Midterm and chapter 5 & 6 study guide

1.  What are the functions of an Election explain each

2.  Be able to explain elections as an institution

3.  Explain the elections as a process.

4.  Who could historically vote at the time the constitution was written?

5.  What are some of the reasons that people were restricted from voting in the past ?

6.  Who has the power to set voting qualifications?

7.  What are suffrage qualifications?

8.  Explain the 5 restrictions on what voter qualifications can be set

9.  Name the 3 specific voting characteristics that effect voting behavior?

10.  Explain public opinion …

11.  Explain the problems of voting based solely on public opinion ( 5 )

12.  List the 12 reasons discussed in class that people may not vote

13.  Summarize political Socialization including the sources of socialization

14.  What does opinion have to do with ideology and demographics

15.  What amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote?

16.  Explain how a literacy test might be used

17.  How might poll taxes be used?

18.  What is the formula to determine voter turn out ?

19.  Summarize what Anthony downs says about the cost of voting

20.  Why do we have voter registration?

21.  Why might the registration process perpetuate low voter turnout?

22.  What type of election do more people participate in ?

23.  Explain some of the factors that cause voter turnout to increase or decrease

24.  What is the main argument against Mandatory voting laws

25.  Summarize what elitist George Will says about Not Voting

26.  What are the 4 descriptors of Political parties?

27.  How does political parties’ help- collectivize public opinion?

28.  Theory of responsible party Government states 4 things that are necessary for party government to work. What are they?

29.  List the 2 basic generalizations for competing policies?

30.  What is an ideology and a political ideology?

31.  Be able to draw the political spectrum grid with the issues and the 4 groups.

32.  Explain the conservative ideologies?

33.  Explain the liberal ideologies?

34.  Be able to identify other ideologies that we discussed in class. (at least 3 )

35.  Outline the differences of a single-party system and multi-party system and a two-party system

36.  Compare and contrast types of third parties in America ( giving examples of each )

a.  Single issue party

b.  Splinter party

c.  Economic protest party

d.  Ideological Party

37.  Discuss the historic third parties in the American political system.

e.  Bull-Moose Party/Progressive Party

f.  Populist Party (late 1800s)

g.  Dixiecrats (later 1940s)

38.  Identify the 3 major independents that have a role in history.

39.  Explain disadvantages and limitations for third parties?

40.  Why does the electoral system discourage the multi-party system?

41.  What is a negative for the multi-party system?

Stuff from earlier chapters to remember

1.  Autocracy

2.  Oligarchy

3.  What is the idea Popular Sovereignty?

4.  What is the purpose of the preamble?

5.  Be able to list and explain the 6 basic principles of the constitution

6.  What 3 part of the constitution had to deal with national security?

7.  Explain the structure of government set up by the constitution?

8.  National supremacy

9.  Federalism

10.  Republicanism

11.  Explain checks and balances

12.  What article allows for changes to the constitution?

13.  How many amendments have been added to the constitution since the beginning?

14.  What does the 7th amendment guarantee?

15.  What 3 amendments have to do with the after math of slavery?

16.  What did the 16th amendment do?

17.  What did the 18th amendment do?

18.  What was the 19th amendment?

19.  What did the 20th amendment change?

20.  What did amendment 22 changes?

21.  What president made this the case?

22.  Who was given the right to vote by amendment 23

23.  Who was given the right to vote with 26th amendment?

24.  Which amendment repealed prohibition?

25.  What amendment provided the guidelines for presidential succession?

26.  Federalism – sovereign power is shared by both regional and national governments. No one government can dissolve the other. The Constitution is a unique document in its contribution of federalism to political theory. What amendment makes federalism possible?

27.  Explain at least 5 benefits of federalism.

28.  Explain the 2 drawbacks of federalism

29.  What are the 3 types of delegated powers?

30.  What are explicit powers? give examples

31.  What is the Necessary and Proper Clause? Who does it give powers to?

32.  What is the national supremacy clause?

33.  What are Concurrent powers?