on Silver Hill and the Clerk was asked to forward this to HBC.

Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Jefferson, Item 8(b)

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3 September 2013: it was proposed, seconded and agreed by all that these were a true record of the proceedings and the Minutes were signed by the Mayor.

Matters Arising

(a)  Min. 5(a) overgrown vegetation on footpath at Nidd Walk : it was noted that this had now been cut back.

(b)  Min. 13(d) Mayor’s Christmas card competition : the Mayor had obtained two quotes for the work, but would like to obtain another one before the next meeting.

(c)  Min. 15 track between Sandy Lane and the Raikes : the Caretaker had traditionally cleared this lane (Nettle Lane) and the Clerk had asked him to do so again as soon as possible.

(d)  Min. 11(d) Glasshouses Play Area: although not on the Agenda, Cllr Leggett wished to bring to everyone’s attention discussions he and the Clerk had had with the Caretaker about the netting behind the goalposts. The Caretaker did not feel that the green stock fencing identified was suitable for the job as it might present a Health & Safety issue if children tried to climb it, and he suggested that the usual type of netting be used; this would cost £105 rather than the £57 cost of the green stock fencing. Cllr Leggett had taken his advice and the decision was approved by the councillors present.

Planning Matters

(a)  Applications to Harrogate Borough Council

(i)  DCPARISH 6.49.401.A.FUL 13/03266/FUL Erection of a pitched porch roof, formation of parking area and alteration to access at 6 The Avenue, Pateley Bridge HG3 5NS for Mr P Cockburn. No objections.

(b)  Decisions by Harrogate Borough Council : the following were noted:

(i)  DCPEFULZ 13/02524/FUL Erection of a first floor extension and installation of 2 roof lights at The Culvert, Old Church Lane, Pateley Bridge HG3 5LY for Mr & Mrs Sims. Granted subject to conditions.

(ii)  DCPEFULZ 13/02609/FUL Erection of a single storey extension and 1 dormer window and alterations to all existing windows and 1 door (revised scheme) at 7 Bishop Way, Pateley Bridge HG3 5LH for Mr & Mrs Broadley. Granted subject to conditions.

(iii)  DCPEFULZ 13/01343/FUL Erection of two storey and single storey extension at Broomfield Farm, Wath Road, Pateley Bridge HG3 5PL for MrJMawer. Granted Subject to conditions.

(iv)  DCREFULZ 13/02135/FUL Erection of a first floor extension and the installation of 2 roof lights (revised scheme) at 9 Albert Terrace, Glasshouses, HG3 5QN for Mr F Holland. Application Refused.

(c)  Enforcement matters :

(i)  Update on various outstanding cases: the Clerk had asked HBC for these and had been told that due to staff shortages, decision notices had not been sent out. These are listed from (iii) below.

(ii)  ENPCCOM 12/03507/FUL 13/00366/PR15 Replacement outbuildings bigger than approved causing access problems, at Grove Garth Cottage, Fellbeck HG3 5EN. The site had been inspected by the Enforcement Officer, who had noted that the building had been erected on the whole in accordance with the approved plans, and that the changes made were considered minor, resulting in no planning harm; neither was there any condition in the original permission that would have prevented these changes at a later date.

(iii)  Case No 13/00036/PR15 Planning Ref 12/04305/FUL Erection of 4 sheds adjacent to static caravan at Tiplady Farm, Blazefield HG3 5DN: as no information had been supplied by the complainant as to when the sheds were erected and the owner had claimed four years in situ, these were considered lawful due to passage of time, and case closed.

(iv)  Case No 13/00046/PR15 Planning Ref 11/00710/FUL development not in accord with approved plans, breach of Condition 2 at Dukes House, Sandy Lane, Glasshouses HG3 5DT: currently being considered for a further planning application by the Case Officer.

(v)  Case No 13/00059/PR15 Installation of chimney at The Old Courthouse, Church Street, Pateley Bridge: chimney now reduced to a level at which it does not require planning consent, and case closed.

(vi)  Case No 13/00145/PR15 Development not in accord with approved plans at Nidd Valley Autos, Church Street, Pateley Bridge: development completed as authorised, so no breach of planning control and case closed.

(vii)  Case No 13/00236/PR15 Access and gate not in accord with approved details on land comprising field at 417700 464770, Sandy Lane, Glasshouses: although materially different from that approved, did not result in a significant detriment in planning terms, therefore no further action to be taken.

(viii)  Case No 13/00296/ADVERT Erection of huge projecting sign at Kings House, 15 High Street, Pateley Bridge HG3 5AP: Enforcement Dept would take formal action if the sign is not removed.

(ix)  Case No 13/00337/PR15 Erection of pebble dash shed at 23A Greenwood Avenue, Pateley Bridge HG3 5LS: the owner has been advised that planning permission will be required, and currently not acceptable to the planning department due to siting and materials used.

(d)  Appeals

(i)  APCDEREP 13/00036/REFPP 6.49.676.FUL Erection of attached dwelling at 4 Glencoe Terrace, Sandy Lane, Glasshouses, HG3 5DU for MrMrsHarrison. Appeal dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate.

(e)  NYCC – update on A-board at Knowle House, Fellbeck. (Min 8(c) of Minutes of 2April 2013 refers). Earlier in the year NYCC had advised the business owner to remove the sign; the Inspector intended to visit the property again that week and would issue a formal notice to remove, if it was again in situ.

