We bring attention to our parishioners that it is most inappropriate to enter the Sanctuary during:
· Reading of the Lections until the Creed is recited
· During Confession and Communion
· During the Sermon
Please, wait in the vestibule until such time when it is proper to enter the Sanctuary.
Welcome to Parishioners and Friends
We are pleased to welcome with joy all who have come to join us as we worship the Lord.
Still in the afterglow of Easter, our happiness celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ continues. We also welcome our Guest Celebrant, Rev. Fr. Nareg Keutelian, Pastor, St. John the Baptist Armenian Church, Greenfield, WI.
Krisdos Haryav ee Merelotz Orhnyal eh harootiunn Krisdosee!
Christ is risen from the dead! Blessed is the resurrection of Christ!
Fellowship Hour
Following church services, all are invited to join the Memorial Fellowship sponsored by the Sohigian, Terzian and Ipjian Families.
Requiem Service (Hokehankisd) – Page 56 of the Divine Liturgy Book
· Rev. Fr. Haik Donikian – 40th Day Requiem
· Rev. Fr. Mesrob Benlian – 40th Day Requiem
· Very Rev. Fr. Varoujan Kabaradjian (3 Year Memorial) – requested
by John and Mary Ipjian
· Harry James Sohigian (15 Year Memorial) – requested by Jim and Sabine Sohigian; Tina and Emily Sohigian
· Sonya Terzian (2 Year Memorial) requested by Tina & Emily Sohigian;
Paula Terzian; Anika, Allan and Katie Schmidt; Ted Sr., Beth and
children, Teddy and Alex Terzian
· Takvor (30 Year Memorial) and Sarah Nahabedian (1 Year Memorial)
· Mary Nahabedian (7 Year Memorial)
· Paul Nahabedian (6 Year Memorial)
– requested by Isabell and Sema Nahabedian and Kathleen Moore and family members.
Prayers for the Sick (Der Voghormia) – Page 45 of the Divine Liturgy Book
Let us remember and ask God’s Blessings for our parishioner s who are ill at home, in a hospital or nursing home. Let us continue with our prayers for:
Jeffrey Alloian Marty Hamparzomian Virginia Nazlaian
Jim Bottala Diramayr Aurora Jebejian Lisa and Alyce Schaffer
Kathy Burke Mary Kerridan Mark Silas
Susan Byrne Grace Klujian Mary Sommese
Ashley Davis Mathew Klujian, Sr. Sam Sommese
Hagop Dirilen Joshua Lion, MN Julie Tarpinian
Mihran Erkiletian Josh Najarian Mandell, CA John Traiforos
Benjamin Manoyan
Prayers for our Military: Robert George, Cortland, Ohio – In IRAQ
Altar Flowers
The flowers adorning the altar today are presented to the glory of God by the Sohigian and Terzian Families in memory of their loved ones.
Our church community was very saddened by the sudden death of Sarkis Gircik on April 22, 2007. Funeral Services were conducted by Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian and Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church on Wednesday, April 25, 2007. Interment: Acacia Park Cemetery.
Funeral services were conducted by Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian and Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian for Khatoun Boyrazian at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church on Thursday, April 26, 2007.
We are saddened by the death of Mary Demirjian, wife of Gerald Demirjian and mother of our Parish Council Chairman, Charles Demirjian. Mary died in Decatur on April 27 where a Dan Gark will be held on Monday evening. A Dan Gark will follow at St. John’s Armenian Church, Southfield, MI on Wednesday evening , May 2nd. Funeral services will take place on Thursday, May 3rd.
May the souls of Sarkis, Khatoun and Mary rest in His heavenly Kingdom and comfort those who mourn the loss of their loved ones.
Prayer Request
For those wishing to request prayers or to enter a loved-one’s name on the prayer list,
please call the church office by Thursday of that week.
Nicene Creed
Together, we shall recite the Nicene Creed (The Profession of Our Faith) on pages 18-19 of the Divine Liturgy Book found in the pews
Kiss of Peace – Pages 26-27 of the Divine Liturgy Book
The person giving the greeting says:
Krisdos ee mech mer haydnetzav.
(Christ is revealed among us.)
The person receiving the greeting responds:
Orhynal eh haydnootiunn Krisdosee.
