Douglas Adams

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

u n k n o w n w o r d s

irritable / razdražljiv (adj) / blearily / zamegljeno (adv)
capable of being irritated, easily exasperated or exited, responsive to stimuli (he was irritable) / poorly outlined or defined, tired to the point of exhaustion (he woke up blearily…)
kettle / kotliček, čajnik (n) / vaguely / nejasno (adv)
a metallic vessel for boiling liquids (he looked into…) / not clearly expressed (he vaguely remembered…)
racial / plemenski, rasen (adj) / ancestry / predniki, rodovnik (n)
relating to or based on a race, exsisting or occurring between races (…as a racial…) / honorable, noble or aristocratic descent
(his ancestry…)
derisive / zasmehljiv (adj) / appallingly / prestrašeno (adv)
expressing or causing derision
He was derisive. / inspiring horror, dismay or disgust
fiver / račun (n) / hefty / močen, mišičast (adv)
a dollar bill
A dollar bill. / marked by bigness, bulk and strenght
He was hefty.
involuntarily / neprostovoljno (adv) / stranded / ostati brez sredstev(n)
not done of one‘s own free will
when you talk to him, your eyes begin involuntarily… / land at the edge of a body of water
it's a long time to get stranded
rove / klatežki (adj) / squinting / škilavo (adj)
to wander about
he was a roving researcher / designating a modifier
he looked up and squinting into the Sun
squat / počepniti (vb) / astonish / osupniti (vb)
to crouch so as to sit on the heels
suddenly he squatted down beside Arthur / to fill with sudden wonder or great surprise
he was astonished to find…
potty / čudno (adv) / substantially / bistveno, stvarno(adv)
a small chamber pot for a child
it sounded pretty potty / of or having substance
as soon as he realized, that he isn't a substantially…
awkwardly / nerodno (adv) / eyelids / veke (n)
not having grace or skill
he awkwardly sat down in the mud / either of the two movable folds
pricks of water behind his eyelids
kidneys / ledvice (n) / sarcasm / zbadljivost (n)
a pair of glandular organs
a pair of Dingo's kidneys / a taunting, sneering, cutting, or caustic remark
They don't have sarcasm on Betelgeuse
wanly / vprašljivo (adv) / shrugged / skomignil (vb)
he smiled wanly… / to draw up (the shoulders)
…and he shrugged
swift / hiter (adj) / grin / režati (vb)
moving or capable of moving with great speed
did a swift… / to smile broadly
a man grinned…
nod / kimati (vb) / vicinity / soseščina (n)
to bend the head forward
…and he nodded happily / the state of being near or close by
in the vicinity…
oblivious / pozabljiv (adj) / independent / neodvisen (adj)
causing forgetfulness
the planet was oblivious of their presence / free from the influence
…an independent hitch hiker…
struggling / skomigal (vb) / tongue / jezik (n)
to make great efforts or attempts
Arthur, struggling stought… / the movable muscular structure

Ford clicked his tongue

murmur / mrmrati (vb) / reel / zamotati, zvrteti (vb)
a low, indistinct, continuous sound
filtered trough the murmur / to give way or fall back
the barman reeled for a moment
racous / gromozansko (adj) / blasphemy / neozirajoče (adv)
a man with a racous laugh / any remark or action held to be irreverent
blasphemy against nature
ghastly / bled, grozen (adv) / archipelago / otočje (n)
horrible; frightful
there was a terrible, ghastly silence… / a sea with many islands
the only archipelago of the planet
anachronism / čas. neskladnost (n) / shrill / vreščati (vb)
anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time
it is now an anachronism / having or producing a high, thin, piercing tone
he sang a song shriller…
skid / zdrsniti (vb) / gesture / gesta, kretnja (n)
he act of skidding
wide skidding turns / a movement
his every gesture through
fold / zložiti (vb) / bear / prenašati (vb)
to bend or press (something)
And slowly folded itself down. / to hold and take along
Finally he could bear it no more.
rectify / popraviti (vb) / blunder / zmota (n)
to put or set right
AS they were able to rectify the grroser. / to make a foolish or stupid mistake
to make up for their earlier blunder.
slender / vitek, suh (adj) / loom / težiti (vb)
small in width as compared with the length or height
Aspiring trees of breathtaking slenderness. / to weave on a loom
He loomed and leaped.
leap / skok (n) / whiff / pihljaj (n)
to move suddenly or swiftly
He loomed and leaped. / a light puff or gust of air or wind
Ford Perfect was not now a whiff of hydrogen…
hydrogen / vodik (n) / flop / padec (n)
a flammable, colorless, odorless, gaseous chemical el.
Ford Perfect was not now a whiff of hydrogen… / to flap, strike, throw, or cause to drop noisily, clumsily
He flopped as heavily as he could.
unveil / sneti (vb) / galley / galeja (n)
to take off a veil or covering
At this moment being unveiled. / a long, low, usually single-decked ship
It was the door from the galley.
struggle / skomigal (vb) / tongue / jezik (n)
to make great efforts or attempts
Arthur struggled and laugh. / the movable muscular structure attached to the floor of the mouth

