Dear Colleagues,

We look forward to welcoming you to St Catherine’s on Thursday 10th March for the Surrey Schools U12 Lacrosse Tournament. In order for the day to run as smoothly as possible and for the school to continue to function without disruption, there are a few guidelines that we would like you to follow. Please would you pass on the information to your pupils, too, where applicable. Thank you.

·  There will be parking for mini-buses. There is limited parking for cars on site. Please avoid street parking on Station Road (the road directly outside the school) and other local roads as this will disrupt the local residents.

·  Please do not arrive before 11.15am

·  There will be no parking for coaches on site. This includes street parking on Station Road (the road directly outside the school). There is however a layby for coach parking if needed, on the A281 just up from the School towards Guildford, with refreshment caravan etc. Please drop the girls off within the school grounds and then park coaches in the lay-by

·  Could you please inform all visitors that dogs are not encouraged to be on the school grounds but should you bring a dog, please keep the dog on a lead at all times and you are asked to respect the school grounds by clearing up any dog mess. Please also note that this is also a non-smoking site.

·  Visitors are welcome to attend the St Cat’s café, if they wish to purchase some refreshments and cold snacks. Opening time from 11:30pm.

Please could you remind your girls that:

Ø  The toilets that may be used by visiting teams and spectators are signposted and they are all within the Anniversary Halls. Spectators with clean footwear may use the front entrance but players MUST use the back entrance.

Ø  Please remind all girls that they MUST remove their boots before entering any building.

Ø  Please could you bring with you a bin-bag for all rubbish. Please ensure that the girls remove all rubbish at the end of the day.

ü  First aid bags, bibs, GK kit and lacrosse balls, should please be provided by your school.

ü  We are sure you will understand that St Catherine’s can take no responsibility for the loss/damage of property on the day and that St Catherine’s accepts no responsibility for personal injury.

Thank you,

Kind Regards

Vic Alexander

Director of Sport

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