Dec. 2014


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Dragan Pavlovic


Dr. med (Belgrad),

Dr med (Greifswald)

Dipl. Sports Med. (London)

PD Dr. med. habil. (Greifswald),

Specialist in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (Paris)

Former Research Director: Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, Universitätsmedizin, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany

Former Professor of Pathophysiology, European University, Belgrade, Serbia

Editor in chief, “Dialogue”, International Journal for Arts and Sciences (Paris)

Presently retired, honorary position:

Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology

Dept. of Anesthesia,Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

MicrocirculationDiagnostics andAppliedStudies Research Group

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada



Date and place of birth: 4 August, 1949, Vranje, Serbia

Nationality / Citizenship: French / Serbian



Dr. med. (Docteur en Medecine / Medical Doctor, M. D.) University of Belgrade,

Yugoslavia, 1976

Approbation (Dr. med.) Yougoslavia, 1976

D. S. M. Diploma in Sports Medicine, The London Hospital Medical College, London, U. K., 1984.

Dr. med. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany, 27. Nov, 2002.

Habilitation (PD Dr. Med. Habi./ HDR) 19. 12. 2007, at the Medical Faculty, Ernst Moritz Arndt Université, Greifswald, Germany

Approbation (German): Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, 01.10. 2009.

Approbation-(French) Dr. med, Specialist in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, France, 4 novembre. 2011.


March 6th, 1985 - Decembre 31, 1999

Chercheur Associe et Directeur de reserch Associe / Research Associate and Associated Research Director at Unite INSERM U408 (226), Laboratory for Experimental Pathology, FacultÈ Xavier - Bichat, Paris, France, and Beaujon Hospital, department of Pneumology and Intensive Care, Clichy

Jan. 1st 2000 Dec. 31, 2012

Research Director

Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, 17487 Greifswald, Germany


1982 - 1983 In Charge of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Regional Hospital,

Waiblingen, W. Germany, 1982-83.

1987 - 2000 In Charge of The Smooth Muscle Unit, Laboratory for Experimental Pathology, Unite INSERM U408, Faculty Xavier - Bichat, University Paris 7, Paris, France.

From 1. 1. 2000 -31. 12. 2012: Research Director / Leiter, Experimentelle Anästhesiologie, Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedozin, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany.

Septembar 1, 2011 August 2013, Full Professor of Pathophysiology, European University, Belgrade, Serbia

From 2014: Retired.

Januar 1, 2014 – Dec. 2017

Honorary full position: Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology

Dept. of Anesthesia,Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

MicrocirculationDiagnostics andAppliedStudies Research Group

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada


Societe de Pneumologie d'íIle-de-France.


Associated Editor: Computer science advisor, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Paris, 1991 - 1997.

Editor in chief, “Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences” Paris, 1992 – to this day.

Congress Organisation

For Intelligence and Expert Systems: 5 congresses (1992, 1993, 1994 1995, 1996, in average 50 participants, proceedings publication. (Paris)

For Association “Dialogue”: 1 Congress, 1999, 500 participants, simultaneous translation, proceedings publication. (Paris)

For Anästhesie Abteilung, Ertnst.Moritz-Arndt Universität: Tracheotomie gestern und Heute, Mai 2006 (Greifswald).

Ethics for an aging world-1, International conference, Heringsdorf, September 23-26, 2010 (Organiser and initiator),

Ethics for an aging world-2, International conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA October 8-9, 2011(Co-Organiser),


1976 – 1977 Internship at The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and

Sports Medizin Praxis, ”Medicinar” and ”Red Star Karate Klub”, Belgrad

(1. 7. 1976 – 30. 6. 1977)

1977-1978  General practice at The Health Home at Porec and Koper, Yugoslavia (Allgemeiner Arzt). (18. 7. 1977 - 20. 8 1978)

1978-1979  Fellowship in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care at The State Hospital, Marl,

