ADVANCEDFuture ESL Lesson Plan: Warm-up (Pair Work)

1)What is your favorite science fiction movie about the future?

2)When you were a child, what did you imagine the future would be like?

3)What do you think your life will be like in 2045?

4)Imagine you could live twice as long. How would you use your time?

5)If you had the ability to modify the human body, what changes would you make?

Reading: Kurzweil and the Singularity(April, 2012)

Human civilizationas we know it will end in the year 2045, according to Raymond Kurzweil. This end, or more properly, transition, is known by Kurzweil and other futurists astheSingularity. The Singularity will mark the advent of greater-than-human intelligence. This emergence will be the imminent result of the exponential technological growth of the present and near future. By the mid-2020s, Kurzweil predicts we will successfully reverse engineer the human brain. By 2045, as a result of vast computing power increases and cost reductions, artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence. Beyond this point, labeled the event horizon, future events cannot be predicted with our current means.

Kurzweil’s vision of this transformation is neither dystopian nor utopian. He admits that technologies are double-edged swords, but he ultimately places faith in man. For Kurzweil, despite the increased visibility of negative news due to modern media, historically speaking, the world is getting better and people wiser. Having accepted the unavoidability of technological progress, including the development of artificial intelligence (AI), one aim of the movement is to make the transition tothe future as friendly as possible.

At 62, Kurzweil has a vested interest in the coming of the Singularity: he hopes to have his life extended by it. What’s more, he believes technology will make it possible to bring back his deceased father. Among the medical advances Kurzweil envisions are tiny computerized bots operating inside the body to overcome the deficiencies of the immune system. Concerning entertainment, similar technology would enable us to manipulate our senses (tactile, visual, etc), making virtual entertainment possible. This,for Kurzweil, is a reason why radical life extension wouldnot necessarily entailradicalboredom.

With unmanned military drones in the sky, the world of human knowledge stored in mobile phones in our pockets, and neural implants already in some of our bodies, Kurzweil’s future may not be so far-fetched. The movement is growing and a Singularity University has even been established. The crux of the issue concerns the feasibility of genuine AI. Do Singularitarians underestimate the task of duplicating the human brain? To this question, Kurzweil responds, “I don't believe I'm underestimating the challenge. I think [the critics] are underestimating the power of exponential growth." (370 words)


Future ESL Lesson Plan: Follow-up Questions

1)True or False: Kurzweil believes our world will end in 2045.

2)In your own words, how would you define the Singularity?

3)What is an event horizon?

4)True or False: Kurzweil believes mankind can more or less manage technology.

5)According to Kurzweil, what will help keep us entertained if we live longer?

6)What is the most central issue concerning the Singularity debate?

7)Your Opinion: What did you think of the ideas presented in the article?

Future ESL Lesson Plan: Match the words with their meaning as used in the article.

  1. advent
  2. imminent
  3. exponential
  4. reverse engineer (verb)
  5. dystopia
  6. vested interest
  7. deficiency
  8. tactile
  9. entail (verb)
  10. far-fetched
  11. crux
  12. feasibility
  1. inevitable
  2. improbable; unlikely
  3. the likelihood of sth’s achievement; plausibility
  4. reproduce another product by examining its construction
  5. shortage; inadequacy
  6. a personal reason for wanting sth to happen
  7. increasing at a rate which is faster and faster
  8. connected with the sense of touch
  9. the most important or difficult part of a problem/issue
  10. involve sth that cannot be avoided
  11. an unpleasant place which is the opposite of utopia
  12. the coming of a major event

Master the language: Connect the below ideas to make a sentence. (good for homework)

government / crush / uprising / e.g. The government plans to crush the uprising.
advent / wheel
death / imminent
increase / exponential
reverse engineer / far-fetched
technology / dystopia
Kurzweil / vested interest
deficiency / humans
tactile / sensation
astronaut / entail
crux / matter
feasibility / immortality

Future ESL Lesson Plan: Technology Predictions (Pair Work)

Discuss which of the below items you think will exist in the future. Add more items to the list if you can.

  • Time travel
  • Telekinesis
  • Cloning of extinct species
  • Underwater cities
  • A cure for cancer
  • Classrooms without chalkboards
  • Interactive clothing or invisibility
  • Other: ………………………
  • Other: ………………………
  • Other: ………………………

Future ESL Lesson Plan: Artificial Intelligence Debate (Pair Work)

Premise 1: Humanity is becoming wiser.

Premise 2: Wiser humans can develop and utilize AI responsibly.

Conclusion: Therefore, AI should be developed.

Student A: / You support this argument. Spend 1-2 minutes thinking of reasons to back up the conclusion. When ready, you may start.
Student B: / You oppose this argument. Spend 1-2 minutes thinking of reasons to refute the conclusion. Your partner will start when he/she is ready.

Future ESL Lesson Plan: Twenty Questions Game

Choose a student in the class to be the robot. The robot must then think of a subject without telling the others. The other students must then put questions to the robot to reveal the subject. The robot can only answer in “Yes or No” form. The objective of the questioners is to deduce the subject in 20 questions or fewer. Note that carefully selected questions will greatly increase the odds of success.

Future ESL Lesson Plan: Discussion Questions

1)Resources: If people live longer, it would follow that Earth would need more resources. Kurzweil believes that technology can extend resources. Do you share his optimism?

2)Criticism: is the Singularity a Frankenstein-like attempt by man at playing God?

3)Exponential Growth: is technological progress really accelerating exponentially?

4)How would you live if the Internet went down for a month?

5)How do you think human civilization will ultimately end?


Lesson plan copyright Matthew Barton of

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