Recovery Advisory Committee

Minutes from 1/12/17 Meeting

1)Introductions- Introduction of new RAC member KR. RAC votes on new membership. KR approved as new member of RAC.

2)Approval of mins- Mins from last meeting reviewed. Motion made to approve. No changes recommended. Mins from last meeting approved.

3)Current CCS Enrollment Numbers- Milwaukee County CCS is currently serving 523 consumers. This includes one youth member. Milwaukee County CCS continues to meet internally with BHD’s Child Services-Wraparound Department to develop plan and implement plan for youth services expansion and outreach. RAC updated re: these efforts.

4)Consumer participation we need more participants and referrals due to our declining numbers- Discussion regarding declining numbers in consistent consumer participation in the RAC and the need to recruit more consumers to support the role and function of the RAC. CARS recently hosted a large Person-Centered Planning Training for providers and consumer. Consumer representation was very good and the RAC was presented to consumers that attended the meeting. Several consumers expressed interest in joining the RAC and were provided with application and membership information. Recruitment efforts to continue via marketing through care coordination teams, outreach events, orientation materials, etc. The RAC would also like to begin inviting CCS consumers to participate and provide feedback re: operation of the program and needed improvements during future committee meetings. Will work to coordinate with Peer Support specialists to access consumers and ensure that they have the opportunity to directly provide feedback to the RAC committee. One care coordinator or Peer Support Specialist and one ancillary provider (with no connection to consumer that attends to avoid conflict of interest) will be invited to attend each RAC meeting to provide their personal feedback re: programmatic improvements.

5)RAC Leadership Needs and Commitment- Discussion re: inconsistent leadership issues. Committee decides that it is in the best interest of the committee to have a standing agenda and to add agenda items as it is necessary. This is being recommended due to the historic challenges of maintaining a standing agenda setting meeting. Standing agenda created with the committee. KY has consistently served as primary leader (chair) on the RAC and it was agreed upon that this is a large task for someone to maintain independently. As a result, KY nominated DW to co-chair the committee. Motion made to approve co-chair appointment of DW. Motion approved.

6)Report from the CCS Consumer Orientation subcommittee

  1. Provider Directory- care coordination team and consumer feedback is that the CCS Provider Directory is too large and difficult to pinpoint what services are available. The CCS Orientation Subcommittee will meet today to discuss restructuring ideas, and in collaboration with CCS Service Manager TL, will work to revamp the Provider Directory so it is more useful for consumers and care coordinators
  2. Frequently Asked CCS Questions Document will be created to stream line important CCS concepts for consumers. This document will be provided and reviewed with consumers during intake into the program (and ongoing)
  3. Other documents to support consumers with their involvement in CCS to be provided to care coordinators for distribution and review at intake and ongoing. These documents will be determined by the CCS Orientation Subcommittee today and will be distributed to the care coordination teams in the near future for distribution
  4. In person CCS orientation will be piloted in Fall 2017.

7)Feedback on Jingle Mingle, Person Centered Planning workshop. Excellent turn out and participation from providers and consumers during both events. Updates provided to RAC.