Fall/Spring semester 20xx

Thisleaflet is designed to help answer questions concerning the grading system and other matters connected tothe graduate degree programmes at the NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Grading system

NTNU began using the letter grading system for all examinations and most assessments on1 September 2001. This replaced the numerical marking system.

Grade / Description / General, qualitative description of the evaluation criteria
A / Excellent / An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking.
B / Very good / A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a very good degree of independent thinking.
C / Good / A good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas.
D / Satisfactory / A satisfactory performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.
E / Sufficient / A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.
F / Fail / A performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking.

In the assessment of some subjects, the grade of Passed/Failed may be used. Compulsory assignments that are not subject to any evaluation are assessed by the grade of Completed/Not completed (for example, field work).

Credit system

The credit system now used at NTNU is based upon a workload of 60 credits for each academic year. This corresponds to European Credit Transfer System credits (ECTS).

Bachelor’s degrees

The bachelor’s degree is the lower Norwegian university degree. The English name of abachelor’s degree in the arts, social sciences, music and fine artsis Bachelor of Arts(abbreviated BA). In the natural sciencesthe equivalent degree is Bachelor of Science (abbreviated BSc) in English. These bachelor’s degrees comprise 180 credits and are normally completed in 3 years of full-time study. However, there is also a 4-year bachelor’s degree in music performance studies which is worth 240 credits. All bachelor’s degrees at NTNU are organized in programmes of study, where all students draw up individual education plans with NTNU.

Master’s degrees

The master’s degree isthe higher Norwegian university degree at graduate level. There are two types of master’s degrees at NTNU.

  • 2-year master’s of 120 credits that builds on a bachelor’s degree. In the autumn semester 2005, about 50 of these master’s degrees are taught in Norwegian and 23 are taught in English. In the arts, social sciences, music and fine artthis is called Master of Arts(abbreviated MA) in English. There is also a Master of Philosophy degree (abbreviated MPhil). In the natural sciences the equivalent degree is called Master of Science (abbreviated MSc) in English. In technology, students with a bachelor’s degree from Norwegian university colleges or equivalent institutions abroad, enter a 2-year MSc programme.
  • 5-year integrated master’s. This requires 300 credits and is based on full-time study from matriculation. There is both aMaster of Arts degree (abbreviated MA) that combines language disciplines, social sciences, and pedagogical training and a Master of Sciencedegree (abbreviated MSc) in the natural sciences, technology and architecture.The Norwegian degreesMaster i teknologi/Master i arkitektur (previously called sivilingeniør/sivilarkitekt) aretranslated as Master of Science. The field of specialization is often added. Example: Master of Science in Marine Technology (abbreviated MSc in Marine Technology)orMaster of Science in Chemical Engineering(abbreviated MSc in Chemical Engineering).

Professional degrees

NTNU has two professional degrees: candidatus medicinae (abbreviated to cand. med.) and candidatus psychologiae (abbreviated to cand. psychol.). There are no official English translations of the names of these degrees, but they can be termed a degree in medicine or psychology at NTNU.Both of these are 6-year degrees.

Note on NTNU’s integrated degrees in engineering and architecture

Because of the length, intensity and associated thesis requirements, NTNU’s integrated 5-year master’s degreesclosely correspond tothe Anglo-American master’s degree. There is no Norwegian equivalent to Anglo-American undergraduate degrees in architecture and engineering. Thus,NTNU students in engineering and architecture students who apply to universities abroad as an exchange/non-degree visiting students are regarded by NTNU to be undergraduate students in their first, second and third years, and graduate students in their fourth and fifth years. This means that fourth-year students at NTNU taking engineering or architecture do not yet have a degree from NTNU but the transcript of records from NTNU documents their academic progress.

More details about degree programmes at NTNU in English are available on the web pages at the Office of International Relations, see

Inge Fottland


Student and Academic Division