Alki Homeowners Say

NO Cell Towers/Antennas Near Homes

Property values will fall

Your health may be affected with cell town next to your house

Health of kids in Alki Elementary school may be affected !

Alki neighborhood does not need a four story building with 12 cell tower antennas on it !

Dear Seattle DPD,

Re: Project : 3018132

Verizon is planning on adding 12 Cell tower Antennas on top of an apartment building on 61st and Stevens across from the Log House Museum (6023 Stevens Street) in a residential neighborhood in Alki. That’s only four blocks from an elementary school !

As a resident of Alki I am not in favor of these new Cell Tower Antennas and would like you to vote No on the request for a Conditional Use Permit to exceed the height limit in an L-3 Zone.

Your Home’s Value Will Fall -It is a known fact that when a cell tower/cell antennas are built near residential properties, the value of the homes go down, often substantially. These homes are people’s nest eggs.It can’t be overstated how unfair it would be to homeowners to allow these additional cell tower antennas.

Health Risks ? The American Cancer Society says fear that such tower’ radio frequencies could cause cancer or birth defects are not supported by science. But do they really know? They said cigarettes were safe in the 50’s? Do you want to take a chance of 12 cell antennas next to your house?

Risk Of Cell Tower/Antenna Collapse– It happens and it is not far-fetched. Sometimes cell towers collapse. Alki is known as the windiest place in Seattle and these cell towers will make the apartment building 8 feet taller which will make it one of the tallest buildings in Alki and the one most affected by wind. Just this past February 1, 2014, three people were killed when a cell tower collapsed in West Virginia. Watch some videos on this web site :

Risk Of Fire -Sometimes cell towers catch fire. Watch the video on this website of the recent cell tower fire in New Jersey. Watch some videos on this web site :

There Is No Need For This Cell Tower -Verizon has the strongest cellular service in the area and there is no need. Is this really about Verizon Wireless owning more of the wireless data highway that other carriers will be forced to travel on, all designed to increase Verizon’s profits (at your expense). We don’t know, but it should be obvious to anyone who uses Verizon cell service in this area that there is certainly no real need for this tower.

Does Verizon Wireless Deserve A Special Privilege At Your Expense?The current LR3 Zoning in Alki does not permit this. That is why Verizon is asking for a “variance.” Or conditional use permit. Is it fair that Verizon Wireless, should be given a special privilege to allow these 12 additional cell antennas to be placed on the roof of a 3 story building (making it a 4 story building)? Is this what a “variance” to current zoning laws is supposed to be used for?


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