W. Germany. (Assistenzarzt) (1. 9. 1978 - 31. 7. 1979)

Sports Medicin Praxis (Sportmedizin Ärztlicher Vorbereitungsdienst),

”Medicinar” Karate Club, Belgrade, Jugoslawien. (1. 8. 1979 – 30. 7. 1981)

1981-1983 Fellowship in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care at Regional Hospital, Waiblingen,

W. Germany. (Assistenzarzt) (15. 8. 1981 - 31. 5. 1983)

1983-1984  Sports Medicine Diploma course at The London Hospital Medical College,

London, U. K. (25 September 1983- 5 June 1984)

1985 - 2000 Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), and since 1987 as Research Fellow of the Smooth Muscle Unit, Laboratory for Experimental Pathology, at INSERM U408 and Beaujon Hospital, Department of Pneumology and Intensive Care, Clichy, and Faculte Xavier - Bichat, INSERM 408 (226) Paris, France.

2000 - 2012 Resident in Anaesthetics and Research Director, / Leiter, Experimentelle Anästhesiologie, Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany.

2014 - 2017


Januar 1, 2014 – Dec. 2017 Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology

Dept. of Anesthesia,Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

MicrocirculationDiagnostics andAppliedStudies Research Group

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada


1983 Course in British Medical Practice at Postgraduate Medical School, University of Exeter, U. K.

University year 1985-86, Post-Graduate course in Respiratory Physiology and Pharmacology at University Paris V.

Summer 1989, Course in patch-clamp, at the Faculty of Sciences (Pr. M. Lazdunski), Nice, France and at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Strasbourg, France (Pr. Stockle).

Summer 1991, Course in optical techniques of membrane potential recording and intracellular ion concentration recording, at the Medical Faculty, Marseille (Pr. Bongrand), Marseille, France.


Serbo-Croat (mother tangue)

English («bilingual»)




French DEA / «Masters degree» 1987-2000. (3 students)

Director of German Doctoral thesis 2000-2012 (74 students)


Personal homepage:

The most important papers

Tracheal smooth muscle in vitro:

in-out model

Improvements from 2008


Model for intravital microscopy – hanging drop

Sepsis therapy:

A combination of DHEA and orthovanadate


Bidirectional valve for emergency lung ventilation



Theory of concerns 1

Theory of concerns-2

Political philosophy:

Theory of crisis resolution by permanent dialogue


Year and full reference impact factor 2011


London, United Kingdom

London Hospital Medical School



Pavlovic, Dragan

Anaesthesia and analgesia in sports injuries.

Thesis, The London Hospital Medical School, London, 1985. (0.4)

Paris, France

University Paris 7, INSERM U408 (U226)


Abstracts (2)

Dureuil, B. N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier.

Alteration in nerve conduction and diaphragmatic function after phrenic nerve hypothermia.

Proceedings, VII Congres Europeen DíAnesthesiology, Vienne, 1986.

Dureuil, B. , N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, M. Aubier, and J. M. Desmonts.

Effects of phrenic nerve cooling on nerve conduction and diaphragmatic function in dogs.

Poceedings, International Symposium on Anaesthesia for Cardiac Patients, Munchen, 1986.


Abstracts (1)

Dureuil, B. , N. Viires, B. Weber, D. Pavlovic, M. Aubier, R. Pariente, and J. M. Desmonts.

Effects of acute starvation on diaphragmatic function.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 4: A329 (suppl), 1987.


Abstracts (2)

Pavlovic, D. , M. Fournier, M. Aubier, and R. Pariente.

Modulation of the tracheal smooth muscle response to carbachol stimulation by the epithelium in the rats.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 137 (suppl): 243, 1988.

Jorga, V. I. , I. K. Jorga, D. V. Pavlovic, Olivera Bosnic, Snezana Vukovic, M. Aubier, and V. M. Mujovic.

Prostaglandins in top karate sportsmen during specific work load test.

Jugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 24 (Suppl 6: 161), 1988.

