1. Motive dormancy observed at (pic.60)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. somnolence

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. Prevailing of affect disorders in the structure of disease is observed at (pic.46)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. * Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Prevailing of affect disorders in the structure of disease is observed at (pic.46)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. * Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Propensity to the origin of the repeated attacks is observed for patients from (pic.28)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Propensity to the origin of the repeated attacks is observed for patients from (pic.28)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Somato-vegetativ disorders are most expressed at: ( pic.58)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. parafrennal syndrome

  1. Korsakov syndrome

  1. dismorfomanic syndrome

  1. Somato-vegetativ disorders are most expressed at: ( pic.58)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. parafrennal syndrome

  1. Korsakov syndrome

  1. dismorfomanic syndrome

  1. Somnipathies are observed at (pic.83)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. * and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. Somnipathies are observed at (pic.83)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. * and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. Specify, disorders of which spheres of psyche typical for MDP. (pic.98)

  1. * Disorders of affect sphere

  1. Somnolence

  1. Pathology of associative process

  1. Motive-volitional disorders

  1. Syndromes of eclipse of consciousness

  1. Specify, disorders of which spheres of psyche typical for MDP.(pic.98)

  1. * Disorders of affect sphere

  1. Pathology of associative process

  1. Motive-volitional disorders

  1. Somnolence

  1. Syndromes of eclipse of consciousness

  1. Suicid is possible for patients from (pic.48)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Suicid is possible for patients from (pic.48)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The attacks of depression arise up spontaneously (pic.46)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The attacks of depression arise up spontaneously (pic.46)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The expressive improvement of consisting of the second half of day is observed at: (pic.18)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The expressive improvement of consisting of the second half of day is observed at: (pic.18)

  1. Reactive depression

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, and other disease

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. the extended pupils are observed at (pic.55)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. the extended pupils are observed at (pic.55)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. the extended pupils are observed at (pic.55)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. the extended pupils are observed at (pic.55)

  1. maniac syndrome

  1. * depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. The followings preparations are antidepressants: (pic.92)

  1. Melipraminum

  1. Pyrazidolum

  1. Amitriptilin

  1. Azaphenum

  1. * All of above-stated

  1. The followings preparations are antidepressants: (pic.92)

  1. Melipraminum

  1. Pyrazidolum

  1. Amitriptilin

  1. Azaphenum

  1. * All of above-stated

  1. The followings preparations are antidepressants: (pic.92)

  1. Melipraminum

  1. Pyrazidolum

  1. Amitriptilin

  1. Azaphenum

  1. * All of above-stated

  1. The followings preparations are antidepressants: (pic.92)

  1. Melipraminum

  1. Pyrazidolum

  1. Amitriptilin

  1. Azaphenum

  1. * All of above-stated

  1. The followings therapeutic methods and medications are utillized on the different stages of treatment of patients from MDP: (pic.50)

  1. Antidepressants

  1. Electroplexy

  1. Neyroleptiks

  1. Preparations of lithium

  1. All of above-stated

  1. The followings therapeutic methods and medications are utillized on the different stages of treatment of patients from MDP: (pic.50)

  1. Antidepressants

  1. Electroplexy

  1. Neyroleptiks

  1. Preparations of lithium

  1. All of above-stated

  1. The gallop of ideas is characteristic for: (pic.18)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. * Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The gallop of ideas is characteristic for: (pic.18)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. * Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The increase of appetite, sex hyperappeal, is observed at (pic.84)

  1. * maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. The increase of appetite, sex hyperappeal, is observed at (pic.84)

  1. * maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. The overvalue of the capabilities, boastfulnesses, is observed at (pic.95)

  1. * maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. The overvalue of the capabilities, boastfulnesses, is observed at (pic.95)

  1. * maniac syndrome

  1. depressed syndrome

  1. Somnolence

  1. and that, et al

  1. neither that nor other

  1. The raving ideas of influence are observed at (pic.3)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. * Neither that nor other

  1. The raving ideas of influence are observed at (pic.3)

  1. Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. * Neither that nor other

  1. The raving ideas of self-accusation, self-abasement, are characteristic for: (pic.51)

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The raving ideas of self-accusation, self-abasement, are characteristic for: (pic.51)