(Blessed is the revelation of Christ.)
Confession and Communion
For those who wish to receive Holy Communion, we ask that they remain in their pews and together read “Confession and Absolution” on pages 48-49 of the Divine Liturgy Book. When taking communion, make the sign of the cross and say:
I have sinned against God – Ø»Õ³Û ²ëïáõÍáÛ (Megha asdoodzo)
Ladies must have a head covering when approaching the Holy Altar.
Care, Maintenance and Cost of the “Light of St. Gregory”
Our thanks to Isabell and Sema Nahabedian and Kathleen Moore for taking responsibility for the care, maintenance and cost of keeping the “Light of St. Gregory” illuminated for the month of April in memory of their parents, Takvor and Sarah Nahabedian and sister, Mary and brother, Paul Nahabedian.
Women’s Guild
The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8th with dinner at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be followed with guest speaker, Rudy Minasian, Esq. who will present information regarding “Wills, Trusts and Estates.” We hope all members ill attend this most informative and useful session. Rudy’s presentation will begin at 8:00 p.m. All parishioners who would like to attend this portion of the meeting are most welcome
United in Marriage
Congratulations to Jack Kargenian and Kirsten Malek who were united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on Saturday, April 28, 2007 at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL by Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, assisted by Deacon Vahe Caliskian. Serving at Best Man was Peter Kargenian, brother of the Groom. Congratulations also to the parents, Dr. Gerald Malek and Patricia Harrington and Harold and Gloria Kargenian. We wish Jack and Kirsten many years of wedded bliss together with God’s blessings.
“Church and Home: One in Spirit”
One of the most beautiful and vital traditions and customs in the Armenian Church is the “Home Blessing.” The tradition of the early church found the Apostles going home to home proclaiming the good news of Christ’s glorious resurrection. Recently Fr. Aren sent a letter informing all parishioners that the Diocesan theme of “Church and Home: One in Spirit” has been declared for the year 2007. We encourage the faithful to fill out the “Home Blessing Request” form at the bottom of the Fr. Aren’s letter and send it to the Church Office. This will give Fr. Aren the opportunity to continue the home blessing tradition following Easter Sunday and all year long. Fr. Aren will respond to your request bringing the Blessing of Christ into your home. For use in your home, incense burner kits are still available ($15.00 donation.)
33rd Annual Armenian Fest
The support and help of all who are able to give of their time is needed for the 33rd Annual Armenian Fest, which will be held on August 11-12, 2007. Please see co-chairs of this year’s fest, Craig Koresian and Armen Zakarian. The next meeting of the “Fest” will be held on May 9, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. Pitch in and help!
Conclusion of the Divine Liturgy
The faithful should remain in their pews until the final blessing. After the final blessing, the faithful should come forward to kiss the Gospel saying:
Hes-shes-tseh Der za-me-nayn ba-da-ra-kus-ko
(May the Lord remember all your sacrifices.)
The Celebrant responds by saying:
Dat-zhe Kez Der Esd Ser-dee Koo
(May the Lord grant to you according to your heart.)
Upon leaving the sanctuary, one is to do so quietly and reverently.
When the Need Arises – Get in Touch with the Church Office
Before making any preparation, when choosing a date and time for Weddings and Baptisms, please, be sure to contact our pastor, Fr. Aren Jebejian. All Sacraments must be arranged at least three months ahead. Other church related matters, such as hospital and home visitations and counseling, should also be made first with Fr. Aren. In order to invite clergy from other churches, arrangements must be made through the church office.
Parish Council Meeting – 3rd Tuesday of each month – 7:30 PM
Bible Study – 1st and 3rd Monday of each month – 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Choir Practice – 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month – 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Children’s Sermon – 3rd Sunday of each month
April 30-May 3 - Annual Clergy Conference
May 3-7 - 105th Diocesan Assembly
Host: Saints Vartanantz Armenian Church,
Chelmsford, MA
Tuesday, May 8 - Women’s Guild Meeting
Sunday, May 13 - Mother’s Day Brunch sponsored by the Parish Council
Wednesday, May 9 - 33rd Annual Fest Meeting
Sunday, May 27 - Pentecost
Tuesday, October 23 - Visit of His Holiness Karekin II
Wednesday, October 24 to Chicagoland.