Ford clicked his tongue.

squalid / umazan (adj) / teaser / nagajivec (n)
foul or unclean
It's a bit squalid, isn't it? / an annoying or puzzling person
I got lift witha a teaser
buzz / brneti (vb) / interstellar / medzvezden (adj)
to make a sound like that of a prolonged z
Teasers buzz planets. / between or among the stars
They look for planets which haven't been interstellar.
gargle / grgrati (vb) / refit / obnoviti (vb)
to rinse or wash (the throat)
He was still listening to the howling gargles. / to make or be made ready or fit for use again
We will stay in dock for 27 hour refit.
navel / popek (n) / conscious / zaveden (adv)
the small scar, usually a depression in the middle of the abdomen
… and left him sliding into his own navel. / having a feeling or knowledge (of one‘s own sensations, feelings, etc.)
…matrix formed by combining the conscious…
groan / vzdihovati (vb) / nauseate / zagnusiti (vb)
to utter a deep sound expressing pain, distress…
Arthur left out a low groan. / to cause to feel nausea
Vision through his nauseated mind.
prod / zbosti (vb) / grasp / pograbiti (vb)
to jab or poke with or as with a pointed stick
He prodded his feelings by thinking. / to take hold of firmly with or as with the hand or arms
He couldn't grasp it.
chat / pogovor (n) / trug / košara (n)
informal talk or conversation
'OK', chatted computer. / broad, shallow, wooden gardener‘s basket
Marvin trudged down the corridor, stil moaning.
moan / ječanje (vb) / corridor / hodnik (n)
a complaint; lamentation
Marvin trudged down the corridor, stil moaning. / a long passageway or hall
Marvin trudged down the corridor, stil moaning.
mimic / oponašavec (n) / impatiently / nemirno (adv)
inclined to copy; imitative
Do we go through, mimicked Marvin. / feeling or showing a lack of patience
'Well?', said Ford impatiently.
thorax / prsni koš (n) / funereal / žalosten (adv)
the part of the body cavity from the neck or head to the abdomen, containing the heart
deep in Marvin's thorax. / of or suitable for a funeral; esp., sad and solemn;
Funny, he intoned funereally.
intone / intonirati (vb) / alien / nezemljan (n)
to utter or recite in a singing tone or in prolonged monotones
Funny, he intoned funereally. / belonging to another country or people
Do you want to see an alien?
preoccupied / zamišljen (adj) / thoroughly / temeljito (adv)
previously or already occupied
It seemed to be thoroughly preoccupied. / that is completely (the thing specified)
It seemed to be thoroughly preoccupied.
remark / opomba (n) / demand / zahtevati (vb)
to notice; observe
This remark threw Ford Perfect off his. / to ask for boldly or urgently
Arthur damanded tea.
jab / zbodljaj (n) / deterred / zastraševan (adj)
to poke or thrust, as with a sharp instrument
He jabbed a gum sharply. / o keep or discourage (a person, group, or nation) from doing something
Arthur would not be deterred.
breezy / predrzen (adj) / briefly / mimogrede (adv)
with breezes blowing; slightly windy
'No,no of course not', said Zaphod breezily. / of short duration or extent
I may have just dropped in briefly, on may way somewhere.
devastatingly / opustošeno (adv) / glaring / strmeč (adj)
to lay waste; make desolate; ravage
She was devastatingly intelligent. / shining with a too bright, dazzling light
'Yes?, said Arthur, glaring at him.
brick / opeka (n) / improbability / neverjetnost (adj)
a substance made from clay molded into oblong blocks
It settled on him like a ton of bricks. / not probable; not likely to happen or be true
Should we use the improbability drive?
improbability drive / neverjetnostni pogon / volition / volja (n)
Should we use the improbability drive? / the act of using the will
Not of their own volition.
faintly / komaj (adv) / impatiently / nemirno (adv)
without strength; weak; feeble
Though, there seemed to be something faintly odd. / feeling or showing a lack of patience
'Any thing?', said Arthur impatiently.
thorax / prsni koš (n) / frankly / odkritost (n)
the part of the body cavity from the neck or head to the abdomen, containing the heart
