KLA AREA: Technological & Applied Studies
COURSE: Industrial Technology – Multimedia Industries

Outcomes to be met:

P2.1Describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop equipment, maintenance and techniques

P3.1Sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects

P3.3Demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects

P4.1Demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects

P4.2Demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes

P5.2Uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of projects

TOPIC: Designing a Multimedia Web Site

Assessment Task Number: 2

Time Allowed: 5 school weeks

Due Date: Friday June 17, 2005

Weighting: 15%

Context for the Task:

With more and more organisations now having a presence on the World Wide Web, those organisations who not have a website can often be at acompetitive disadvantage. Good websites should be clear and simple to navigate, informative and useful to their target audience, and compelling enough to hold the attention of their viewers.

Owl House is a retreat guesthouse located at Katoomba which runs retreats and workshops designed especially for the needs of women. Their guest packages include accommodation, meals and workshop sessions. As a relatively new business, Owl House does not currently have a website and you have been assigned the task of designing one.You will be supplied with a design brief outlining the client’s specific requirements, assorted print and image collateral and two meetings with the business owner where you will be able to ask questions and clarify the design brief. You will also need to create preliminary sketches, navigation maps, and to document the design process used in creating the finished product, from initial pre-production and planning through to production, quality control, final user testing and evaluation.

In order to undertake this task you will need to:

Create an interactive web site using a web editor of your choice (Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage is suggested). The website may incorporate text, hypertext, graphics, sound, animation or video. Other interactive technologies such as VR panoramas, clickable imagemaps, etc, may also be used if you feel they are appropriate. Apart from digital images and print resources supplied by the client, all multimedia resources must be completely original and personally created by you – ie. not obtained from the Internet or any other source.

The website must also meet the specific requirements outlined in the accompanying design brief from the client. (supplied separately)

You are required to submit for assessment purposes:

A plastic display folder that will contain:

A title page with your name, class and subject name

A range of preliminary sketches outlining your ideas for the site, including a website overview (navigation maps or storyboards) and page level design ideas (placement of text, images, logos, nav, etc).

A resource list of html documents, images and any other digital resources used in the finished product.

Printout of the finished site’s structure

Screen shots of your completed website’s pages, complete with descriptive captions

A copy of the final website files on CD.

A self-designed usability test with results from at least three test users

Evaluation of the finished product based on your usability test results as well as your own thoughts

Evaluation of the actual assessment task



Date: ______

Course: Preliminary Industrial Technology: Multimedia Industries

Task: Multimedia Web Site

Student’s Name: ______

Teacher’s Signature: ______

This slip is to be retained by the student to verify that the Task has been submitted.


ASSESSMENT TASK NUMBER: 2 PRESENTED AS: A Multimedia Website & Design Folio

Outcomes Assessed:

P2.1Describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop equipment, maintenance and techniques

P3.1Sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects

P3.3Demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects

P4.1Demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects

P4.2Demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes

P5.2Uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of projects

Describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop equipment, maintenance and techniques
  • The site was created using safe working practices, with the correct equipment and techniques at all times, applied with a high degree of skill
/ 5
  • The site was created using safe working practices, with the correct equipment and techniques applied most of the time.
/ 3-4
  • The site was created using equipment and techniques that may have achieved the desired end results, but do not demonstrate good working practices.
/ 2
  • The site often uses poor practices, equipment or techniques and the end result does not work well due to these technical errors.
/ 0-1
Sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects
  • A wide range of high quality sketchesand drawings (such as colour experiments, annotated sketches, etc) were developed for the production of this projectand they clearly demonstrate the stages of an evolutionary design process.
/ 5
  • Some sketches and drawings(such as colour experiments, annotated sketches, etc) were developed for the production of the project and they indicate a reasonable degree of thought has been put into the overall design.
/ 3-4
  • Minimal or low quality sketches and drawings were developed for the production of this project and links between the sketches and the final product are relatively weak.
/ 2
  • Little or no sketching or drawing of ideas has been developed, and/or they appear to have been done retrospectively in the design process.
/ 0-1
Demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects
  • The site demonstrates effective web design principles (such as unity, balance, bandwidth constraints, consistency, etc)and provides access to the information in a consistent way that is easy to understand and use.
/ 7
  • The site demonstrates some of the basic web design principles (such as unity, balance, bandwidth constraints, consistency, etc) and most of the information is relatively easy to access. There may be some inconsistencies in overall design.
/ 5-6
  • The site has significant usability issues which make it difficult to access the main content. Parts of the site do not work as intended.
/ 3-4
  • The site makes little attempt to meet basic design guidelines and is either difficult to use, inconsistent in its design, or fails to work properly.
/ 0-2
Demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects
  • Awide range of practical skills were demonstrated in the production of the project, and a diverse range of media (text, hypertext, graphics, animations, audio/video, etc) and/or techniques have been used effectively.
/ 5
  • A reasonable range of practical skills have been demonstrated in the production of this project, and at least three different media and/or techniques have been used
/ 2-4
  • A limited set of practical skills has been demonstrated in this project, and/or a narrow range of media or techniques has been used.
/ 0-1
Demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes
  • The production of the site demonstrates a strong level of competency in using relevant equipment, hardware and processes. (such as scanners, digital camera, DV camera, etc)
/ 4
  • The production of the site demonstrates a reasonable level of competency in using relevant equipment, hardware and processes. (such as scanners, digital camera, DV camera, etc)
/ 2-3
  • The production of the site demonstrates a basic level of competency in using relevant equipment, hardware and processes. (such as scanners, digital camera, DV camera, etc)
/ 0-1
Uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of projects
  • The design and overall development of the site is evolutionary and has been well documented at all stages with screenshots, diagrams, photos, etc, including pre-production, production, testing and evaluation.
/ 4
  • The design and development of the site had been reasonably documented with screenshots, diagrams, photos, etc,in at least three of the following stages; pre-production, production, testing and evaluation.
/ 3
  • The design and/or development of the site has some amount of documentation provided but only in one or two of the stages.
/ 2
  • Little or no design and/or development of the site has been documented.
/ 0-1


/ /30