A meeting of the SEAL PARISH COUNCIL was held on THURSDAY 9th March 2017 in Seal Pavilion on Seal Recreation Ground beginning at 7.30pm.


Mrs F Weston (in the chair)

Mr M Harvey

Mr J. Gilchrist

Mr R Grant

Mr S Kirkaldy

Mrs A. Linley

Mr T Martin

Mr A Michaelides

Also present the Clerk

Apologies: Mr G Aldridge, Mr A Bulleid, Mr P Granville, Cllr. J Thornton, Cllr. R Hogarth

Mrs Avril Ferguson has resigned from the Parish Council due to ill health. Everyone she their best wishes and hoped she would feel better soon. A vacancy for Seal Ward would be advertised shortly.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.

Declarations of Interest – Mr Kirkaldy is a member of St Lawrence Cricket Club.

Matters Requiring Discussion

Car Park Seal Recreation Ground

We had met with one contractor to look at ideas on the best way to expand the car park into the old play area and will be arranging other meetings. Once the Council have chosen a surface and design,wecan then decide ifwe wish to procced in getting further quotes and how the project would be funded. This additional car park will require planning permission.

Youth Shelter Seating

A price had been received on Mr Aldridge’s specification for installing new wooden seating.

Mrs Linley proposed “That the estimate from Kent Carpentry be accepted for £650 to carry out the new seating” This was seconded by Mr Gilchrist. It was carried unanimously.

Affordable Housing Survey

The full results of the survey had been circulated and showed that there was a need for 17 dwellings in the Parish. Mr Harvey proposed “That the results of the Seal Affordable Housing Survey should now be released.”

Seconded by Mr Michaelides. This was agreed unanimously.

Matters Outstanding (not requiring discussion unless new information received)

Litter bins and dog bag dispensers

These will be installed shortly.

Seal Recreation Play Areas

The route from the bottom of the slide back to the steps had become extremely muddy we were asking Contractors to put forward ideas on a suitable path.

Seal Centre Highway Improvements - 20mph and No Right Turn

This scheme should be completedshortlyand can then be assessed. We have asked for an additional NRT sign at the north end of Zion Street.

Trees – Seal Recreation Ground

Item deferred until the Clerk has been able to meet with the contractor.

Red Phone Boxes

The phone boxes have now been adopted and it was agreed that repairing and painting should take place as soon as possible.A number of ideas have been put forward for each phone box and discussions need to take place with those interested on how these ideas can be progressed.

Volunteer Support Warden Scheme

The Clerk had attended the launch of the scheme in Tenterden. Speakers included two support wardens who outlined their duties which were very varied. They including getting to know the community and being someone people could contact with problems. Attending existing clubs for all ages, dealing with dog fouling or other local issues. Once we have a volunteer it should be a great benefit to the Parish. See our website if you wish to volunteer.

Highway Stopping Up Order – Church Road Stone Street

An up to date map has been received showing the new building in relation to the stopping up order and the stopping up order is only for the area of land which now forms part of the new school building. Therefore it was already decided if the stopping up order was not for any additional land, to that taken up by the new building then the Parish Council would not object.

Keep Britain Tidy

SDC are supporting this clean up in March this year. We have received no interest in setting up groups to carry out a spring clean. We would therefore suggest that you take ownership for the road where you live and keep it litter free!

St Lawrence Recreation Ground

We had been sent a briefing note by the cricket and football clubs setting out their concerns regarding the secure future of ground. The Clerk has approached ACRE and met with Jenny Bradbury to discuss the briefing note, the Trust Deed and the best way forward. Councillors have received a copy of the briefing note and her observations from that meeting and a brief outline of what would need to be done.

Mr Harvey said we have asked Jenny Bradbury some further questions and are waiting for a reply, so we get a clearer picture on how best to proceed. As it stands at the moment the PC as trustees have become sole trustees and are responsible for the land only and have taken responsibility for the fencing, tree safety and children’s play area. They are not responsible in any way for the pavilion which belongs to the cricket club. It was felt by Councillors that with the pavilion in its current state of repair, they would not want to take any ownership of the building. It would probably provevery difficult to set up a trust including the pavilion as any individualsnamed as trustees would be responsible for a failing building. An issue of the insurance has arisen as the clubs maintain their own playing areas they should include public liability within their insurance for the public using the area and this does not seem to be the case at the moment. It was agreed that once we have heard back from Jenny Bradbury, we will send the cricket and football club all the information we have received. This will be followed by a meeting between club representatives, the Council and ACRE to discuss what is required.Mr Harvey is prepared to represent the Council at the first meeting but as he will be leaving in May other councillors preferably from St Lawrence do need to attend and to take this forward.

KCC Amenity Grass cutting

We have been advised that Kent County Council from April they will be reducing their amenity grass cutting from 8 to 6 times a year. Areas included will be verges in Seal particularly along Childsbridge Lane and other residential areas, small grass areas in Stone Street and the large grass verge through the centre of Underriver. Councillor will monitor the reduced cutting.

Mrs Linley suggested that the Council should look at introducing if possible green walls in Seal and encourage householders in Seal High Street to put in box hedging or other green hedging even in tubs that helped reduce pollution.


-Planning applications from the last meetingwereratified.

-We had been invited to attend a meeting with the new consultants and KCC Officers to look at trying to solve the traffic issues with the last Seal School application.

Accounts and cheques

005355 / KCC / 147.96 / Cleaning materials
005356 / South East Water / 294.38 / Water rates
005357 / KC Davies / 15.00 / Seal Pav window cleaning
005358 / Scribe 2000 / 339.60 / Annual Subscription
005359 / Highland Printing / 36.00 / Photocopies and notice
005360 / Richard Abel Landscapes / 42.00 / Library garden
005361 / Sevenoaks DC / 44.25 / Seal Pav refuse
005362 / Ms C Farrow Ward / Caretakers salary
005363 / Mrs L J Talbot / Clerks salary + accom
005364 / Inland Revenue / Deductions
005365 / KCC / Pension contributions
005366 / Patmores / 179.99 / Fridge Seal Pav
005367 / Kent Carpentry Construction / 75.00 / New lock St/St noticeboard

Matters for Information Only

-PCSO Sue Harwood had suggested a new No Right Turn Sign on Park Lane, so that cars had the opportunity of using Grove Road to gain access onto the A25 rather than go into the village and have to turn left.

-A burglary has taken place in Fawke Common and a garden shed broken into and everything taken in Underriver.

The brown and white spaniel stolenfrom Underriver had now been found.

-The cars parking on the pavement outside the Old Post Officehave been reported to SDC.

-SDC have been made aware of cars parking on the double yellow lines outside the kebab shop.

-All the winter flower tubs and barrier baskets are now in place, please remember if one is near you to water it.

-There has been an increase in fly tipping in the area and residents are urged to report these themselves to SDC. 01732 227000

-A reminder to report all Highway issues direct to KCC 03000 41 81 81

-A reminder to report problems on PROW to03000 41 7171 8am-8pm Mon-Friday.

-A reminder that the Annual Assembly will take place on Thursday 4th May at 7.30pm in the Pavilion on the Seal Recreation Ground. This is an opportunity for the Council to say “Thank you” to all the volunteers that make Seal a special place. Parishioners can come along and ask questions, put forward ideas building on last year it will be a less formal event for a chat over nibbles and a glass of wine.

We will also be presenting the Community Award.

Meeting closed 8.45pm

A short planning meeting followed due to short deadlines.