GSC Committee Meeting Form

Instructions: Please complete this form and send it to the GSC president and web master/VP of communication no later than 48 hours after you attend any committee meetings or other meetings on campus where you represent GSC. This form will be made public on the GSC website for graduate students to review.

Name (GSC members who attended this meeting, bold name of individual filling out report):Tara, Sam, Arryn, Trevor, Swag, Jawaria, Chad, Sa’Rae

Name of meeting/committee:Exec committee meeting

Meeting date:04/21/2017

Start time:11:00am

End time:12:15pm

Brief summary of committee purpose:

Meet about executive functions of GSC and things to do

Meeting Summary/Main points of interest (include a bullet point list of any announcements for upcoming events, topics discussed, changes made, and relevant points here):

Discussednew positions-Q and A, roles, duties, etc.

Discuss future of GSC (invite HSS guy to next exec meeting to help with this)

Mission-Representing and supporting the research, innovations, and teaching of graduate students at New Mexico State University.

Look at GSC website goals for help with mission statement

Vision/Plan-Goals over the next 3-5 years (and what we can/will do to achieve them)

International student health insurance

Fair treatment of graduate students (equal representation on committees (another graduate senator?), GA mentor treatment and requirements)

Tuition waiver stipends

Supporting the research mission of the university through securing more funds for graduate student research and research related travel

Promoting formal and social networking and community amongst graduate students at NMSU

*accelerate, champion the goals

Discuss what to do with extra money ($2,000 left), must use $ by 15th of May or June (whenever fiscal year is up)

Pins (Talk to Debbie, how to buy, up to $500)

Name tags (Arryn)

Banner (Talk to Debbie, how to buy these, Tara will check on this with Fed Ex) GRAS, GSC banner

Other: Publishing may become mandatory for Gas (According to Swag’s advisor)

Contest next year for GSC Logo

Grad Student of the Month-Maria Elena Salazar

New/existing officers that are transitioning should have a meeting and send Tara an email when they met (before the end of the school year)

GSC exec BBQ over the summer (before May 12th) at Arryn’s