  1. * Depressed phase of MDP

  1. Maniac phase of MDP

  1. Somnolence

  1. Both to the syndrome

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. There are all of symptoms at a manic-depressive psychosis, except for: (pic.28)

  1. Disorders of associative sphere

  1. Disorders of motive-volitional sphere

  1. * Disorders of consciousness

  1. Disorders of affect sphere

  1. Raving ideas

  1. There are all of symptoms at a manic-depressive psychosis, except for: (pic.28)

  1. Disorders of associative sphere

  1. Disorders of motive-volitional sphere

  1. * Disorders of consciousness

  1. Disorders of affect sphere

  1. Raving ideas

  1. There can be the followings forms of excitation at a manic-depressive psychosis: (pic.42)

  1. Katatonic

  1. Ajitation

  1. Somnolence

  1. * Hebephrenic

  1. Maniac

  1. There can be the followings forms of excitation at a manic-depressive psychosis: (pic.42)

  1. Katatonic

  1. Azhitation

  1. Somnolence

  1. * Hebephrenic

  1. Maniac

  1. To find it is more reliable in all possible out suicidal tendencies: (pic.14)

  1. questioning the relatives of patient

  1. * put a patient a direct question about his intentions

  1. looking after a patient, when a patient about it is unaware

  1. as a result of deksametazon test

  1. on the level of 5-gidroksiindoluksus acid in a neurolymph

  1. To find it is more reliable in all possible out suicidal tendencies: (pic.14)

  1. questioning the relatives of patient

  1. * put a patient a direct question about his intentions

  1. looking after a patient, when a patient about it is unaware

  1. as a result of deksametazon test

  1. on the level of 5-gidroksiindoluksusnoy acid in a neurolymph

  1. To find it is more reliable in all possible out suicidal tendencies: (pic.12)

  1. questioning the relatives of patient

  1. * put a patient a direct question about his intentions

  1. looking after a patient, when a patient about it is unaware

  1. as a result of deksametazon test

  1. on the level of 5-gidroksiindoluksusnoy acid in a neurolymph

  1. To find it is more reliable in all possible out suicidal tendencies: (pic.13)

  1. questioning the relatives of patient

  1. * put a patient a direct question about his intentions

  1. looking after a patient, when a patient about it is unaware

  1. as a result of deksametazon test

  1. on the level of 5-gidroksiindoluksusnoy acid in a neurolymph

  1. What facts are confirmation of endogenous nature of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.56)

  1. connection of disease is with inherited burdened

  1. spontaneous origin of attacks

  1. connection of attacks is with seasonal and monthly rhythms

  1. a high concordance is for MDP in cosmobions

  1. * all of above-stated

  1. What facts are confirmation of endogenous nature of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.56)

  1. connection of disease is with inherited burdened

  1. spontaneous origin of attacks

  1. connection of attacks is with seasonal and monthly rhythms

  1. a high concordance is for MDP in cosmobions

  1. * all of above-stated

  1. What facts are confirmation of endogenous nature of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.56)

  1. connection of disease is with inherited burdened

  1. spontaneous origin of attacks

  1. connection of attacks is with seasonal and monthly rhythms

  1. a high concordance is for MDP in cosmobions

  1. * all of above-stated

  1. What facts are confirmation of endogenous nature of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.56)

  1. connection of disease is with inherited burdened

  1. spontaneous origin of attacks

  1. connection of attacks is with seasonal and monthly rhythms

  1. a high concordance is for MDP in cosmobions

  1. * all of above-stated

  1. What from a number follow of the sickly states more frequent all does require exigent hospitalization of patient in psychiatric permanent establishment? (pic.49)

  1. MDP (maniac phase)

  1. Epilepsy is with large convulsive attacks

  1. * MDP (depressed phase)

  1. An alcoholic hallucinosis is with commenting hallucinations

  1. Schizophrenia (simple form)

  1. What from a number follow of the sickly states more frequent all does require exigent hospitalization of patient in psychiatric permanent establishment? (pic.50)

  1. MDP (maniac phase)

  1. Epilepsy is with large convulsive attacks

  1. * MDP (depressed phase)

