Student Led Family Conference Rubric
Student Crew Leader DateSLFC Grade
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Preparation /
- Meets the criteria for a 3 AND:
- I incorporate feedback from crew leader and crew members to revise my outline and presentation.
- I use a creative format for my presentation that incorporates all the pieces of the outline.
- Myoutline is thoughtfully and thoroughly completed.
- I have used crew time to prepare for the SLFC.
- My materials for the SLFC were turned in at least the day before my SLFC.
- Myoutline appears to have been completed quickly without much reflection.
- I did not use crew time to prepare for the SLFC.
- No preparation.
Reflection /
- Meets the criteria for a 3 AND:
- My reflection shows that I understand the significance and purpose of my learning targets.
- My reflection shows that I understand the Qualities of a Renaissance Graduate. (grades 8-12)
- My reflection shows that I understand that the Qualities of a Renaissance Graduate are developed by my classwork. (grades 8-12)
- I give an honest and clear picture of who I am as a student.
- I show that I am responsible for my own learning by taking ownership of my progress and where I stand in each class.
- I put the learning targets into my own words to show that I understand them.
- My reflection clearly explains the process I went through for each piece of work and how I ended up with my final grade.
- I explain how I use the revision process to improve my work.
- My reflection helps my audience get to know me better.
- My reflection is not completely accurate.
- I show that I am beginning to be responsible for my own learning.
- My reflection does not fully explain how I received the grade that I did.
- I show just a little bit about myselfas a student.
- My reflection is not accurate.
- My reflection does not explain who I am as a student.
- My reflection shows no responsibility for my own learning.
- My reflection does not describe the process I went through for each piece of work.
- My reflection does not show understanding of how I received the grades that I did.
- I have not explained my revision process.
Evidence /
- Meets the criteria for a 3 AND:
- I clearly explain what my evidence says about who I am as a student and how I contribute to the school.
- I use more than the required amount of evidence.
- I have complete evidence and examples for each section of the outline.
- My evidence gives a clear picture of my strengths and challenges.
- My evidence is somewhat complete.
- My evidence gives an idea of my strengths and weaknesses, but not a full picture.
- I give very little specific evidence to show who I am as a student and how I contribute to the school.
- I do not have a piece of work that has been revised.
Goal Setting /
- Meets the criteria for a 3 AND:
- My plan for meeting my goals is clear.
- My goals are connected to my reflection of my academic progress.
- My goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (SMART).
- I have made some attempt at setting SMART goals.
- My goals are only somewhat connected to my reflection of my academic progress.
- My goals are not connected by my reflection.
- My goals are broad or vague.
Presentation /
- Meets the criteria for a 3 AND:
- My presentation is creative.
- I make consistent eye contact with all of my audience.
- I speak clearly and project my voice so everyone can hear.
- I speak with confidence.
- I use an appropriate and respectful tone.
- I use SLANT (sitting up, listening, asking and answering questions, nodding, tracking the speaker).
- I wear my uniform or dress up.
- My presentation demonstrates craftsmanship.
- I answer questions directly and honestly.
- I meet some of the criteria for a 3.
- I meet few or none of the criteria for a 3.
Revised 11.9.2010