It was deep in Ford's thorax. / to be frank; in truth
The act that he had become president of the galaxy was frankly astonishing.
hunchy / grbav (adj) / vitriolic / ujedljiv (adj)
a hump
He was suprised to see two hunchy figures over the instruments. / extremely biting or caustic; sharp and bitter
He couldn't think of anything vitriolic enough.
enthuse / navdušiti (vb) / nauseate / zagnusiti (vb)
to express enthusiasm
'Hi gang!' enthused the computer. / to cause to feel nausea
There was a vision through his nauseated mind.
imitative / oponašavec (n) / nebula / meglica (n)
inclined to copy; mimic
Marvin is very imitative. / a small, cloudy opacity on the cornea
Inside the dark nebula is the only place you'd see a dark screen.
glow / sijati (vb) / crescent / naraščajoč (adj)
to give off a bright light as a result of great heat
Then the brightness glowed at the edge of the screen. / increasing; growing
It developed in crescent.
prod / zbosti (vb) / funereal / žalosten (adv)
to jab or poke with or as with a pointed stick
He prodded Marvin and woke him up. / of or suitable for a funeral; esp., sad and solemn;
His voice sounded funereally.
vast / obsežen (adj) / merchant / veletrgovec (n)
very great in size
Then a vast crescent sliced into the corner. / a person whose business is buying and selling goods for profit
And for all the richest and most important merchants.
groan / vzdihovati (vb) / labour / trud (n)
to utter a deep sound expressing pain, distress…
Ford groaned sadly. / physical or mental exertion
It disturbed only scholars as they laboured into night.
obscurity / nejastnost (n) / grasp / pograbiti (vb)
the quality or condition of being obscure
And its memory soon passed into the obscurity of legend. / to take hold of firmly with or as with the hand or arms
But, he couldn't grasp it.
inquiringly / sprašujoče (adv) / burble / klokotati (vb)
to seek information; ask a question or questions
Arthur looked inquiringly at Trillian. / to make a gurgling or bubbling sound
'A real pleasure feller,' he burbled.
tickertape / vstopnice (n) / lump / kup (n)
…punching out more tickertape. / It's just that I wouldn't know Margarethea from any other lump of cold rocks.
fidgety / nemiren (adj) / utter / popoln (adj)
nervous; uneasy
Zaphod was fidgety with excitment. / complete; total
Out of the utter blackness stabbed a point of blinding light.
stab / zbodljaj (n) / blaze / blesk (n)
a wound made by piercing with a knife, dagger, or other pointed weapon
Out of the utter blackness stabbed a point of blinding light. / a brilliant mass or burst of flame; strongly burning fire
The suns blazed into a pitch of space.
fairly / pošteno (adv) / shaky / tresoč (adv)
clearly; distinctly
After a fairly shaky start to the day. / not firm, substantial, or secure; weak, unsound, or unsteady, as a structure, belief
After a fairly shaky start to the day.
fragment / delec (n) / metabolism / presnova (n)
a part broken away from a whole
Reassemble itself from the shellshocked fragments. / chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living
A spoctroscopic analisys of the subject's metabolism.
reviving / oživitev (n) / courteous / vljuden (n)
to come or bring back to life
He drank the liquid and found it reviving. / polite and gracious; considerate toward others
The voice was old, courteus, almost charming.
polystyrene / polimer (n) / chirp / čivkati (vb)
a tough, clear, colorless plastic material, a polymer of styrene
It was showering the crew with bits of expanded polystyrene. / to make the short, shrill sound of some birds or insects
'Good luck!' chirped computer.
arc / lok (n) / cushiony / mehek (adj)
a bowlike curved line or object
The ship span round in a tight arc. / Air coushions balooned out of the walls.
inertial / inercijski (adj) / sought / iskati (vb)
the tendency of matter to remain at rest if at rest, or, if moving, to keep moving in the same direction
For a few seconds the inertial forces held them. / to try to find; search for; look for