  1. An alcoholic hallucinosis is with commenting hallucinations

  1. Schizophrenia (simple form)

  1. What from follow characteristic for motion MDP ? (pic.84)

  1. Forming of korsakov syndrome

  1. Gradual growth of apathy and abulia

  1. Somnolence

  1. Periodically nascent nonseizure paroxisms

  1. * Cyclic fluctuations of mood

  1. What from follow characteristic for motion MDP ?(pic.84)

  1. Forming of korsakov syndrome

  1. Gradual growth of apathy and abulia

  1. Somnolence

  1. Periodically nascent nonseizure paroxisms

  1. * Cyclic fluctuations of mood

  1. What from transferred does string characterizes the period of intermission in motion of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.78)

  1. usually observed in springtime

  1. accompanied an overactivity and "wave of force"

  1. Somnolence

  1. the expressed fluctuations of mood are marked for a day long

  1. * some psychical disorders absent

  1. What from transferred does string characterizes the period of intermission in motion of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.36)

  1. usually observed in springtime

  1. accompanied an overactivity and "wave of force"

  1. Somnolence

  1. the expressed fluctuations of mood are marked for a day long

  1. * some psychical disorders absent

  1. What from transferred does string characterizes the period of intermission in motion of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.14)

  1. usually observed in springtime

  1. accompanied an overactivity and "wave of force"

  1. Somnolence

  1. the expressed fluctuations of mood are marked for a day long

  1. * some psychical disorders absent

  1. What from transferred does string characterizes the period of intermission in motion of manic-depressive psychosis? (pic.80)

  1. usually observed in springtime

  1. accompanied an overactivity and "wave of force"

  1. Somnolence

  1. the expressed fluctuations of mood are marked for a day long

  1. * some psychical disorders absent

  1. Associations, when a language is deprived sense(pic.86)

  1. incoherence

  1. * torn

  1. verbigerations

  1. rezoneеr

  1. symbolic thought

  1. Ideas which represent the real situation. (pic.98)

  1. Raving ideas

  1. * value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Marked suicidal ideas and actions?(pic.28)

  1. * nosomania

  1. delirium of self-accusation

  1. Somnolence

  1. dismorfofobic delirium

  1. delirium of invention

  1. Writes down the fantasies in a thick notebook, illustrating them plenty of pictures and characters(pic.9)

  1. mutizm

  1. shperrung

  1. mentism

  1. * autism thought

  1. psychical automated

  1. A confidence is in a presence a disfiguration(deformity) (pic.96)

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of staging

  1. * Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. A confidence is in a presence a disfiguration(deformity) (pic.96)

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of staging

  1. * Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. A critical estimation is stored for a patient with a presence(pic.92):

  1. Raving ideas

  1. value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. * Neither that nor other

  1. A patient declares, that there was an out of control stream of ideas in his head (pic.94)

  1. acceleration of thought

  1. incoherence

  1. torn

  1. * mentism

  1. perseverations

  1. A patient reasons gladly, however freely operating abstract concepts, often comes to the paradoxical senseless conclusions(pic.47)

  1. perseverations

  1. mentism

  1. fixed ideas

  1. * paralogism thought

  1. value ideas

  1. A patient talks viscously, slowly, but volubly. Hardly picks up words, talks details(pic.17)

  1. deceleration of thought

  1. shperrung

  1. thoughts

  1. * pathological circumstantiality

  1. paralogism thought

  1. Absence of critical estimation of present sickly disorders(pic.58)

  1. Actual hallucinations

  1. Pseudohallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Accordance of hallucinations to the objects and phenomena of reality(pic.87)

  1. * Actual hallucinations

  1. Pseudohallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. An old woman without some grounds began to conflict with neighbours. Declares, that neighbours steal salt from a salt-cellar. The attempts of relatives to satisfy it of it appeared unsuccessful(pic.8).

  1. paralogism thought

  1. value ideas

  1. fixed ideas

  1. psychical automated

  1. * delirium

  1. At pseudohallucinations all of signs are marked, EXCEPT FOR(pic.80):

  1. Intraproection of gallucination appearances

  1. * Accordance to the objects and phenomena of reality

  1. Character of maked. to artificiality

  1. Loss of properties, incident to the real objects and phenomena

  1. A projection of hallucinations is out of limits of body

  1. At which nizhepererakhovanikh forms of disorder of perception relatively often can arise up socially dangerous and suicidal forms of conduct of patients(pic.57)?

