Registration FormsReports

Cheat Sheet

Select the Registration Form

  1. Navigate to Communities > Forms > Registration.
  2. Hover your mouse over the Form you’d like to run a report on.
  3. Select Reports from the menu.

If you have not saved your report…

  1. In the Report Type menu, select People: Registrations.
  2. In the Select Report menu, select the form that best meets your needs:
  3. The Registration Type Summary report gives you a breakdown of the number of registrations that have been recorded for each type. You can then drilldown within each type to see the names and other information of the persons who registered for each type.
  4. The All Registrants Purchases Summary report lists each individual registrant with their registration type and transaction amount. You can then drilldown on each individual registrant’s record to see more profile information.
  5. The Registration Purchases Detail lists each registration transaction. You can then drilldown on each individual registrant’s record to see more profile information.
  6. For the purposes of this document, we will follow the Registration Purchases Detail report.

Setting Up Your Report

  1. In the first set-up screen, you can select criteria to be used in running the report.
  2. From the Select Registration Date Range, you can choose to run your report for registrations received during a particular range of dates (such as last full week, last full day) or with a broader range (such as To Date or Year to Date).
  3. Customize Report and Additional Criteria will rarely be used but allow you to restrict your report to very specific criteria (such as by a particular registration type).
  1. In the second set-up screen, you can determine which fields you would like to have visible within your report and the order in which you would like them to be listed.
  2. Click on each tab to see the different fields available under that tab. (Report Specific Fields, Contact Info, Address Info, Personal Info, Custom Fields). You can always add additional columns to your report once the report has been run.
  3. In the Show Columns section, you can organize the fields in the order you’d like them to appear in your form from left to right. To move the position of a particular column of information, select it by clicking on it, then click either Top, Up, Down, or Bottom to rearrange its order within the report.
  4. In the Sorting Preference section, you can select how you would like the report to be sorted. For example, if you select Last Name your report will be in an alphabetical list by last name.
  5. When you have finished with these options, click Finish.

Report Preparation

  1. This screen allows you to select how you would like the report to be delivered. You have the following options:
  2. Continue working in Sphere and receive an email notification when the report is ready. It will be stored in Control > Reports > My Reports.
  3. You can choose No to run your report immediately. In most cases, this is the recommended option.
  4. Click Run Report to begin running the report

Using Your Report

Once youhave run the report, you have a variety of options.

  1. To add additional columns of data to the report, click on Choose Columns. This option will take you back to the fields selection screen.
  2. To re-sort the colums, click on any of the column headers. The list will automatically re-sort.
  3. To drilldown for more information, click on any hyperlink within the report.

Exporting to Excel

  1. Click Export XLS.
  2. A pop-up window will appear.
  3. Right click on Get File Here.
  4. Select Save Target As.
  5. Select the file folder you would like to save the file in. Save the file with a name you will remember.

Best Practices:

  • If you plan to save several versions of the registration list, be sure to name your registration list with a unique name. For example, save your JCSB Dinner 2006 registration list as JCSBdinner06 RSVPs on 5-2-06.xls. Though it’s a long file name, it’s very specific and gives the date on which the report was run.
  • By converting to excel, you can forward the registration information easily to other staff or volunteers.

Saving Your Report for Future Runs

  1. Each report you set up can be saved with your preferred criteria and fields so that you do not have to reset these criteria each time you want an updated report run.
  2. To save your report, click Save.
  3. A new window will appear. Create a name for your saved report and a description.
  4. Your saved report will be accessible as an option the next time you go to Reports for that particular registration form.

Running a Saved Report

  1. Select your registration from Communities > Forms > Registrationby hovering over the name of your registration from and click Reports.
  2. Select previously saved report.
  3. Select the report that you want to run from the list of saved reports for that registration form.
  4. You will have the option to go through all of the set up screens again if you would like to change any of your saved settings. If you do not want to change any of your saved settings, clickFinish.
  5. This screen allows you to select how you would like the report to be delivered. You have the following options:
  6. Continue working in Sphere and receive an email notification when the report is ready. It will be stored in Control > Reports > My Reports.
  7. You can choose No to run your report immediately. In most cases, this is the recommended option.
  8. Click Run Report to begin running the report.

Kintera Registration Form Reports Cheat Sheet

ALR 9/12/2018