After Care Instructions – Crowns & Bridges

Initial Treatment

During your first visit for crown or bridge treatment, a temporary restoration was placed on your tooth while the laboratory finishes the final restoration. This temporary serves to protect the tooth in the interim period. Sometimes the temporary may come off. If this happens, save the temporary, apply some vaseline mixed with a small amount of corn starch into the temporary and place the restoration back on the tooth. Call our office to set up a time to recement the temporary.

The gum tissue at the injection site, treatment site, and rubber dam clamp site may be sore for several days. This is a normal and transient response.

You may experience sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. This is also a normal and transient response to the procedure.

Avoid eating sticky foods or very chewy/crunchy foods while the temporary is in place.

Continue normal brushing and flossing throughout your entire mouth.

Final Visit

During this visit the final restoration is cemented in place. Your bite may feel slightly different, but if it feels uneven call our office. An adjustment may be needed. You may also experience some sensitivity to hot/cold following the cementation process. This is normal and usually transient. If sensitivity worsens or does not get any better after a few days, please call our office. Dr. Hansen may need to see you.

Please use care immediately following treatment. The area may be numb for several hours and trauma to the cheeks, lips and tongue is possible.

After Care Instructions – Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are completely set upon treatment. Regular eating and drinking is permissible immediately.

The gum tissue at the injection site, treatment site, and rubber dam clamp site may be sore for several days. This is a normal and transient response.

You may also experience some hot/cold sensitivity in the area for a few days. This is also normal. If sensitivity worsens or does not get any better after a few days, please call our office. Dr. Hansen may need to see you.

You may continue your normal brushing and flossing routine immediately after treatment.

Please use care immediately following treatment. The area may be numb for several hours and trauma to the cheeks, lips and tongue is possible.

After Care Instructions – Root Canal Treatment

Initial Visit

Sensitivity to pressure or hot/cold following treatment is not uncommon. If you experience any swelling call our office. Dr. Hansen may need to see you.

A temporary filling to seal the tooth was placed. If it falls out completely, call our office to set up time to replace it.

Over the counter pain medication will relieve any discomfort in a majority of cases. If it is not effective, call our office and Dr. Hansen will write a prescription as needed.

Antibiotics may have been prescribed. Take the medication as prescribed until all of it is gone. Resistant bacteria may be created if the medication regimen is not followed.

Final Visit

Root canal treatment has been completed at this appointment. The nerve and blood vessels have been removed and an appropriate filling material has been placed. The tooth is now at a greater risk of fracture and a final restoration/crown needs to be placed as soon as possible.

Over the counter pain medication will relieve any discomfort in a majority of cases. If it is not effective, call our office and Dr. Hansen will write a prescription as needed.

Antibiotics may have been prescribed. Take the medication as prescribed until all of it is gone. Resistant bacteria may be created if the medication regimen is not followed.

Please use care immediately following treatment. The area may be numb for several hours and trauma to the cheeks, lips and tongue is possible.