The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Amber Christensen, President presiding.

Roll Call was taken by District Clerk:

Members Present: Amber Christensen, President; Steve Presutti, Vice-President; Fred Grusendorf, Deryle Pinney, Joshua Shannon, Tim Hand, Patrick Johnson

District Personnel Present: Brian Schmitt, Superintendent; Brian Edmister, PK-6 Principal;

Lynn Manning, District Treasurer; Penny Miller, District Clerk

Staff Members: Carol McCarville, Lyn VanTassel, Katy Shaw, Justin Worboys, Linda


Guests: Brian LeBaron, Abby Coombes

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Presentations to the Board:

·  Justin Worboys – New Science Teacher was introduced to the Board.

·  Kathy Shaw – New Special Education Teacher was introduced to the Board.

·  Europe Trip information (April 11-21, 2014) was available for review.

·  Senior Class Trip to Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida April 26 – 29, 2014 information was available for review.

APPROVE MINUTES: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Deryle Pinney - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the Board of Education minutes of the Regular Board Meeting dated September 16, 2013 as submitted.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.


·  Business Office/District Treasurer’s Report was given by Mrs. Manning on the audit and tax collections

ACCEPT WARRANT REPORTS: Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Fred Grusendorf - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School accepts the following Accounts Payable Warrant Reports: General Fund #2, School Lunch Fund #1, Federal Fund #2, Capital Fund #1, Capital Fund #1 (HE 13 Emergency), Capital Fund (HRNV) #2, General Fund #3, Federal Fund #1, School Lunch Fund #2, General Fund #4, Capital Fund HRNV #3, Capital Fund HRNV #4.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

ACCEPT ACTIVITY ACCT. REPORT: Motion made by Deryle Pinney, seconded by Joshua Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School accepts the Extra-Curricular Activity Report dated 8/31/13 as submitted.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

ACCEPT SENIOR STAND REPORT: Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Fred Grusendorf - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School accepts the Senior Stand Report for the July 2013 fair as submitted. (Dr. Schmitt reported on his meeting with Fair Board President Martha Roberts regarding upkeep and contracts of senior stand on fairgrounds).

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE BUDGET TRANSFERS: Motion made by Patrick Johnson, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the following Year End Budget Transfers – 6/30/13:

Reduce and Close Tax Certiorari Reserve - required by law

A864 - Tax Certiorari -$475,000

A864 - Tax Certiorari (new amt.) $100,000

A909 - Fund Balance $375,000

Fully Fund Compensated Absences Reserve

A909 - Fund Balance -$98,248

A867 -Rsv. Compensated Absences $98,248

Fully Fund Rsv. For Retirement Contributions & Repair Reserve

A909 - Fund Balance -$736,443

A827 - Reserve for Retirement Contr. $186,686

A9882 - Repair Reserve $549,757

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the consent agenda items as follows:

1.  Approve first reading of the following Board of Education Policies: #1332, #6220, #6411, #6510, #7212, #7222, #7316, #7512, #7660as submitted.

2.  Declare textbooks and library books as excess items (as per lists) and approve to properly dispose or donate.

3.  Authorize the Superintendent to execute a Memorandum of Agreement with GVEA to clarify the employment details of Dean of Students for the 2013-14 school year

4.  Approve Volunteers for 2013-14 school year: Jocia Mellinger of Angelica under the supervision of Mrs. Wesche and Dawn Baird of Angelica under the supervision of Leslie Keesler (cheerleading).

5.  Approve Lease Agreement with BOCES for Distance Learning Classroom space beginning 7/1/13.

6.  Approve the Overnight Trip Request from Student Government for Grade 8 to Washington, DC & Gettysburg March 7 – 9, 2014.

7.  Appoint Justin Worboys as Chemical Hygiene Officer for 2013-14 school year.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE ONE ELECTION DISTRICT: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School will no longer include two election districts and that effective October 8, 2013 the Genesee Valley Central School election district will be made up of all the areas within the boundaries of the District. Future school elections shall be held at Genesee Valley Central School.

