C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity
ECOCERT ICO – Crop Producer OSPPage 1 of 6
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272A. Adjoining Land Use: The NOPrule requires that organic production areas have distinct boundaries and buffer zones to prevent the unintended application of a prohibited substance or contact with a prohibited substance that is applied to adjoining land not under organic management. Adjoining land includes crop land, pastures, residential property, fallow land, etc. Buffer areas may change annually, depending on contamination potential from adjoining land uses. The width of the minimum buffer is dependent on certifying agent policy The NOP rule requires that the buffer must be sufficient in size or other features (windbreaks, diversion ditches) to prevent the unintended contact by prohibited substances applied to adjacent land areas.Crops within the required buffer must be left unharvested or harvested, stored, and disposed of as non-organiccrop, with records kept of crop disposition.
List specific buffer areas you maintain. This information must be in agreement with the maps requested in C2 – Farm Plan Information. Please use additional sheets if necessary.
Location (Field name or number) / Border (N,S,E,W) / Type of buffer( e. g. crop land, tree line, hedgerow, grass strip, wildlife habitat) / Type of adjoining land use
(e.g. non-organic farm, native vegetation, pasture) / If crop is harvested from buffer, describe use
(e.g. sale, non-organic livestock feed, seed)
#7 / N,E / Woods, creek / Native vegetation / n/a
#7 / S,W / Crop land / Organic alfalfa / Sale as nonorganic
If crops are harvested from the buffer zones, how are they separated during harvest, storage and sales? Documentation of separation logs must be available at inspection.
Given away / Harvest containers not marked “organic” / Crops not marked “organic” on crop records
Stored apart / Marked or flagged buffer areas / Sold to a different buyer than organic crops
Destroyed / Harvested at a different time / Tracked harvest and sales in separate records
Other, please specify:
What additional safeguards do you use to prevent accidental contamination of your crops and land?
Written notification to highway departments / Written notification to electric companies
Written notification to aerial spray companies/airports / Written notification to adjoining landowners
Other, please specify:
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272
B. Equipment:To prevent commingling and contamination, all equipment used in organic crop production must be free of non-organic crops and prohibited materials. Equipment used for both organic and non-organic farming (including any buffer zone) must be cleaned and flushed prior to use on organic fields or crops. Keep records of equipment cleaning and flushing activities.
List all equipment used for planting, tillage, cultivation, spraying, and harvesting on organic fields. Please use additional sheets if necessary.
Equipment name / Owned (O) Rented (R) Custom (C) / Used on both organic and conventional fields? (Y/N) / How is equipment cleaned before use on organic fields? / Do you keep cleaning records?Example – Combine / R / Y / Open all trap doors and run the combine empty for about 15 minutes. Sweep the hopper and use an air compressor to remove all debris. / Yes – written protocol and checklist
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272
C. Storage of prohibited substances
Do you store any prohibited materials on farm? / No / Yes
If yes, how do you identify and separate prohibited and allowed materials in storage areas?
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272
D. Harvest: NOP rule 205.272(b)(1) and (2) requires that containers, bins, and packaging materials must not contain synthetic fungicides, preservatives, or fumigants. All reusable containers must be thoroughly cleaned and pose no risk of contamination prior to use on organic crops.
How are your organic crops harvested? / Mechanically / By hand
Are any organic crops custom harvested? / No / Yes
If yes, identify the name and address of the custom harvester and how you monitor the prevention of contamination or commingling:
If identical non-organic and organic crops are harvested on the same farm, how are they separated during harvest? Documentation of separation must be available.
Closed containers / Harvest containers not marked “organic” / Sold to a different buyer than organic
Harvested at different time / Crops not marked “organic” on crop records / Tracked harvest in separate records
Other, please specify:
What containers are used for harvesting?
Gravity wagons/boxes / Wood totes / Cardboard/waxed boxes
Plastic containers / Truck boxes / Other, please specify:
Are any containers shared with non-organic products? / No / Yes
If yes, describe how you prevent contamination or commingling:
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272
E. Crop storage
How are crops stored?
NA, no crop or product storage / Store own product on site / Store in a certified organic facility (provide organic certificate)
Describe all storage locations. Please use additional sheets if necessary.
Storage Id / On-site or off-site(if off-site, note location) / Type of crops stored / Capacity / Organic (O), Transitional (T), Conventional (C), Not dedicated (ND)
Example -
North silo / On-site / Corn / 75 tons / O
Do you segregate organic crops from non-organic crops if in the same storage? / No, dedicated organic / Yes
If yes, describe how you segregate crops and protect the organic crops from contamination or commingling:
Are storage units clearly labeled for organic use? / No / Yes
If you are using any materials to control insect or rodents pests at the storage site, please list them in A7 – Inputs.
C8 – Maintenance of Organic Integrity / NOP §205.201,§205.202, and §205.272F. Transportation
Are your crops or products transported? / No, crops are sold before transport / Yes
If yes, describe the containers, equipment, and vehicles used to transport crops or products harvested from field and describe destination:
Are any vehicles used for both organic and non-organic products? / No, vehicles are dedicated organic / Yes
If yes, describe how you prevent commingling and contamination:
Applicant Initials / Date / Approval / Form code / Last update
CM / C8 (v1) (f) / 12/24/2013
If you have questions, we are happy to help. Please call: 1-888-337-8246. Submit your application at / Fax: 317-708-0628