The Colorado Society of the

Sons of the American Revolution

Board of Managers Meeting, Village Inn, Castle Rock, CO 8 May 2010

Meeting Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President John C. Luedecke at 12:00. The invocation was given by Chaplain Bob Gordon. The pledge to the flag was led by VP Tom Wellborn and the pledge to SAR was led by David T Mann. The following 11 members were present: L. C. Berger, A. E. Foster, R. M. Gordon, R. H. Hoskinson, E. P. Karr, N. H. Kronvall, J. C. Luedecke, D. T. Mann, R. L. Riepe, L. R. Shriner, and T. A. Wellborn.

MINUTES: Recording Secretary/Historian George Smith e-mailed a copy of the 27 Mar 2010 BOM minutes to the Board. Ed Karr made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted and it was seconded by Richard Hoskinson and approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Treasurer Larry Shriner’s report of income and expenses for 1/1/10 – 5/8/10 was distributed and included with this report. The opening checkbook balance was $10,971.55, with income of $11,985.00, expenses of $12,437.97 and an ending checkbook balance of $10,518.58. The Money Market Account has $10,547.28.



President John Luedecke President Luedecke’s report was e-mailed to the Board prior to the meeting and a copy is filed with these minutes.

Vice President Tom Welborn VP Wellborn noted he has a file of all members with e-mail addresses if anyone needs it. The COSSAR website is updated with info and a registration form for the Annual Picnic which will be on 24 Jul 2010 at Ft. Lupton. He will ensure the info is distributed to the DAR and CAR.

Recording Sec/Hist George Smith Recording Secretary Smith is out of town for his mother-in-law’s 90th birthday. He had nothing else to report.

Membership Sec/Reg Charlie Lanham Not present. No report submitted. His wife has been diagnosed with liver cancer and has recently been in the hospital for an operation. She will undergo radiation and chemo-therapy.

Treasurer Lawrence Shriner Will cover the budget later. Dave Van Wormer’s wife is under hospice care at home. Dave must travel by bus as he can’t drive.

Chaplain Robert M. Gordon Chaplain Gordon e-mailed his report and a copy is filed with these minutes. We lost 6 members so far in 2010. He noted that recently members Hal Taylor and Bill Aiken passed away.

Chancellor Kirk B. Holleyman Not present. No report submitted.

National Trustee Ed Karr Nothing new to report since 27 Mar 2010.


Grand Mesa Norm Kronvall Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes. Their Color Guard participated in the service for Charter Member Hal Taylor on a bad weather day.

Longs Peak Jan Housley Not present. No report filed.

Mount Evans Bob Morgan Not present. No report filed. Lew Berger noted the next Chapter meeting will be 22 May 2010 near the Denver Public Library. WW II members of the 10th Mountain Division will make a presentation. The chapter will also meet with the DAR on Friday 21 May.

Pikes Peak Richard Hoskinson Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes.


Awards George Smith Not present. No action at this time.

Budget/Finance Larry Shriner The Budget Report is attached to the file copy of these minutes and summarized here. We budgeted $17,097.55 for income and expenses for this year. As of 5/8/10 income is $13,066.84 and expenses total $9.919.97. Larry noted that some items are totaled differently for budgeting purposes than for the Treasurer’s Report.

Color Guard David Mann Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes. Chairman Mann noted the Color Guard will be the lead Color Guard in the Denver Memorial Day Parade. He also discussed purchasing handout materials for the Color Guard public appearances. See new business.

DAR Liaison Ernie Newman Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes. Chairman Newman is today making a presentation at the DAR Chapter in Trinidad.

CAR Liaison Ed Karr Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes.

Eagle Scout Howard B. Weiler Not present. No action at this time.

Education Jan Housley Not present. No report filed.

Legislative Ernie Newman Report e-mailed and filed. No actions pending.

Membership Charlie Lanham Not present. No report filed.

Nominating Richard Hoskinson No action at this time.

Publicity Greg Starr Not present. Ed Karr noted the last quarter issue of The Colorado Patriot was published. He encouraged all to submit articles to Greg for the next issue to be published at the end of June.

ROTC Ernest E. Newman Report e-mailed and filed with these minutes. President Luedecke received a Thank You letter from the Whitefield Navy ROTC.

Website Tom Wellborn Covered in the VP’s report.


Larry Shriner asked about proceeding with the printing of the COSSAR Brochure by School District 11 for the Family History Expo in June 2010. His note from Ernie Newman indicated they would print and tri-fold it at a cost of $111.26. The Board approved it. Ed Karr will furnish a PDF copy to Ernie who will make the arrangements.


·  Ed Karr will make the JROTC presentation at Gateway HS this evening

·  President Luedecke investigated the particulars of what “sponsoring” an Oration Contestant meant. Some states provide travel money to the National Congress and others don’t. After discussion it was agreed that President Luedecke would find a potential Oration Chairman and Chapter contacts. The potential Chairman to make a presentation on whether we should proceed with sponsoring this and, if so, how it would work. The report is to be made at the October 2010 BOM meeting.

·  The Color Guard has $100.00 remaining in their budget that can be used to help purchase booklets of the Constitution and DOI which can be handed out at Color Guard events. After discussion, it was agreed that COSSAR would provide matching funds to purchase 500 copies. Dave Mann will provide a COSSAR stamp to stamp the booklets.

·  John Luedecke is the only COSSAR member going to the 25-30 June 2010 National Congress in Cleveland, OH. George Smith will provide him with the credential papers.

·  The board agreed to provide $100.00 for the Pensacola, FL Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial Paver Program. If room is available it will say “Colorado Society Sons of the American Revolution.” John Luedecke will provide Greg Starr with info on this project as an article for the 2nd Qtr 2010 Colorado Patriot.

·  President Luedecke indicated we will likely have the PG Visit on 8-10 Nov 2010.


The SAR Recessional was led by John Luedecke. The Benediction was given by Chaplain Bob Gordon. President Luedecke declared the meeting adjourned at 2:00pm.

8 May 2010