SUSIE Magazine

Writer’s Guidelines

SUSIE Magazine fills a unique niche in the teen market. This 80-page print publication with a strong online component targets young women who may or may not have a faith background. Because our magazine is sold in grocery stores (Kroger, King Sooper and Cub Foods) and bookstores (Barnes & Noble and some Borders) we have a special need for general market content—positive in tone without overt Christian elements (examples: crafts with photos at 300 dpi; beauty routines; ways to decorate your locker; interesting hobbies). We need strong, savvy Christian content as well.

Brio founding Editor Susie Shellenberger launched SUSIE Magazine in May, 2009 after Focus on the Family dropped its teen publications. Although it resembles the former Brio in part, SUSIE has a unique brand and target audience.

Editorial needs include nonfiction and fiction aimed at girls 12-19. Free Freelance submissions accepted to fit content areas All AboutMe (helps reader develop as a person);All About Others (relationships);All About Family (all aspects of family);All About God (intimacy with God), and All About Everything (crafts, humor, challenges, etc.).

Things to Remember when writing for SUSIE Magazine:

•Our staff and freelancers, including Susie Shellenberger, have agreed to donate their time while we grow the magazine. Although you won’t receive payment, you’ll retain rights to your article and receive some great experience and exposure.

•Don’t query. Our small volunteer staff prefers finished articles.

• We use AP (Associated Press) style. Note especially that AP doesn’t use the serial comma (comma after the last item in a series before the conjunction).

• Our style is casual and personal but professional. Feel free to use contractions and occasional sentence fragments, but avoid grammatical and spelling errors.

•We bookend our issues via our listed content areas rather than a set theme or themes. Study a sample issue for examples of how to match article topics to the SUSIE Magazine content areas.

•You’re writing for teens. Think of yourself as a big sister with advice to share—no lectures, no writing “down.” We consider our online sisterhood/SUSIE Magazine readers a giant youth group bonded together by common values, interests, and desires. They’re free to explore new choices and challenges within the context of a higher standard.

•Secular magazines can be a great source of article ideas. Don’t be afraid to borrow an idea from the world and give it the appropriate moral and/or Christian twist. For example, as the founding editor of Brio magazine, Susie learned of a secular magazine with a regular feature, “He Said,” in which a variety of guys shared their opinions. One month, the magazine featured the sexual conquests of several young men. Susie took this idea and began a column that featured guys who reflected Christian standards. The same column runs in SUSIE Magazine as “What He Said.”

SUBMISSIONS: Please email your individual attachments to and label them “FREE FREELANCE.”

Submit everything double-spaced, title on the upper left-hand corner, sub-title underneath title, author name, address, email, phone and word count.


She Was Homeless

Sixteen-year-old Ashley Smith knows firsthand what it’s like to live on the streets.

by Jane Doe

777 Oak Trail

Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Phone: 727.272.7272

Words: 1,894

Thanks for your interest in writing for SUSIE Magazine! We look forward to receiving your work.