Parenti, Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence

Chapter Two, “Military Soothsayers”

Main Points and Evidence Analysis

Here I present the thesis and main points of the chapter, and identify the main pieces of evidence used to support each point. Please read it carefully so you can see how an argument is structured—made up of smaller pieces, each supported with evidence, and each contributing to the overall thesis.

You may use this information in your paper but you must rewrite it in your own words. If you simply copy what I have written here I will have to mark it down.

I have listed the individual paragraphs as I summarized them, followed by the main pieces of evidence in each section.

Note that each main point is expressed as a statement. It is, in essence, a mini-thesis for that section of the article. Together these statements add up to the thesis.

Thesis: Pentagon and allied plans for adapting to climate change focus on violent conflict with historically exploited regions, rather than peaceful cooperation, which will influence the direction we take.

  1. Introduction: The military-industrial complex (MIC) will help shape the future of climate change adaptation


  1. The Pentagon is planning for disasters around the world
  2. The Pentagon is planning for conflict at home, including increasing immigration pressures
  3. The military-industrial complex (MIC) is powerful and helps shape events
  4. The MIC planning can promote xenophobia and war
  5. This is shaping adaptation to climate change as militarism


◦Quotes from Fingar (focus on conflict)

◦Names/examples of influential elements of the MIC (GE, Lockheed, Raytheon; Blackwater, DynCorp, Global; CCA, Management and Training Corp)

◦Examples of where/how these groups have influence (worldwide services; Arizona immigration law)

  1. US military reports focus on a coming apocalypse


  1. Lots of reports are coming out of the military
  2. New Dark Ages (Schwartz and Randall)
  3. Permanent counterinsurgency (CNACorporation)
  4. Quotation: Threat multiplier—chronic conditions made worse (CNA)
  5. Quotation: Collapsing governments (CNA)
  6. 2007 Woolsey report,The Age of Consequences
  7. State collapse
  8. Quotation: Specifics of state collapse (Woolsey)


◦Titles of various reports

◦Names and titles of planners (Marshall; Schwartz and Randall; CNA Corp report including former Chief of Staff General Gordon Sullivan, former Cmdr in Chief of US Cent Com General Anthony Zinni; James Woolsey & other authors of The Age of Consequences)

◦Quotes from CNA report (cc as threat multiplier; chronic conditions made worse; collapsing governments)

◦Quotes from Woolsey report (things getting worse; potential to overwhelm governments)

  1. US allies are making similar plans


  1. Australia’s doing the same thing
  2. European Council report: security
  3. European Council report: resource wars, refugees, etc.


◦Quote from ADF report (threat multiplier; need for deployment)

◦Quotes from European Council report (security threats; resource shortages, damage to infrastructure, migration, etc.)

  1. Areas that were colonized by Europe and the US will experience the most intense effects


  1. Geography (introducing the concept)
  2. Thomas Barnett (including quotation): Core/Gap
  3. Wallerstein and Mill: Core/Periphery: Old map of empire
  4. Periphery is exploited, which means climate change will cause severe problems


◦Quote from Barnett (Gap vs. Core)

◦Earlier examples of same geography (Wallerstein, Mill)

◦Historical examples illustrating capitalism’s global reach

  1. Conclusion: Adaptation based on conflict won’t work


  1. Risk of “gated community” approach (what Parenti calls the “armed lifeboat”)
  2. Other possibility of cooperation/redistribution—not hopeful.


◦This section does not present any new facts. Instead, it sums up the chapter and makes a claim about other possibilities, but does not attempt to support that claim with detailed information of any kind