7  Correspondence

(a)  Invitation from the Royal British Legion to the Remembrance Day Parade: the Mayor and several councillors would attend this; it was noted that the Legion had organised a wreath for the Council and the Clerk was asked to find out from the Crown Inn if they were happy to provide coffee afterwards as usual.

(b)  Email from Glasshouses School to say that they had raised money for a new bench on the Green from their non-uniform day : the Pupils had very kindly donated the £22.95 raised on their non-uniform day towards the cost of the new bench on Glasshouses Green. The Clerk to write a letter of thanks to the pupils; she pointed out that as the bench had already been paid for by a combination of a grant from the Mayor’s Fund, Commuted Sums and the Glasshouses Village Association, this money was available for expenditure on the Green and all suggestions were welcome.

(c)  Agenda for the YLCA branch meeting on 7 October : noted and available for the Clerk and Councillors planning to attend.

(d)  Update from HBC on Southlands car park – weeds and litter picking : the Operations Manager of Parking Services at HBC had emailed to say that the car park had been weeded in July; due to recent weather conditions, weeds were growing as fast as they could be removed, but she hoped it would settle down after the weeding scheduled to take place in September. She also confirmed that litter picking was done three times a week by the Civil Enforcement Team and asked the Council to let her know if it was not being done, including dates and if possible photos, so that she could pursue the matter.

(e)  Email from Parks and Open Spaces at HBC re play area grants : grants of up to the value of £5,000 were available to improve children’s play areas, but if bodies had previously been in receipt of grants, they would be unlikely to receive funding again. Pateley Bridge had received a grant in the previous year, and as there were no pressing needs for new play equipment, it was decided not to apply on this occasion.

(f)  Invitation to LEADER Local Action Group event on 16 October : the Clerk had booked two places at this event, for herself and the Mayor. There was to be a national update of the LEADER programme, workshops on local needs, and the results of the Evaluation of the programme in the Yorkshire Dales.

(g)  Invitation from HBC to Rural Housing Day on 26 September: noted.

(h)  HBC Council Budget 2014-15 and Corporate Priorities Consultation : the Clerk to circulate this via email to all councillors.

Council Business

(a)  Declaration of Pecuniary Interests : postponed until all Councillors present.

(b)  Vandalism at Bus Terminus – update : the day after the Council meeting on 3September, a quote of no more than £250 for repair works had been received, and councillors had approved this via email or telephone, so that the work could start forthwith. However, it was then discovered that the dislodged mullion was cracked underground and a new one had had to be ordered which delayed commencement of the work. It was agreed that the repair costs would be funded out of an amount of money (£335) held since 2010 after damage to the bus shelter by a delivery wagon and received from NYCC, who although not responsible for maintenance had been keen for the repairs to be carried out; although the repairs had eventually been paid for by the delivery driver’s employer, NYCC had refused the offer of a refund from the Council, on the proviso that the money was spent on future maintenance.

In the meantime, the Police had provided a crime number and were going to pursue the matter.

Reports from Committees

(a)  Safer Neighbourhoods – meeting on 4 September 2013 : this had been attended by the Manager of the local Ambulance Service who had offered to attend a Council meeting to answer questions. The Clerk to invite him and to include representatives from Bewerley and Upper Nidderdale Parish Councils.

(b)  Upper Nidderdale Landscape Partnership Scheme : Cllr Leggett circulated a summary of the Draft Project Plan. The Council was required to formally sign a Partnership Agreement to indicate that the Council supports the Plan and this would return to the Agenda before the next board meeting on 9 November. Of particular interest to the Council had been a presentation by a Consultant engaged to assess the Interpretative Plan. He had identified several areas for improvement, namely the signs to the Tourist Information Office, signage to car parks and the interpretation boards situated at the car parks. It had been noted that the interpretation boards were degrading and could present a Health & Safety issue and costs should be ascertained for replacement or repair. Following damage to the finger posts, it was suggested that any corrections and repair should be a job for the Caretaker next month.

10  Exchange of Information

(a)  YLCA Information Notes for September : noted.

(b)  Briefing from NYCC on their Extra Care Housing projects : it was noted that Pateley Bridge was in the third phase of these plans. To return to the Agenda when County Cllr Fort would be in attendance.

(c)  Harrogate and Ripon CVS – e-bulletin of 5 September 2013 : it was noted that this was always a good source of information about funding bodies.

(d)  Duck Race : the Clerk said that the Caretaker had kindly donated his winnings to the Millennium Green Trust.

(e)  Estate Agents’ Boards on Ripley Bank : Cllr Jefferson brought this to the attention of the Council and the Clerk was asked to follow it up.

(f)  Allotments : it had been reported that allotment holders had held a bonfire on the green lane to the north of the site and had been chopping down branches from trees on Sandy Lane. As this was outside the curtilege of the site, the Clerk was asked to write to their Secretary to remind them of the terms of their tenancy agreement.

(g)  Several councillors had inspected the public toilets and agreed that maintenance was very poor. Copies of emails from visitors complaining about the toilets to be forwarded to HBC and copies given to Cllr Leggett so that he could read them out to the Chief Executive of HBC at the next branch meeting of the YLCA.

11  Parishioners’ Representations: none

12  Dates of next meetings

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 01 October 2013

The following meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 15 October 2013

The meeting on the 15 October will be preceded by a meeting of the Finance Working Group to monitor expenditure against the budget, and followed by a meeting of the Mayoral Committee to start planning the Mayor’s Ball 2014.