VOTE: Yes 6, No 1 (F.Grusendorf), Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT LT SUBSTITUTE TEACHER AIDE: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Deryle Pinney, seconded by Patrick Johnson - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Heather Hoyer as Long Term Substitute Teacher Aide for the period of September 5 – December 20, 2013 or until no longer needed. Rate of pay shall be the substitute rate of $56 per day, no benefits.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT TEACHER AIDE: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Abby Coombes as Teacher Aide effective October 8, 2013. There is a ten-month probationary period beginning October 8, 2013 and concluding November 7, 2014. The rate of pay shall be in accordance with the CSEA contract. (Replaces Billie Jo Hunt)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT CLEANER: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Nicole Butler as Cleaner effective October 8, 2013. There is a ten-month probationary period beginning October 8, 2013 and concluding August 7, 2014. The rate of pay shall be in accordance with the CSEA contract. (Replaces Kay Snyder)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE SUBSTITUTES: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent - Motion made by Patrick Johnson, seconded by Steve Presutti- BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the following substitutes for the 2013-14 school year:

-  Tom Swarthout of Belmont - substitute cleaner.

-  Joy Caldwell of Belmont – certified substitute teacher in all areas, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Robert Drosendahl of Belmont – substitute cleaner, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Robin Kellogg of Wellsville – substitute cafeteria manager/trainer, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Racheal Winterhalter of Belmont – substitute in areas of teacher aide, cleaner and food service, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Tracy Rogers of Wellsville – substitute in areas of teacher aide, cleaner and food service, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Mary Lois Denner of Wellsville – non-certified substitute teacher in all areas and clerical substitute, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Elizabeth Wolcott of Belmont – non-certified substitute teacher in all areas and cafeteria.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT SUBSTITUTES: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints the following substitutes for the 2013-14 school year, pay as per Board policy:

- Jennifer Aquila of Belmont, NY as substitute in the areas of teacher aide, clerical and food service, pending fingerprint clearance.

- Alexandra Freer of Cuba, NY as certified substitute teacher in all areas, pending fingerprint clearance.

- Jennifer Lombardo of Belmont as substitute in the areas of teacher aide, pending fingerprint clearance.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT 7-12 PRINCIPAL: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Brian LeBaron who holds a Permanent New York State certificate in the School Administrator & Supervisor certification area, to the position of 7-12 Principal in the Principal tenure area for a probationary period of three (3) years, to commence on October 8, 2013 and conclude on October 7, 2016. Salary for the 2013-14 school year shall be $80,000, pro-rated, for this 12 month position. Benefits shall be as per GVAA agreement.

VOTE: Yes 6, No 1 (F.Grusendorf), Abs. 0 Motion carried.

SET STANDARD WORK DAY: Motion made by Deryle Pinney, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School hereby establishes the following as standard work days for appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body:

-  District Treasurer, Lynn Manning, Standard Work Day – 7.5 hours, 7/1/13-6/30/14, 20 days per month.

-  District Clerk, Penny Miller, Standard Work Day – 7.5 hours, 7/1/13-6/30/14, 20 days per month.

-  Internal Claims Auditor, Pamela Winterhalter, Standard Work Day – 7.5 hours, 7/1/13-6/30/14, 20 days per month.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.


Ø  Upcoming Board Meetings:

o  October 28, 2013 – Work Session and Audit Committee (Accept Audit Report) starting at 5:30 p.m. Budget Development will be the topic of the work session.

o  November 18, 2013 – Regular Board of Education Meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Ø  Discussion:

o  Discussion on the NYSBBA convention proposed resolutions.

At this time, Brian Schmitt introduced Brian LeBaron, newly hired 7-12 Principal.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Deryle Pinney - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School suspends the regular order of business at 6:00 p.m. to enter into executive session for the purpose of litigation discussion.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

RESUME BUSINSS: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Deryle Pinney - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School resumes the regular order of business at 6:14 p.m.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Patrick Johnson, seconded by Steve Presutti - BE IT

RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School adjourns the regular meeting at 6:14 p.m.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted:

Penny L. Miller

District Clerk