At the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, held on Monday, April 6, 2015, with Budget Session beginning at 3:30 P.M., Closed Session beginning at the 4:00 P.M. and Regular Session beginning at 6:00 P.M., at the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.

Present Peggy R. Wiley, Chairman

Michael W. Ferguson, Vice-Chairman

James C. Vaughan

Dr. Margaret T. Lee


Chairman Wiley called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M.

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended approval of the budget agenda.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to approve the agenda. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Budget Session

Mr. Whittington stated that there were six or seven budget issues to resolve. He then asked that Ms. Atkins with the CYC to come forward.


In Re: Ms. Atkins - CYC

Ms. Atkins addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that her request was for the maintenance of the pool at the CYC. She stated that the CYC had been successful in operating the pool over the past three summers. She then reviewed the budget handed out to the Board and stated that there were over 700 kids that used the pool over the summer. She further stated that she calculated the percentage of participants that used the pool. There were 36.5% County residents and the remainder that attended was from the City. Ms. Atkins stated that the total cost for this past year was $28,832. Other contributions totaled $8,000, leaving the County percentage of the $19,362, to be $7,067.13. She further stated that requested from the City was 63.4% or $12,275. She stated that in the past, the CYC received significant help from the Greensville Memorial Foundation but now they did not pay for operational costs and salaries so this year the CYC did not have the help it received from the Foundation last year.

Supervisor Ferguson asked if YMCA utilized the pool. Ms. Atkins stated yes. She stated that they utilized the pool for their summer camp program at a cost of $400 over a nine week period. She stated that a list of County and City participants was provided at that time. She stated that they also received support from the Boys and Girls Club if they brought a group over and that Jackson Field Home also utilized the pool. She further stated that the Eleanor Jarrell Church also held camp at the CYC and used the pool.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Dr. Lee, to fund the CYC in the amount of $7,067.13. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.

Ms. Atkins stated that she had spoken with Jeff Robinson regarding a new roof for the building and he stated that the same type of roof could be replaced on the building. She stated that the City stated that if CYC could come up with a plan of operation, it would consider helping with the materials and have the inmates to help with the work. She also stated that the CYC was working on fixing items on the basketball court along with new paving and fixing up the tennis court for utilization. Ms. Atkins then invited the Board of Supervisors to help with clean up day on April 11th from 8:00 to 3:00.


In Re: Four For Life Funds

Mr. Whittington stated that the County received approximately $8,000 in Four For Life funds and historically Greensville County had paid the entire amount to the Greensville Rescue Squad (GVRS). He stated that this year, Staff received a request from the Jarratt Fire Department (JVFD) to give them a portion of the Four For Life funds and that Staff had met with the JVFD Chief a couple of weeks age. He also stated that it was indicated to the Chief that Staff would make a recommendation to the Board to give the JVFD $2,000 and the GVRS $6,000. He further stated that approximately half of the firemen with the JVFD were EMTs but they could not transport patients which was one of the issues discussed. If they provided transportation, the amount could be split on a 50/50 basis.

There was a consensus among the Board of Supervisors to accept Staff’s recommendation.


In Re: Compensation for the Board of Supervisors

Mr. Whittington stated that a consensus had not been reached regarding the compensation for the Board of Supervisors in the upcoming year. He stated that action must be taken during the budgetary process for any change to be effective January 1 of next year. He also stated that there were two options: a 4% increase for each calendar year of the next four year term or institute the entire 16% increase effective January 1, 2016. He also stated that action needed to be taken to approve the payment of internet services for the Board Members for the next four years.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to institute a 4% increase annually over the next four calendar years and to maintain internet service expenditures for the Board of Supervisors. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Southside Regional Jail Authority

Mr. Whittington stated that the Superintendent Karen Craig did not want to meet with Staff until budget information was received from the Compensation Board. He stated that the information may be available around May 1.


In Re: Greensville County Public Schools

Mr. Whittington stated that he and Mrs. Parson met with Dr. Wilson that morning. He stated that she was asking for an additional $800,000 from the City and the County to fund next year’s school budget. He also stated that the Greensville County School Board was requesting the Board of Supervisors and Emporia City Council re-appropriate up to $96,000 of funds remaining from FY2014-FY2015 budget at the close of this fiscal year to pay the cost of having a Comprehensive Facilities Study conducted for Greensville County Public Schools.

There was a consensus to defer action until another meeting was held with Emporia City Council within the next two-three weeks.


In Re: Area Agency on Aging

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff did not have an answer for the Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Parson stated that more information was provided but it did not provide answers to the questions that the Board of Supervisors asked at the last budgetary meeting.


