(updated 3/28/13)

Table of Contents

General Information & Policies 3

Core Scheduling Guidelines 13

















"The mission of Sanford High School & Regional Technology Center is to establish a safe and mutually respectful learner-centered community where all are empowered to gain the knowledge and skills to become responsible

and self-fulfilled citizens."


Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center is a comprehensive secondary school, which offers a variety of course offerings. The annual enrollment approximates 1,250 students, who are served by a faculty of 117 plus a support staff of 16. The regular school day begins at 7:50 A.M. and ends at 2:00 P.M. using a four block, semester model schedule (4X4). Sanford High School maintains a closed campus and students are required to take a minimum of seven (7) credits per year. For more information about Sanford High School or the Sanford Regional Technical Center, FAX us at 207-490-5152 or call 207-324-4050.

Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and by the Maine Department of Education.

Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center reserves the right to amend any administrative or academic policy described in this catalog without prior notice to persons who might thereby be affected. The academic program and requirements in this catalog are in effect for students entering Sanford High School in the fall of 2013 and subsequent years. Insofar as possible, the information in this book is complete and accurate as of the date of its publication. Information in this publication supersedes all previous yearly publications and may be superseded by future publications. Sanford High School does not accept responsibility for printing errors and/or grammatical inaccuracies.

Only full-time students are eligible for co-curricular activities, athletics and honor roll.


To comply with Federal laws (including Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972), state laws, and Maine Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our school community. As an Equal Rights and Opportunities School, Sanford High School does not discriminate against individuals or groups because of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, marital status, or non-relevant handicaps and disabilities. Our commitment to non-discrimination extends to students, employees, prospective employees, and the community.


The program of studies at Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center offers a comprehensive curriculum of approximately 150 courses within 10 disciplines. Courses are offered beginning at the basic level through advanced placement.


All students are assigned a primary guidance counselor based on grade, academic program, and/or last name. Counselors assist students with educational, career, social, and emotional development. They meet with students in various settings to provide information and guidance regarding course selection, various post-secondary education and service options, and career goals. Counselors are always available to meet individually with students and parents during the school year. On occasion they may refer students and/or parents in need of emergency services or long-term counseling to an outside agency or private therapist. Students are encouraged to make appointments with their counselor before or after school or during lunch whenever possible.


Class scheduling is done through the Guidance Office, which maintains all official academic records, sends out transcripts, supervises course registration and changes, and tracks students’ progress in meeting graduation requirements. Registration in all courses is subject to availability of spaces in classes. Course priority is given to students who need those courses to fulfill graduation requirements. Note: The high school reserves the right not to offer certain courses because of insufficient enrollment.


Prior to withdrawing from school, the student must complete a school withdrawal form and meet with the principal. For those students under the age of 17, a parent or guardian must accompany the student by scheduling an appointment. If the student is transferring to another institution, the cumulative record and grades to date will be forwarded, upon request, to the new institution or agency. Students who are transferring are not required to meet with the principal.


The first five weekdays of a semester comprise the ADD/DROP period. During these five days students can explore schedule changes with their guidance counselors. Certain changes may require parent and/or teacher permission. Schedule changes do not take effect until the guidance counselor has entered the change in the SHS computer system.


A student, upon approval by the student’s guidance counselor, parent and teacher, may withdraw during the first 3 weeks of the course without the notation of the withdrawal being placed on the students’ academic record. Withdrawals made after the first 3 weeks will be issued a grade of “WP” or “WF.” Any student who does not follow the required procedures for withdrawing from a course may receive a grade of “F.”

Students enrolled in a full-year program must complete both semesters to earn credit and to meet the graduation requirement. No credit will be awarded for any withdrawal from a year-long course.

A course may be dropped up to ten (10) days before the end of the semester with parent and teacher permission. After that point, no course may be dropped without the authorization of the principal. Students must carry a minimum of seven (7) credits to be considered full-time students.

The principal may withdraw a student from a course for reasons relating to behavior, violation of teacher’s rules, excessive absences, etc. Students who are administratively withdrawn will receive a grade of WF.


In order to receive transfer credit, a passing grade and credit must have been earned at the student’s previous school. Such credits will count toward Sanford High School graduation requirements. No transfer credit is granted for home-school courses unless the student is officially registered as a home school student with the Maine State Department of Education. Homeschoolers are urged to work with an agency or company that awards high school credits. All transfer students, home school and special students are evaluated on an individual basis. Courses in question are referred to the director of guidance and/or principal whose decision is final.


To receive an academic transcript of grades, a student/parent must submit a release of records form to the Guidance Office. Letter requests will be honored if they are signed and give complete information about enrollment dates. An official transcript is one that bears the official signature of the director of guidance or principal and is embossed with the official seal of Sanford High School. An official transcript can only be sent from Sanford High School to another institution or agency. Transcripts are provided without charge. Official transcripts cannot be faxed.


