Monday, November 11, 2013

MENU: Corn Dog Nuggets, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, Celery Sticks w/Dip, Chilled Peaches, Blushing Pears, Sugar Cookie, GNG-Turkey/Cheese Sandwich W/chips, Chicken Salad, Chef Salad

"Do something good for yourself; do something good for someone else; and make good decisions." Go Arrows!! --Dr. Peasant

The following students need to see Mr. Heath during Homeroom: Vickie Williams, Moesha Shields, Nashai Gober, Darquan Hudson, Bailee Reid, Jonathan Williams, Sidney Dotson, EJ Oredein, Tiajuana Pugh, Cornelius Alexander, Kendarius Harper, Chris Vardaman

ATTACHE’ members will miss Early Humanities and first period Friday, November 15th for WMBD FOX 40 live TV spots

COLLEGE DAY: Michael Braswell, Jasmine J. Moore, Darby Donaho


1.  Students must sign up in the front office prior to taking a college day in order for it to be counted as an excused day.

2.  ANCHOR CLUB: There are several service projects posted outside Mrs. Berry's room. Stop by if you still need your service credit for this semester!

3.  The Diamond Girl list has been posted outside Mrs. Berry's room. A $25 fee is due byFriday, November 15. Thank you to all who applied! We had 76 amazing girls to apply, but we could only accept 44.

4.  BATSON FUNDRAISER: We are having an "It's a Wonderfully Tacky Christmas" skate party to raise money for Batson Children's Hospital onTuesday, December 10 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.Put on your favorite tacky Christmas sweater, and come enjoy pizza, drinks, awkward family photos, and prizes and skating! You must raise at least $25 to attend. See Mrs. Berry for more information.

5.  Youth in Government members planning to attend Model United Nations are reminded that registration fees and forms are due to Mr. Beasley byThursday, November 21st.

6.  Jostens will be here Wednesday, November 13th during lunch. Please bring your order and a $60, $80, $100 deposit or full payment.

7.  Monday, Nov. 11is Veteran's Day. Honor a soldierMondayby wearing a yellow ribbon or an armed forces shirt. Be sure to thank a Vet!

8.  Attaché St. Andrews performance date has been changed from Nov. 20th to Nov. 21st.

9.  SADD is sponsoring a Canned Food Drive to benefit the Clinton Christian Community Center (the 4C's). There will be a competition between the homerooms to see which homeroom can collect the most canned food items betweenFriday, November 8 and Tuesday, November 19th. The homeroom showing the most charitable heart for the holiday season will receive Pizza Party compliments of SADD after the Thanksgiving holiday. SADD students will collect food items from classrooms or teachers can send their homeroom contributions to Beasley in Room E111 byWednesday, November 20th. Thank you and lets show that Clinton Arrow Spirit by making a tremendous donation to the 4C's.

10. If it is raining outside when you arrive to school, students may report to the cafeteria. Students must be working on class work while they are in the cafeteria.

11. No OPEN CONTAINERS are allowed in the building. This includes all outside drinks. Example: Smoothie King, Sonic, McDonalds, etc.

12. ANCHOR CLUB: Service opportunity-information about the Miles for Myles 5K benefiting an infant patient at Batson Hospital is posted outside Mrs. Berry's door. Get a service credit by being in the race or by volunteering the day of the race. Race date: Saturday, November 16 at 9am.

13. You say you can run fast, jump far and high, or throw far. But can you prove it. 2014 Clinton High School Outdoor Track tryouts will be held for the boy’s team onTuesday, December 3, 2013, and for the girls team onWednesday, December 4, 2013. You must turn in a medical physical in order to tryout. You may sign up and pick up a packet from Coach Perkins.WE'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU ON THE TRACK!!!

14.  Soccer Team is selling Clinton Arrow w/ the Clinton Arrowhead logo, notthe soccer logo, Tote bags for $20, Umbrella $12, Golf Umbrella $20, Blankets - sweat shirttype in red, black, or grey for $30.

15.  Book Club info:Book for October is Watchman by Alan Moore. If you have a copy of last month's book, please return it to Mrs Ottis E116, For more information on the book club, see Mrs. Ottis.


Get2College with Private and Public Scholarships!Visit:www.esfweb.com. Go to Students/Parents and select the Scholarship link.

Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program:To be considered for nomination: students must have a 2.8 GPA or higher, demonstrate leadership abilities, have a strong commitment to community service and plan to attend an accredited college, university or vocational/technical school in the US. Interested seniors can sign up in the counseling office byNovember 8, 2013.

Get2College Scholarship Competitionis awarding fifty $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors. Application criteria: student must be a MS resident and a high school senior graduating from a MS high school in Spring 2014, submit only one application and essay, plan to enroll in an accredited college or university as a full-time student in Fall 2014 AND submit their application with essay electronically or by mail byDecember 1, 2013. For more information and scholarship application, please visit the Career Center located in the Counseling Department. Also visit:http://www.esfweb.com/?page_id=1898
Juniors: Get2Collegeis offering a scholarship competition for residents or Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties. Students could win a $500 scholarship. Criteria for applying: student must be a high school junior attending school in Hinds, Madison, or Rankin County, submit only one application along with resume, and plan to enroll in an accredited college or university as a full-time student in Fall 2015. For more information or pick up an application, please visit the Career Center located in the Counseling Department. Deadline isDecember 15, 2013. Also visit:www.esfweb.com

TupeloElvis Fan Club Scholarship:($5,000-1stplace, $2,000-1stAlternate, $1,000-2ndAlternate) for three musically talented MS 2014 graduates. Students can visit:www.tupeloelvisfanclub.com, come by the counseling office or call Diane Whitt at 662-542-0138 for more information. Entries are due byFebruary 15, 2014.

Exceptional student leaders are invited to apply for the 2014GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program. In honor of the legacy and character of President Ronald Reagan, this program annually rewards up to 20 college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with $10,000 renewable scholarships (up to $40,000 per recipient).Applications for the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program will be accepted online untilJanuary 9, 2014. Additional information, eligibility requirements and application link can be found at:http://www.reaganfoundation.org/GE-RFScholarships.aspx.
College Preview Days:

Universityof Southern MississippiBlack and Gold Day:Saturday, November 23, 2013. Reservations are required. Please visit:www.usm.edu/admissions/black-and-gold-dayfor more information.