
united on purpose


‘What the world most needs at this moment is a means of convincing human beings to embrace the whole of the species as their moral community. For this we need to develop an utterly non-sectarian way of talking about the full spectrum of human experience and human aspiration. We need a discourse on ethics and spirituality that is every bit as unconstrained by dogma and cultural prejudice as the discourse of science is’

Sam Harris

Announcing our second regional conference

(Organised by Lancashire Secular Humanists, the Liverpool Humanist Group and Greater Manchester Humanists)

Humanism for a Better World

Friday 2nd November – Sunday 4th November 2012

Preston Masonic Hall, Ashlar House, Saul Street, Preston, PR1 2QU

A few minutes walk from Preston rail and bus stations, off-street parking nearby

There is disabled access throughout the venue

The Conference Objectives are:

•To enrich the knowledge and commitment of new and existing members

•To develop links between local Humanist Groups – particularly those in

the North West

•To develop links with other like-minded groups in the North West

•To help participants move forward in living their lives as Humanists

•To enthuse participants with the message that we have something really

worthwhile to offer

•To helppromote the value of Humanism to the wider public

NWhumanists Second Annual Conference


Friday 2 November:

1900-1930Registration, cash bar

1930-2130Extracts from The Four Horsemen DVD (Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, Hitchens)

Saturday 3 November:

0900-0930Registration, tea and coffee

0930-0940Welcome – Ian Abbott

0940-1100Keynote address – Professor Richard Norman

1100-1120Break, tea and coffee

1120-1220Break-out sessions

1220-1300Plenary discussion

1300-1430Buffet lunch and Conference Fringe

1430-1550Campaigning for a Secular World – Pavan Dhaliwal, BHA head of Public Affairs

1550-1610Break, tea and coffee

1610-1730How Do People Lose Religion? – Professor Callum Brown


1930-2200Conference dinner

After dinner speaker – Martin Poulter

Sunday 4 November:

0900-0930Tea and coffee

0930-1050Learning from Monks? - Julian Baggini

1050-1110Break, tea and coffee

1110-1230Humanist Question Time, chaired by Guy Otten Panellists: Julian Baggini,

Callum Brown, Pavan Dhaliwal, Richard Norman, Martin Poulter

1230-1240Conference close – Ian Abbott

Tickets:£65 including Saturday lunch, conference dinner and refreshments

(£58early bird reduction for bookings received by 28September 2012)

For further information, contact:

John Coss: email: l: 0161-430-3463

Ian Abbott: email: l: 01253-812-308

NWhumanists Second Annual Conference

Booking Form


Ian Abbott

Lancashire Secular Humanists


Hackenstall Road



Tel: 01253-812-308


Please reserve . . . . . place(s) for the NWhumanists 2ndannual conference on 2-4 November 2012.

The conference fee (£58 per personfor early bird bookings received by 28 Sept, thereafter £65 per person) covers refreshments on Saturday and Sunday, including a buffet lunch on the Saturday and the conference dinner.

I enclose a cheque for £ ...... made out to Lancashire Secular Humanists OR

On ...... I made a BACS payment for £ ...... to Lancashire Secular Humanists

A/c No. 21649434 Sort code 100093 (Please give your surname as the reference)

Name ...... email ......

Address ...... Tel ......


...... Post code ......

Names of other participants if you are booking more than one place:


Bookings will be acknowledged by email, with more details of the venue. If you would like acknowledgement by post, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


Please tick the boxes below, as required:

If you would like the vegetarian option for lunch on the Saturday and the □

conference dinner. Please indicate any special dietary requirements:


If you would like information about accommodation□

If you would like information about car parking□