  1. Commenting hallucinations

  1. Pareydolicalof illusion

  1. Somnolence

  1. Senestopaties

  1. * Imperative hallucinations

  1. Complete absence of criticism(pic.11)

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of relation, special value

  1. Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. * All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. Connection with the factors of the real reality, dependence on them(pic.2)

  1. Raving ideas

  1. * value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. delirium and not typical for sharp(pic.87)?

  1. presence of the slender raving system

  1. * high emotional saturation of delirium

  1. Somnolence

  1. interpretative character

  1. presence of confusion

  1. Erroneous perception of really existent objects, phenomena(pic.18)

  1. Hallucinations

  1. * Illusions

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. extraordinarily abstract, distant from a theme conversations(pic.85).

  1. circumstantiality of thought

  1. perseverations

  1. deceleration of thought

  1. paralogism thought

  1. * thought

  1. High emotional saturation of raving ideas(pic.26).

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of staging

  1. Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. * All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. ?Intraproection of hallucinations is observed at(pic.10):

  1. Veritable hallucinations

  1. * Pseudohallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Klerambo is observed all of symptoms, EXCEPT FOR(pic.36):

  1. * Awareness of sickly character of present disorders

  1. Pseudohallucinations

  1. Raving ideas of relation

  1. Mentism

  1. Alienation of own psychical processes

  1. Parafrennal the stage of delirium(pic.94):

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of staging

  1. Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. * None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. Pathological ideas which arose up on the basis of disorder of thought(pic.43)

  1. Raving ideas

  1. value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Patient often in the process of conversation suddenly breaks a language, declaring, that all of ideas "suddenly flew away from a head"(pic.79)

  1. incoherence

  1. torn

  1. mentism

  1. * shperrung

  1. metaphysical intoxication

  1. Possibility of socially dangerous forms of conduct(pic.48)

  1. * Raving ideas

  1. value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Possibility of socially dangerous forms of conduct is characteristic for(pic.42):

  1. * Paranoia syndrome

  1. Syndrome of obtrusive

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Possibility of suicidal and socially dangerous forms of conduct(pic.56).

  1. Actual hallucinations

  1. Pseudohallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Predominance of affect of alarm, confusion, is in the structure of psychosis(pic.8).

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. * Delirium of staging

  1. Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. Predominance of emotion of gladness, kind-heartedness(pic.80).

  1. Delirium of self-accusation, self-abasement

  1. Delirium of staging

  1. Dismorfomanic of delirium

  1. All are indicated plots of a story of delirium

  1. * None of the adopted types of delirium

  1. Sickly ideas which seize consciousness of patient(pic.59).

  1. Raving ideas

  1. value ideas

  1. Somnolence

  1. * And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. Sickly ideas, dominant in consciousness of patient(pic.46).

  1. Paranoia syndrome

  1. Syndrome of obtrusive

  1. * And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. socially dangerous effects(pic.42)?

  1. delirium of pursuit

  1. * delirium

  1. Somnolence

  1. delirium of jealousies

  1. delirium of grandeur

  1. Take character of maked for a patient(pic.43)

  1. Veritable hallucinations

  1. * Pseudohallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other

  1. The criteria of pseudohallucinations is(pic.88):

  1. Feeling of maked

  1. * A projection is within the framework of body

  1. Intraproection of hallucinations

  1. Somnolence

  1. Accordance to the objects and phenomena of reality

  1. The language of patient which before was not interested in philosophy is saturated the sterile reasonings, philosophical terms and categories, sometimes without the account of their sense.(pic.89)

  1. delirium

  1. * metaphysical intoxication

  1. value ideas

  1. paralogism thought

  1. obtrusive ideas

  1. The presence of criticism is stored for a patient from : (pic.3)

  1. Paranoia syndrome

  1. * Syndrome of obtrusive

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. Neither that nor other


  1. Paranoia syndrome

  1. Syndrome of obtrusive

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. * Neither that nor other

  1. The presence of symptoms of psychical automatism is characteristic for: (pic.1)

  1. Paranoia syndrome

  1. Syndrome of obtrusive

  1. Somnolence

  1. And that, et al

  1. * Neither that nor other

  1. There is a patient with all questions of doctor about complaints, feel, the state of health gives a the same answer:"?? it was struck a head... I on a head was struck...Struck on a head..."(pic.78)