August 22, 2012
Welcome to Room 24!
Mrs. Green and Mrs. Stammen are looking
forward to seeing you on Monday, August 22
at West. Exciting learning experiences are waiting for
Back to School Night will be held on Monday, August
22 from 6:00 – 7:00. Parents and students please plan to
August 24, 2011
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to spending an exciting year with your child. As a team, we can expect great things to happen this school year.
We especially need your support concerning your child’s homework assignments. The homework agenda and folder are necessary tools to achieve this goal. Keeping their book bag and supplies in an assigned area at home will eliminate forgetting textbooks, assignments, and will enable your child to have a successful day/year.
We will be sending a newsletter, weekly. Please feel free to jot down comments on the letter and return it to school. We can also be reached at 586-8305 or , ,, and
, if you have any questions.
Mrs. Green and Mrs. Stammen job share in room 24.
Mrs. Green will be teaching Social Studies in the morning to rooms 22, 23 & 24.
Mrs. Stammen will be teaching Language Arts in the afternoon to room 24.
Mrs. Phlipot will be teaching Science in the morning to rooms 22, 23, & 24
Mrs. Vehorn will be teaching Math in the morning to rooms 22, 23, & 24
Mrs. Phlipot and Mrs. Vehorn will be teaching Language Arts to their homeroom in the afternoon.
This is a summary of what we will be covering this year:
Language Arts:TheTreasures Series by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill will be used this year. A web site for parents and students is available for use. Please log on to for additional resources. The program covers a wide spectrum of skills in the areas of Reading, Spelling, Writing, and Grammar.
- The story of the week will be listed in the weekly newsletter
- Daily Oral Language (DOL) test will be given each Friday.
- Spelling tests will be given each Friday.
Periodic assessments will be announced in the weekly newsletter
TRADEBOOKS or LEVELED READERS will be assigned each month. Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts tests will be given to check reading skills. The “Book It” program will be implemented, which will encourage nightly reading.
Handwriting - Weekly cursive handwriting, workbook assignments will be completed in class.
Some class assignments will be written in cursive, according to individual teachers’ directions.
Math: It is very important that your child know his/her math facts at the beginning of the year. This will greatly increase your child’s ability to succeed in all areas of math. Nightly homework will be assigned to reinforce the skills taught each day. Please check completed assignments with your child for errors.
Citizenship: States and Regions, Let’s Discover Ohio and Mercer County textbooks will be used this year. Vocabulary cards, handouts and journals will be used in addition to text. Dates and instructions for projects will be given in advance. Parental involvement in these projects is encouraged and appreciated.
Science: Many hands on activities will be conducted in the classroom this year. Students work in small groups and learn to cooperate with one another. Each science chapter includes vocabulary cards. It is important to learn assigned vocabulary and keep up to date on workbook assignments.
Encore Classes:
Music, Art, and Physical Education: Grades will be given each nine weeks.
Computers: Students will be assigned a specific computer time, which will review and extend concepts covered in the classroom. A computer lab is available for class projects.
Library – Students will be going to the library each week
Moble Learning Devices and ipads: We are excited to continue use of this technology in our classroom this year. Students will be responsible for their own MLD’s. Parent consent forms are included in the packet. Ipads will be checked out through the library by the classroom teacher.
Smart Boards:This teaching technology will be used to support learning in the classroom.
Homework Requests: Please call the office if your child is going to be absent. A note signed by the parent is required when the child returns to school. Please request homework pickup for the day, after 12:30. This will allow time to gather needed materials from all teachers.
Medications: Absolutely NO medications are not permitted at school without a doctor’s written permission. All medications will be kept in the clinic and dispensed by the nurse.
Ohio Academic Achievement Test: OAA testing in the areas of Reading and Math will be given in the spring.
Fourth Grade Homework/Discipline Policy
Classroom Rules
1. Respect everyone in the classroom
2. Bring needed materials and assignments to each class
3. Keep hands, feet and other objects to self.
4. No talking when the teacher or another student is talking.
Classroom Rewards
1. Verbal and non-verbal praise
2. Positive notes and phone calls home
3. Stickers and other rewards
4. Nine weeks incentive activity
1. Three missed assignment or Onediscipline incident results in a Notice being sent
home to parent. The notice must be signed and returned the next day with
missing assignment(s)
2. 10 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late.
Student will be asked to stay in at recess in order to complete missing assignments
- If a student receives OneHomework and/or Behavior Notice, he/she must serve a detention during lunch recess.
4. Any student who causes a serious disruption will be sent to the principal’s
office and the parent will be called and a conference will be arranged.
Working together we can make this a positive, fun year for everyone
Please sign and return
We have read and understand the 4th grade homework/discipline policy.
Parent’s signature Student’s signature
Fourth Grade Supply List
1. 4 sharpened pencils
2. 3 pens: (1) red, (1) blue, and (1) black
3. pointed scissors
4. 2 black dry erase markers
5. colored pencils
6. crayons (box of 24)
7. glue
8. pencil bag. - no pencil boxes (will not fit in desk)
9. white wide-lined notebook paper (loose)
10. Disinfectant wipes
11. File folder with 8 sections (No Trappers/ 3 Ringed Notebooks- desks are very small)
12. ruler with metric and inch markings
13. eraser
14. one box tissue
15. Yellow highlighter
- 1- Black sharpie marker
- markers
Please identify your supplies with your name and room number.
Check with your son/daughter throughout the year to see if they are in need of additional supplies. It makes our day easier when everyone is prepared.
Fourth Grade Schedule
Lunch 11:40 – 12:05
Recess/Intervention 12:05 – 12:25
Encore Classes (CIS) 12:30 – 1:00
Afternoon Recess 2:15- 2:30
Dismissal3:25 - Bussers/Car riders
3:30 - Walkers
Grading Scale
100 - 93 A
92 - 85 B
84 - 74 C
73 - 66 D
65 - 0 F
Dear ______,
Your child ______needs school supplies in order to complete their assignments as given. Those needed items are checked below.
1. _____lined white wide-ruled notebook paper
2. _____pencils
3. _____black ink pen
4. _____glue stick
5. _____Elmer’s glue
6. _____ruler
7. _____folder
8. _____black and white composition book
9. _____cloth/nylon pencil pouch
Classroom Management
Room 24
1. When an assignment it done together in class
we will indicate this on their work as DT; handwritten or
2. Failing work will be redone during recess time or as
homework. We will indicate this by writing REDO on the assignment.
3. Restroom breaks need to be taken before class begins,
in the morning before school starts, before each of the
recesses or at the end of the day.
4. Phone calls can be made by students, when necessary, with their teacher’s permission.
5. Forgetting paper, pencil, leaving assignment(s) in homeroom/book bag will earn one strike. Three strikes equal a homework notice.
6. Any missing homework will result in homework
notice and the student will miss recess to complete.
7. Lunch detention will be earned after three homework notices.
8. Nine weeks Enrichment activities will be earned by
those students who have completed their homework on time
and followed all of the classroom rules.
- Nine weeks enrichment will be earned by those students who earn “teacher indicated” number of stickers
Room 24 Class List