All courses undertaken at Sanford High School must receive grades. Effective September 1, 2001, the grading standard for all students at Sanford High School will be as follows:

A+ / 4.3 / 99-100 / C+ / 2.3 / 83-84 / F / .00 / Below 70 (failing)
A / 4.0 / 96-98 / C / 2.0 / 80-82
A- / 3.7 / 93-95 / C- / 1.7 / 77-79 / P- No factorable unit
B+ / 3.3 / 91-92 / D+ / 1.3 / 75-76 / WP-No factorable unit
B / 3.0 / 88-90 / D / 1.0 / 73-74 / WF-No factorable unit
B- / 2.7 / 85-87 / D- / 0.7 / 70-72 / INC-No factorable unit


·  Student grades are reported numerically on all Report Cards.

·  Student grades are reported numerically on all Progress Reports.


All letter grades that are transferred into Sanford High School will be recorded as the bolded numerical grade listed above. All numerical grades that are transferred to Sanford High School will be recorded as submitted.


The following method is required for computing grade averages for students. Please note that Infinite Campus (IC) uses the following mathematical procedure to calculate it automatically in the gradebook.

Please note: The Final Exam accounts for 20% of the semester grade (or course grade if a semester course)

Grades for Semester 1 are as follows: Grades for Year-Long courses are as follows:

Quarter 1 95 X 2 = 190 (40% or counts twice) Semester 1 = 96

Quarter 2 80 X 2 = 160 (40% or counts twice) Semester 2 = 92

Exam Grade 80 X 1= 80 (20% or counts once) Total 188

Total 430 (Total Points Available) Total/2 = 94

430/5 = 86

Therefore, Semester 1 Average = 86 Therefore, Course Grade = 94


The minimum passing grade at Sanford High School is 70%. Students who fail core courses (English, science, social studies, math, health/physical education) with a grade of a 59% or less must repeat those courses during Summer School.

Students who fail a Sanford High School core course with a grade of 60 to 69% and who have taken the final exam can recover credit by completing a set of learning goals called a Prescription. If the prescription is completed in a timely manner, credit will be awarded for the failed course. Students may complete their prescriptions after school during Extended School or during Summer School.

For the Sanford School Department Graduation Requirement Policy, go to our website at www.sanford.org. Go to the Policy Manual link and then Section I Instruction. The document is “IIEA.”


Sanford High School students are expected to complete a course during the academic semester/year in which the course was taken. A grade of Incomplete may not be given merely because a student has failed to complete all course requirements on time. The instructor, in conjunction with the director of guidance and/or principal may recommend a grade of Incomplete (“I”) when extenuating circumstances permit. If for any reason the grade is not recorded within a reasonable length of time, the principal will be responsible for assigning the grade.


Quarter and semester grade reports are mailed to a student’s home address as soon as grades have been processed.


A student's class standing will be determined by a weighted-grade system, which is based on performance in all core courses that are required for graduation. In addition to a weighted rank in class, each student's transcript will carry an unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA) for all the courses taken to date. Grades earned through home school, extended school, and/or summer school will not be included in a student's Grade Point Average (GPA) or be considered for class standing. Please note that students who transfer into Sanford High School need to complete two full semesters of academic work in order to be included in the class rank.


Honor roll distinction provides the school with the opportunity to recognize and applaud the consistent effort and high achievement of individual students. Honor roll status is determined at the end of each marking period according to the following standards and/or equivalent:

High Honors: all grades 93 or above

Honors: an average of 87 or above with no grades below 85

Honorable Mention: an average of 85 or better allowing only one grade between 84 and 77

Note: a student must carry a minimum of 7 credits over 2 semesters in order to qualify as a full time student and to be eligible for honor roll consideration. Grades awarded through a tutorial, a home school , extended school, summer school, Internet or correspondence program will not be considered in determining honor roll status.


Diplomas are conferred once a year for students who have completed all graduation requirements following the spring semester in June. Students who complete all requirements for the diploma in January will also receive their diplomas in June and will be listed in the graduation program. Seniors, who are no farther than two (2) courses from completing their graduation requirements, may petition the principal to complete their requirements during the summer. If the petition is approved, the student must have completed all requirements by August 31 of the graduating year in order to earn their diploma.


Approval for students who intend to complete their graduation requirements in less than four (4) years may be granted by the principal on an individual basis. Permission will be granted only to a student who has demonstrated that he/she is on track to successfully complete his/her graduation requirements.

Students wishing to graduate before the end of their fourth year of high school must complete the following by the end of August prior to their targeted year of graduation:

1. Parent/Guardian must, in writing, petition the Principal of the student’s request.

2. Student must in writing, petition the Principal stating reasons for early graduation, including a plan for the time during the Senior year when the student is not in school.

3. Upon receipt of above, assigned counselor develops a graduation plan listing courses to complete and courses required. Counselor writes letter of recommendation.

4. Required materials to Director of Guidance for review and recommendation.

5. Materials presented to principal.

6. Decision made by Principal.


Honors are awarded to graduating students on the basis of a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 87.000 or equivalent after seven (7) semesters.


Students must have completed all graduation requirements prior to the first graduation rehearsal in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. The principal may use his/her discretion if extenuating circumstances exist. Students who elect not to attend graduation exercises should notify the principal in writing prior to the start of marching rehearsal.


Sanford/Springvale and Acton residents, who are high school graduates, are eligible to take courses in the day program, if space is available and they receive the permission of the high school principal or technical center director.