field trips

Date / Activity / Meeting point / Leader (s) / Difficulty Level
Saturday 7 April, 10.30 am / Newts at An Creggan / Main carpark / MM / 2
Friday 11 May, 7 pm / Bluebells at Killymoon. Toothwort and spring plants at Cabin Wood / Killymoon Castle carpark / RI and JA / 3
Sunday 20th May, 5.30 am / Dawn chorus at Drummanor / Layby / carpark on LHS of main Cookstown to Omagh road. Just before Drummanor / RI / 2
Thursday 24th May, 7 pm / Spring Estate Walk, Springhill / Main carpark / Sophie Atkinson and committee / 2
Saturday 2nd June, 2.15 pm / Walls Wildlife Garden Waterfoot (joint with BNFC) / Limited parking. Park opposite water works on Waterfoot Road. Use BT45 6LQ in your Satnav and enter number 55. Please ensure you do not block access to lanes / water works / houses when parking.Phone EH on 07752 987526 for further information. / IMcN, EH, Marion Allen, RI / 3
Sat 9th to Sun 10th June / Downpatrick / Murlough Nature Reserve, Dundrum with FIFC / Coach tour bookings are through Joan Semple of FIFC. Contact EH on 07752987526. / EH / 3
Thursday 28th June, 7 pm / Rare plants at Lough Fea / Car park on far side of Lough overlooking heather / Moorland. See / RI, IMcN / 3
Saturday 14th July, 10.30 am / Orchids at Dungannon brickworks / Limited parking. Meet at former Tyrone Brickworks on A29. About 2 miles out of Dungannon on way to Cookstown. / JA ,RI, MM / 4++
Saturday 4th August, 10.30 am / Orchids at Lough Beg / Lay-by just before Moyola bridge in Castledawson heading for Hillhead.We will then travel to / JA / 4
Saturday 11th August, 8.15 am. Price £20 and includes entry and tour of Exploris.Deposit of £10 required / Coach trip to Exploris, Portaferry and to National Trust places of interest in Ards Peninsula / ASDA carpark, Cookstown. Note bus must leave promptly to ensure we arrive in time for tour of Exploris. / Sophie Atkinson, MaureenGraham (Ranger NT) and MM / 2
Friday 24th August
9 PM / Bat identification and counting at Lissan / Main car park. Bring a torch! / Maureen Graham / 3
Saturday 6th October, 2 pm / Fungus Foray at Springhill / Main car park / Sophie Atkinson with committee / 3

Difficulty ratings of outings

Level 1. Walking is on even surfaces indoors or outdoors and suitable for most levels of mobility.

Level 2. Walking on unpaved but generally firm surfaces although there may be loose stones and potholes. There may be a slight to medium gradient. Suitable for a range of levels of ability.

Level 3. Walking on uneven terrain or on grassy surfaces where tripping or slipping could be a hazard. There may be medium to steep gradients or steps. A walking pole or stick is recommended. Not suitable for people who are normally dependent on a walking stick.

Level 4. Walking or climbing on rough ground or over rocks. A walking pole and stout walking shoes or boots recommended. Only suitable for fit mobile people.
Level 4++. As per Level 4 except that entrance and exit from area may be difficult and extreme care to avoid injury from brambles and shrubs is required. Suitable clothing to protect arms and legs is required.


Draft lecture programme. Lectures commence at 19.45 at Loughry Campus, Cookstown.
Date / Lecture / Speaker
Tuesday 9th October 2018 / Environmental Issues of Lough Neagh / Gerry Darby
Saturday 13th October 2018 / Nature walk at Loughry Campus (11 am) followed by lunch (1 PM) at Garden Corner.
Tuesday 13th November 2018 / Pine martins. Rare predators, elusive and skilled hunters,are increasing in numbers. / Michael Stinson
Tuesday 11th December 2018 / Wildlife presentations and social evening
Tuesday 8th January 2019 / Insects in the garden / Roy Anderson
Tuesday 12th February 2019 / Puffins and other memorable sea birds / Shane Wolsey
Tuesday 12th March 2019 / Amphibian and Natterjack toad conservation in Ireland / Marina Reyne
Tuesday 9th April 2019 / Wildlife presentation and Annual General Meeting

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