Klein Oak

Theater Production Class Auditions

Klein Oak’s Auditorium

The time slots will be first come first serve.

Everyone will be able to audition

Incoming freshmen May 22, 2016

Start @ 4:00 p.m. (as you arrive from school


All others May 23, 2016

Starting after school (Klein Oak).

Please prepare two contrasting 1 minute monologues

Complete production class application.

This audition will serve as your audition for a production level theatre class.

We will be emailing out class placement and information about work week at the beginning of July. Please make sure both parent and student emails are correct.


Make sure the monologues are 1 minute or less

Be professional and respectful

Relax, have fun!

Klein Oak Theatre 2017-2018

Production Application

Please Print

Name ______

Grade (next year) 9 10 11 12 Student ID#______

Parent/Guardian Name(s) ______

Parent/Guardian email ______

Student cell phone ______Home phone ______

Student email ______

Primary Interest is: (Please indicate your preference 1st, 2nd)

Acting (plays/musicals) ____ Technical ____

Have you ever been ineligible (including waivers)? Y/N If Yes, explain: ______

School days absent ___ Days in ISS ___ Days in Detention _____

LIST all 2017-2018 anticipated activities in ORDER OF PRIORITY: (include Theatre on this list as well as all other extra-curricular activities, off campus activities, youth groups, work, dance, voice, and any other family or community commitments)

  1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

Please attach a description of any Acting / Technical / Crew responsibilities you have performed in a school setting.Also attach a description of any special skills you have that you could share with Klein Oak Theatre.

(Ex.: vocal / dance training, computer skills, previous or professional acting or technical experience.)

Only completed applications with the required signatures will be accepted and considered for auditions and interviews.

Production Class Grade Requirements

Theatre Production

  • Plays, Musical, and UIL Participation

Students will audition for every Klein Oak Theatre Production.

If the student is not cast in the company, s/he must participate as a member of the crew for work hours. Students are expected to be involved with the program outside of class. They must have a minimum of 10 hours per six weeks of out of class work “work hours” in the Klein Oak Theatre Program.

  • Rehearsals are held after school most often 2:30pm -4:30pm M/W 3pm-5pm T/TH 3-6pm F and on some Saturdays.Musical rehearsals may be scheduled during the winter break. Due to state schedules the One Act Play competition is often held during Spring Break.

Production Class placement is based upon the following:

Application, Audition, Interview and Klein Oak Theatre staff approval.

Eligibility: Students must pass all classes in order to participate.

Attendance: School, rehearsals, builds and productions.

Attitude: Appropriate behavior and leadership skills must be exhibited

Participation: Commitment to strengthen the honor of Klein Oak Theatre

I understand that if my participation in other activities or ineligibility prevents me from fulfilling my Production Class responsibilities and requirements that I will be placed in a Theatre Arts class where I can be academically successful. I understand the requirements and commitment level of the Production classes and agree to uphold the standards of the Klein Oak Theatre Department.



I understand the requirements and commitment expected of the Production classes and will support my students’ participation in the Klein Oak Theatre Department.