Mr. Whittington stated that Staff was requesting authorization to advertise the Public Hearing for the first meeting in May and approval of the budget at the last meeting in May or the first meeting in June.


In Re: Adjournment

With there being no further budgetary matters to discuss, Supervisor Lee moved, seconded by Supervisor Ferguson, to adjourn the meeting. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Closed Session

Mr. Whittington, County Administrator, stated that Staff recommended the Board go into Closed Session, Section 2.2-3711 (a) 1) Personnel, 3) Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property, 5) Industrial Development and 7) Legal Matters.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to go into Closed Session, as recommended by Staff. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Regular Session

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to go into Regular Session. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Certification of Closed Meeting – Resolution #15-120

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to adopt the following Resolution. A roll call vote was taken, as follows: Supervisor Ferguson, aye; Supervisor Lee, aye; Supervisor Vaughan, aye and Chairman Wiley, aye.



WHEREAS, the Greensville County Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Greensville County Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greensville County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Greensville County Board of Supervisors.


Chairman Wiley recessed the meeting until the Conclusion of the Water and Sewer Authority Meeting.


Chairman Wiley reconvened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. in Regular Session.


In Re: Approval of Agenda

Mr. Whittington, County Administrator, stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to approve the Agenda as submitted. Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Approval of Consent Agenda

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended approval of the Consent Agenda.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended containing the following items . Voting aye: Supervisors Ferguson, Lee, Vaughan and Chairman Wiley.


Minutes from the Meeting of March 16, 2015.


Budgetary Matters consisting of the following: Fund #001 –Journal Voucher #60, in the amount of $325.00, Journal Voucher #62, in the amount of $4,316.00, Budget Amendment Resolution #15-121, in the amount of $107,602.57 and Budget Amendment Resolution #15-122, in the amount of $51,118.00; Fund #012 – Budget Amendment Resolution #15-123, in the amount of $6,994.27; Fund #013 – Budget Amendment Resolution #15-124, in the amount of $90.50 and Fund #018 – Budget Amendment Resolution #15-125, in the amount of $1,928.00, all of which are incorporated herein by reference.



Mr. Whittington stated that the original Accounts Payable amount was $514,652.15 and Staff was requesting a decrease in the Accounts Payable amount by $15,684.00 (a fire allocation payment).

Approval of Accounts Payable for April 6, 2015, in the amount of $498,968.15

Approval of Payroll for March 31, 2015, in the amount of $404,376.01


In Re: Kristen Vaughan, Director of the YMCA

Mrs. Vaughan addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that she had met with Mr. Whittington and Mrs. Parson last month as a representative of CHAT (Community Health Advocacy Team). She stated that CHAT was requesting that the Board of Supervisors adopt the following Resolution that would focus on access to healthy food options for residents of the County. She also stated that if the County approve the Resolution, the County would receive the definition of being a “HEAL County”(Healthy Eating and Active Living) which also included a logo that could be used in any marketing that the County did to promote County events.



WHEREAS, the County of Greensville has the ability to affect the health of its residents; and

WHEREAS, high rates of costly chronic disease among both children and adults are correlated to environments with few or no options for healthy eating and active living; and

WHEREAS, more than half of Virginia’s adults are overweight or obese and therefore at risk for many chronic conditions including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, and hypertension; and

WHEREAS, one in three youth in Virginia is overweight or obese; and

WHEREAS, more children are being diagnosed with diseases linked to overweight and obesity previously seen only in adults, such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease; and

WHEREAS, the current generation of children are expected to have shorter lives than their parents due to the consequences of obesity; and

WHEREAS, obesity takes a tremendous toll on the health and productivity of all Virginians; and

WHEREAS, the annual cost to Virginia – in medical bills, workers compensation and lost productivity – for overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity exceeds $3 billion; and

WHEREAS, teens and adults who consume one or more sodas or sugar sweetened beverages per day are more likely to be overweight or obese; and

WHEREAS, supporting the health of residents and the local workforce would decrease chronic disease and health care costs and increase productivity; and

WHEREAS, the County of Greensville ranks 107 out of 133 in health outcomes and health factors; and

WHEREAS, 34% of the adult population of the County of Greensville is obese; and

WHEREAS, 19% of the population of the County of Greensville is food insecure.

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors does hereby recognize that obesity is a serious public health threat to the health and wellbeing of adults, children and families in the County of Greensville, and a commitment is needed to put healthy choices within reach of all residents. While individual lifestyle changes are necessary, individual effort alone is insufficient to combat obesity’s rising tide. Significant societal and environmental changes are needed to support individual efforts to make healthier choices. To that end, the County of Greensville adopts this Healthy Eating Active Living resolution: