Student Academic Record
Student Program/Plan
Student Program/Plan is the system’s way of recording students’ majors and minors. Program and Plan work together to describe this for each student. Program is generally the school or college that offers the major, and plan is the major or minor. Undeclared majors have a program of Intended.
Home > Manage Student Records > Track Student Careers > Use > Student Program/Plan
Enter the student’s ID in the ID field.
If the SSN of the student is available, you can use that to search with by entering it in the National ID field.
You can also search by Last Name and First Name.
Select Search .
Note: All students have a minimum of at least one academic program and one academic plan.
Student Program Page
The student is currently active in the Academic Program of “Intended”.
Select the Student Plan page (select the appropriate folder tab at the top of the page or use the appropriate link at the bottom of the page).
Undergraduate Academic Programs Graduate Academic Programs
(Partial list)
Student Plan Page
The student is currently active in the Academic Plan of Biology (Intended).
If the Academic Plan is the student’s first major (for undergraduates) or Primary Department (for graduates), the Plan Sequence number will be 10.
If a student has a major that requires a concentration, select the Student Sub-Plan page to view the concentration.
Note: For Undergraduate students the Plan Sequence field, 10 represents the first major, 20 represents the second major, 30 represents the first minor, and 40 represents the second minor.
1. Advisement of student changes based on the declare date.
2. Students will have the ability to register for “majors only” section at the beginning of the semester following the declare date.
3. The transcript will reflect the major following the declare date at the beginning of the semester.
Student Sub-Plan Page
The example above illustrates a student who is an intended English major with a Writing Sequence concentration.
Student Attributes Page
Attributes are attached to students to help keep track of certain groups. Examples of attributes are: PREP (Undergraduate Preprofessional), MONM (Monitor Major) and VOLD (Voluntary Departure).
The MONM student attribute is used by various departments that monitor students who are trying to get into a particular major (i.e. Business, Sociology, Psychology). Students are admitted "conditionally" to their majors, and the attribute provides a way for the department to keep track of these students.
Attributes stay attached to a student from semester to semester until they are removed.
Student Degrees Page
The Student Degrees page is used to find out the status of a degree candidate.
The image above shows no Degree Checkout Status.
Degree Checkout Status field can indicate Applied, Awarded, Denied, In Review, Withdrawn.
The image below indicates the student completed her program.
The Degree Checkout Status shows Awarded and the semester the student completed the degree was Spring 2001.
A Second Major in a Different Academic Program
If a student wishes to declare a second major in an Academic Program that is different from their first major’s Academic Program, the student must be activated in a new student career number.
When looking for a student’s record, a student with multiple career numbers will appear with Search Results similar to the image below.
This means that if a student has been or is currently active in more than one program, the student will have multiple student career numbers.
Because this can be confusing, a query has been developed to determine which programs and plans are currently active. The name of the query is UASR_CURR_PLAN.
Running a Query
Home > PeopleTools > Query Manager > Use > Query Manager
In the Search by field, enter the first few letters of the query name.
Select Search .
You may see a list of queries that contain the criteria you entered in the Search by fields.
Select the Run hyperlink to run the desired query. Choose the Run link that is on the same row of data as the query that you want to run.
In this example, the Run link for the UASR_CURR_PLAN query has been selected.
This query has a prompt that lets you fill in the desired student ID.
The following page will open up in a new window. (This is the prompt.)
Enter the student’s ID in the ID field.
Select the View Results button .
Results similar to those above will give you the student’s current Program/Plan information.
To interpret these results you will need to focus on the Plan Seq number.
10 represents the first major (i.e. History-BA)
20 represents the second major (none exists for this particular student)
30 represents the first minor (GES ~ General Education Studies)
40 represents the second minor (Sociology Minor)
Download Results to Excel Spreadsheet
Select the Excel Spreadsheet hyperlink to download the query results into Excel. This is an optional feature and may not be practical for the UASR_CURR_PLAN query.
The query results are exported to an Excel spreadsheet where the data can be sorted to the user’s preference.
You will notice that it looks like you are still in the browser and not Excel. However, if you look at the menu bar you will see Excel features such as Data – Sort, etc.
University at Albany 11