Continuous Quality Improvement Collaborative

Communicare and eHealth Forums

Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November 2013

Venue: Vibe Hotel Darwin Waterfront

Time: 8.15am-4.30pm

Cost: there is no cost to attend these workshops

Accommodation & travel: Arrangement of travel and accommodation is the responsibility of the participant. Discounted accommodation can be booked by ringing the Vibe on 8982 9999 and saying that you are an AMSANT delegate. The rooms will be $145/night.

AMSANT will subsidise flights – up to $500 – and accommodation – up to $500 – upon receipt of a tax invoice and supporting receipts.

TA is the responsibility of your health service.

Tuesday 12th November – Communicare Forum

Face to face meeting with Communicare Administrators and clinicians

Who can attend: Communicare Administrators and clinic staff (includes both ACCHS and DoH staff)

Wednesday 13th Novevember - CQI Collaborative Workshop –

The CQI Collaborative Workshops promote an environment of shared learning – you will hear how other health services bring CQI to life, how they implement improvements on the ground.

You will hear about the experiences of people changing their practice in response to evidence (the data) with the aim of improving health outcomes.

There will be a focus on good news stories and opportunities to discuss ideas and strategies for improvment that you can take back to your own workplace.

Who can attend: Any clinician or other Health Service staff working in Aboriginal Primary Health care – NT Government and ACCHO? All Welcome

Thursday 14th November – eHealth Forum – morning only

Clinical implications of the PCEHR and other ehealth developments.

Who can attend: This session is aimed at ACCHO clinicians

For further information on the CQI Collaborative please contact :

·  Kerry Copley - 0407 000 592 or Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator Top End

·  Louise Patel - 0447 770 067 or Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator Central Australia

For further information on the Communicare and eHealth Forum please contact:

·  Margie Cotter, CIS Support TE - 8944 6656 or

·  Clinton Franklin, CIS Support CA - 8959 4604 or


Communicare Forum/Continuous Quality Improvement Collaborative/eHealth

Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th November 2013

Venue: The Vibe Hotel Darwin Waterfront

RSVP: 2nd November 2013

Cost: there is no cost to attend either of the workshops


Organisation/Health Clinic:

Role in the Organisation:

Phone number E-Mail:

Special Assistance:

If yes, please state the type of assistance required:

Dietary Requirements / Special Assistance:

If yes, please specify:

Do you agree to have your contact details included on the delegate list?

Do you agree to AMSANT using any photos from the workshop that you may appear in,

for future AMSANT publications? E.g. PHN Bulletin & Communiqué in Quality Newsletter

Attendance: Please indicate below which day/s you will be attending:

Date / Workshop / Tick if attending
Tuesday 12th November 2013 / Communicare Forum – All Communicare users
Wednesday 13th 2013 / CQI Collaborative – all welcome
Thursday 14th November 2013 / eHealth – ACCH Services


To register: Please email this form to or fax to AMSANT Darwin (attention to Jodie Gundersen) on (08) 8981 4825