Articles (2)

D. Pavlovic, Jorga, I. K., V. Mujovic, M. Aubier and R. Pariente.

Opioids have depressant effect on diaphragmatic fiber tension generation.

Jugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 24 (Suppl 6: 159-160) 1988. (0.2)

Boczkowski, J. , B. Duireil, N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, D. Murciano, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier.

Effects of sepsis on diaphragmatic function in rats.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 138: 260-265, 1988. (8.12)


Abstracts (2)

Boczkowski, J. , B. Dureuil, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, M. Aubier.

Preventive effect of indomethacin on contractile diaphragmatic Alteration in septic rats.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 4: A163 (suppl), 1989.

Nussaume, O. , Murciano, G. , Viires, N., and Pavlovic, D.

Stimulation musculaire - travail preliminaire,

Proceedings, Socite de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculare de Langue Franáaise, Versailles, 1989.

Articles (2)

Pavlovic, D. , M. Fournier, M. Aubier, and R. Pariente.

Epithelial versus serosal stimulation of tracheal muscle: role of epithelium.

J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 2522-2526, 1989. (2.82)

Dureuil, B. , N. Viires, B. Veber, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, J. M. Desmonts, and M. Aubier.

Acute diaphragmatic changes induced by starvation in rats.

Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49: 738-744, 1989. (5.433)


Abstracts (2)

Pingleton, S. K. , J. Boczkowski, N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier.

Effect of combined starvation and sepsis upon diaphragmatic function.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 1990 (suppl).

Pavlovic Dragan, Evelin Brione, Michel Fournier, et Michel Aubier.

L’epithelium inhibe la relaxation du muscle lisse tracheal de rat induit par un activateur des canaux potassiques (BRL 38227).

Proceedings of Journee de la Recherche (UFR Xavier Bichat), Paris, Sept. 1990.

Articles (1)

Viires, N. , D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier.

Effects of steroids on diaphragmatic function in rats.

Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 124: 34-38, 1990. (8.12)


Articles (1)

Viires, N. , D. Pavlovic, and M. Aubier.

Multiple effects of BAY K 8644 and nifedipine on isolated diaphragmatic fibres in vitro.

J. Appl. Physiol. 71: 841-846, 1991. (2.82)


Abstracts (4)

Pinquier, D. , G. Boussignac, D. Pavlovic, and F. Beaufils.

Sonde d'intubation multi-canaux: Une voie pour limiter le barotraumatisme pendant la ventilation mÈcanique.

Proceedings of Journee de la Recherche (UFR Xavier-Bichat), Paris: 105, 1992.

Pinquier, D. , G. Boussignac, D. Pavlovic, and F. Beaufils.

Sonde d'intubation multi-canaux: interet dans le sevrage de la ventilation mecanique. Proceedungs of Journe de la Recherche (UFR Xavier-Bichat, Paris): 106, 1992.

Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils.

Multichannel endotracheal tube: a way to limit barotrauma.

Intensive Care Med. 18 (S2), 164, (A 186), 1992.

Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils.

Multichannel endotracheal tube: a way to improve weaning from mechanical ventilation.

Intensive Care Med. 18 (S2), 164 (A 185), 1992.


Abstracts (3)

Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils.

Ventilation intratracheale multichanalaire.

Rev. mal. Resp. , 10 (S1), 18 (A 32), 1993.

Gacic, Z. , M. Grgurevic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov.

The effect of penicillin on retzius nerve cells of the leech.

Proceedings of III Congress of Yugoslav Neurologists, 210, 1993.

Grgurevic, M. , S. Malobabic, Z. Gacic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov.

The dendroarchitectural organization of the neurons in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord.

Proceedings of III Congress of Yugoslav Neurologists, 405, 1993.

Articles (1)

Pavlovic, Dragan, Evelin Brione, Michel Fournier, and Michel Aubier:

Partial inhibition by epithelium of tracheal smooth muscle relaxation induced by potassium channel activator BRL 38227.

