Course Syllabus

(2nd Semester, Academic Year 2015)

  1. Course Code :050 121
  1. Credits : 3 credits
  1. Course Name:Principles of Marketing
  1. Course Provider: Khon Kaen University International College (KKUIC)
  1. Course Instructor Name:Ms. Suwattana Sawatasuk (Kim)

Position & Affiliation: Lecturer

Office Phone:043-202-173

Mobile phone:081-975-4036



Office hours:Byappointmentonly

6. Prerequisite:None

7. Course Type:Core Course

  1. Course Description:

Concepts of marketing, marketing functions and related activities, understanding customers and consumer behaviors, making strategic decisions, environment affecting marketing system and control.

  1. Course Objectives
  • Students should be able to define marketing and outline steps in the marketing process
  • Students should be able to describe the environmental forces that affect the company’s ability to serve its customers
  • Students should be able to define major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior and buyer decision process
  • Students should be able to define various marketing strategies
  • Students should be able to identify marketing mixes (4Ps)
  • Students should be able todescribe the basis of marketing mixed planning & action plan

10. Course contents

Topics / Hours
Lecture / Others
1 / Concepts of Marketing / 1.5 / -
2 / Market Environment
The New Market Economy
Social Responsibility and Business Ethics / 1.5 / -
3 / Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning / 1.5 / -
4 / Marketing plan / 1.5 / -
5 / Consumer market and consumer buyer behavior / 4.5 / -
6 / General Concept of Marketing Mix: Product / 4.5 / -
7 / General Concept of Marketing Mix: Price / 4.5 / -
8 / General Concept of Marketing Mix: Place / 4.5 / -
9 / General Concept of Marketing Mix: Promotion / 4.5 / -
10 / Market research / 3 / -
11 / Marketing Strategies: SWOT analysis / 1.5 / -
12 / Marketing Strategies: Product Life Cycle and others / 6 / -
13 / Project Presentation / 6 / -
Total / 45 / -

Remark: The above topic sequence can be switched due to the appropriateness.

  1. Learning and teaching approaches

Lecture, group & individual discussion, project assignment, presentation assignment, quiz, other work assignments

  1. Learning materials

PowerPoint presentations, handouts, published materials,business cases, and other reading materials

13. Evaluation

No. / Criteria / %
1 / Midterm Exam 27/02/2016 (Saturday)9:00-12:00 at Rm.926 / 25
2 / Final Exam 19/03/2016 (Saturday)9:00-12:00 at Rm.926 / 25
3 / Group project assignment
Presentation Date
Sec 01: 10/03/2016 (Thursday)
Sec 02: 11/03/2016 (Friday) / 25
4 / Class attendance and participation / 10
5 / Quizzes andother assignments / 15
Total / 100

14. Eight Grades Evaluation

Grade / % / Grade / %
A / 80-100 / C / 60-64
B+ / 75-79 / D+ / 55-59
B / 70-74 / D / 50-54
C+ / 65-69 / F / below 50

15. Learning Resources

KKU central library


16. References

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2010) Principles of Marketing.13thEd.New Jersey: Pearson

Kotler, Phillip (2003) Marketing. Prentice Hall.

McDaniel, C., Lamp, C.W., and Hair, J.F.(2009)Introduction to Marketing.10th Ed. China: South-Western.

Grewal, D. and Levy, M. (2008) Marketing. New York: McGraw Hill.

  1. Lecture Time


Thursday / 9:00 – 12:00 / 926
13:00 – 16:00 / 821


Friday / 9:00 – 12:00 / 822
13:00 – 16:00 / 821
  1. Attendance Requirements

In general, prepared and constructive participation in class is expected. Also students are expected to attend all classes. Absences will affect your class attendance and participation grade. Attendance records will be kept; it is student’s responsible to check your name for all classes you attend with the instructor.

The followings will be concerned as an ABSENCE in this class:

  • Later than 10 minutes of late arriving (However, you can still sit in for the lecture and in-class activities or assignments)
  • Wearing improper KKU uniform to the class without appropriate reason
  • Skip the class after checking attendance in the beginning of the class
  1. Plagiarism

Plagiarism means using the ideas of someone else without giving them appropriate attribution or reference to the original source which we count as an unethical practice by not respecting the author of that original work. Students should read and become familiar with the given KKUIC Plagiarism & Academic Honesty Policy in order to get better understanding in plagiarism and avoid its penalties.
