Psychology 110 Course Evaluation: Winter, 2008

I. Lectures and other class time.

1. Which three class sessions stand out in your mind as most valuable or stimulating?

[please list topics, not dates]




2. Which three class sessions stand out in your mind as least valuable or stimulating?




3. What specific comments or suggestions do you have for improving class time? Consider the instructor's presentational style, the clarity and organization of class presentations, the amount and difficulty of the material covered in class, the relationship of the class material to the readings and assignments, and anything else you think may be relevant to the quality of your experience during course meeting times.

II. Readings and assignments.

  1. Please rate each of the following books and additional readings in terms of their contribution to your understanding of the material we covered. Don't hesitate to add any comments on the value of each.

Extremely Valuable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at All Valuable

____ a. Gleitman, Psychology.

____ b. DeNeve, Happy as an extraverted clam?

____ c. Sabini & Silver, Moralities of everyday life.

____ d. Skinner, Why we are not acting to save the world.

____ e. Styron, Darkness Visible.

____ f. Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.

____ g. Norenzayan & Nisbett, Culture and Causal Cognition.

____ h. Neisser on John Dean’s memory.

  1. Use the following scale:

Extremely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at All

5. Please rate the midterm examinations (and add any comments about them).

____ a. How fair was the coverage of the midterm examinations?

____ b. How fair was the grading of the midterm examinations?

6. ____ How helpful was the course assistant (Ayla)? Comments and suggestions:

7. ____ How valuable and interesting was the research module on personality and happiness?

Please generate a quick list of two things you learned from the research module on personality and happiness, where you were asked to complete a statistical analysis of the relationship between two variables in the data set:



8. ____ How valuable and interesting was the research module on correspondence bias?

Please generate a quick list of two things you learned from the research module on correspondence bias, where you participated in an experiment, saw the outcome of that experiment, reviewed the findings of other studies on correspondence bias, and designed a study to investigate a question about correspondence bias:



9. Please rate the course using the above scale, where 1 = a positive rating and 7 = a negative one.

____ a. your overall evaluation of this course.

____ b. your overall evaluation of how well the instructor performed in this course. Add comments:

10. Psychology and scientific reasoning. These are simply opinion and self-assessment

statements. Please use the following scale when completing your ratings:

Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Disagree

____ a. I consider psychology a science.

____ b. This course has taught me how to think critically about research claims in psychology.

____ c. This course has taught me how to structure a research investigation in psychology.

____ d. This course has taught me how data are analyzed statistically in psychology.

____ e. This course has taught me how computers are used in research in psychology.

____ f. This course has taught me how research is conducted in psychology.

____ g. This course has increased my interest in learning about how to conduct research

in psychology.