Br. J. Pharmacol., 110: 139-144, 1993. (3.325)


Abstracts (2)

Pavlovic, Dragan. , Naima Viires, Christine Zedda, Michel Fournier, and Michel Aubier:

Effects of corticosteroids on epithelial structure and smooth muscle function of rat trachea.

Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. , 4: A905, 1994.

Pavlovic, D. , Cheik-Zeinedinne, T. , Fournier, M. , and Fournier, M.

Carbocisteine diminishes rat tracheal smooth muscle reactivity in epithelium denuded preparations.

Eur. Resp. J. Vol 7, suppl 18: 76s, 1994.

Articles (1)

Genevieve Le Bourdelles, Naima Viires, Jorge Boczkowski, Natalie Seta, Dragan Pavlovic, and Michel Aubier.

Effects of mechanical ventilation on diaphragmatic contractile properties in rats.

Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. , Vol. 149: 1539-1544, 1994. (8.12)


Abstracts (3)

Viires, N. , Pavlovic, D. , Moutaouakkil, S. , and Aubier, M.

Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragmatic contractility, capillarity and fibre type distribution.

Proceedings of XXIV European Muscle Conference, 13-16 Sept. , 1995, Firence, Italy.

Viires, N. , Pavlovic, D. , Zedda, C. , and Aubier, M.

Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragmatic contractility, capillarity and fibre type distribution.

Eur. Resp. J. Vol 7, suppl 18: 88s, 1995.

Pavlovic, D. , Moldovan, F. , and Aubier, M.

Selective perfusion of rat tracheal preparation: no evidence for EpDRF secretion.

Eur. Resp. J. Vol 8, suppl 19: 43s, 1995.


Abstracts (3)

D. Pavlovic, N. Viires, F. Roux, and M. Aubier.

Chronic hypoxia diminishes sensitivity of rat tracheal smooth muscle to carbachol applied epithelialy.

Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. , Vol. 153, N∞ 4 (suppl. , part 2): A840, 1996.

Ouksel, H. , D. Pavlovic, N. Viires, Y. Amrani, N. Seta, and M. Aubier.

Modifications in MLCK expression induced by repeated bronchoconstriction.

Proceedings, EMC, XXV European Muscle Congress, Montpellier, France, 14 - 17 Sept., 1996.

Nedeljkov, V. Cemerikic, D. , Grgurevic, M. , Dragovic, S. , and Pavlovic, D.

The effect of Ni2+ on Retzius nerve cells of the leech.

XV Yugoslav. Symp. of Epileptology, 1996.

Articles (1)

Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, Georges Boussignac, Michel Aubier, and FranÁois Beaufils

Benefits of the low pressure multichannel endotracheal ventilation.

Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. 154: 82 - 90, 1996. (8.12)


Abstracts (4)

Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, G. Fromont - Hankard, L. Ferkdadji, G. Boussignac, M. Peuchmaur, M. Aubier, and F. Beaufils.

Effects of tracheal gas insuflation during CMV on pulmonary pressures and Airway Histology.

Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. vol. 155, N∞ 4, (suppl. , part 2): A773, 1997.

Ouksel, H. , N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Peiffer, N. Seta, Y. Amrani, and M. Aubier.

Modifications in MLCK Expression in guinea-pig airway smooth muscle: role of repeated bronchoconstrictions and role of inflamation.

Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. Vol 155, N∞ 4 (suppl, part 2): A370, 1997.

Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, G. Fromont - Hankard, L. Ferkdadji, G. Boussignac, M. Peuchmaur, M. Aubier, and F. Beaufils.

Effects of TGI during CMV on pulmonary pressures and airway histology.

Eur. Resp. J. vol 10, 80s (suppl), 1997.

Ouksel, H. , N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Peiffer, C. Zedda, and M. Aubier.

MLCK and SERKA expression in tracheal smooth muscle from sensitized guinea-pigs.

Eur. Resp. J. vol 10, 291s (suppl), 1997.