Deval L. Patrick
Governor / The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Public Safety
One Ashburton Place, Room 1301
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1618
Phone (617) 727-3200
Fax (617) 727-5732
TTY (617) 727-0019 / Andrea J. Cabral
Thomas G. Gatzunis, P.E.

Posted on July 1, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.


In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 30A, § 20, notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on two code proposals found here and a regular meeting of the Board of Building Regulations and Standards will be held on July 8, 2014 at 1:00 p.m., at the Ashburton Café, One Ashburton Place, Boston MA 02108

It is anticipated that the topics shown on the next page will be discussed at the aforementioned meeting.



Mike Guigli

Technical Director, DPS

1.  Roll Call

a.  Brian Gale Chair BG) present absent

b.  Richard Crowley V-Chair (RC) present absent

c.  Robert Anderson (RA) present absent

d.  Kevin Gallagher (KG) present absent

e.  Jerry Ludwig (JL) present absent

f.  Alexander MacLeod (SM) present absent

g.  Gary Moccia (GM) present absent

h.  Thomas Perry (TP) present absent

i.  Timothee Rodrique (TR) present absent

j.  Stanley Shuman (SS) present absent

k.  Harry Smith (HS) present absent

2.  Public Hearing on two code change proposals:

a.  Radon mitigation in certain residential occupancies

b.  Delete Construction Supervisor License continuing education waiver but ‘reserve’ the section.

These proposals may be viewed at After closure of the public hearing the BBRS will consider a comment period (usually about 30 days) during which time comments may be emailed to

General note on format: votes are noted as (Motion by, Second by, All) if the vote is unanimous followed by the time.

3.  Review and approval of June 10, 2014 meeting minutes.

4.  Status update or review and/or approval of action items from previous meetings:

a.  Review of public comment on May 13, 2014 white papers on cost and effectiveness building code requirements in 3 to 6 unit residential buildings.

b.  Pending legislation update by John Nunnari

c.  Provide DPS training on window replacement for commercial buildings (to be held as open item).

d.  Consideration of floor fire protection approval of certain field applied product, e.g. No Burn, Inc., etc.

e.  Official Interpretation on smoke detection requirements in common areas of R-Use buildings (to be held as open item).

5.  Code change proposals and related items:

a.  Review and status of 780 CMR 9th edition:

i.  Comparison of new key technical requirements of the IBC, IRC, and IEBC 2015 vs. 2009.

ii.  Imbedded amendments status. Meeting with secretary of State and International Code Council

b.  The Structural Advisory Committee has these recommendations:

i.  The MA amendment to Chapter 21 pertaining to reinforcing of masonry walls is proposed to be changed. The current amendment requires bond beams and the change will recognize the effectiveness of wire reinforcing between masonry courses and allowance for this in lieu of certain bond beams. BBRS consideration of this code change proposal is requested.

6.  BBRS approval of 93 new CSLs in the month of June 2014.

7.  Construction Supervisor License

a.  Review and approval various Construction Supervisor License (CSL) matters including:

i.  Review of a CSL retirement policy and if approved then this policy will be effective until such time, at least six months, 780 CMR 110 R5 is updated to reflect same.

ii.  Approval for CSL medical reinstatements (Placeholder).

8.  Building Official Certification Committee (BOCC) agenda items:

a.  Review, approval and endorsement of the actions and recommendations in the BOCC minutes from June 4, 2014.

b.  Review of BOCC membership, authority, and procedures by RA.

c.  Review and approval of open BOCC member position and two candidates for consideration.

9.  Review and approval of either new applications or renewal of Concrete Testing Laboratories as follows:

a.  (Placeholder)

10.  Review and approval of either new applications or renewal of Native Lumber Producers as follows:

a.  (Placeholder)

11.  Review and vote on a request (letter dated 3/26/14) for approval of more restrictive standard for Marblehead, MA.

a.  five foot (versus four foot) barriers for pools and

b.  classification of pools with depths of 18 inches (versus 24”) or more

12.  Other matters not reasonably anticipated 2 business days in advance of meeting.

13.  Approval to adjourn the meeting