Bad Blood

Kid and Lou are visiting a Dressmaker. Kid is stunned by Lou wearing a light blue dress with a white and pink pattern (possibly flowers) and white lace trim.
Dressmaker: Don’t just stand there.
(pans to Lou in the mirror where’s she fidgeting nervously.)
Lou: say somethin’.
Kid: Damn.
(Lou and the dressmaker look at him in shock.)
Dressmaker: That’s it? What are you, blind? She’s beautiful.
Kid: I don’t know if I’ll ever look at you again, and not see ya like this.
Lou: (uncertain) Is that good?
Kid: (grinning) That depends who’s wacthin’.
Lou: Can’t imagine how good it feels. (giggles)
Kid: It’s a good thing I can’t.
Dressmaker: Would you like to wear it home?
Lou: (grinning shyly). I don’t think so.
Dressmaker: Take it off and I’ll wrap it up for you.
Lou: (turning to dressmaker pleading): Give me a minute?
(the dressmaker nods and walks away and Lou looks over at Kid and shyly smiles at him)
Kid: This is one secret I don’t mind keepin’.
(he’s nodding and Lou’s still looking a bit uncertain. Finally she smiles bigger.)
Boggs is talking to a nun about his children. The nun said the records show their father is dead. He tries to bribe them and threatens her if she doesn’t get the children.
Back at the dressmakers, Lou is still in the dress and Kid keeps attending to flatter her.
Lou: (fidgetting with her hair) It’s been five years. I wonder if my brother and sister will recognize me.
Kid: Probably not Lou. I was with you ten minutes ago and I don't.
(Lou looks down at the dress and then up at Kid with a smile on her face. Kid’s grin is even bigger, and he laughs a little)

Back at the orphanage, Jeremiah and Teresa are brought to their father. He asks about Louise and the nun tells her she had run away 5 years ago and they haven’t heard from her since.
Nun: Thank you, Ottoro
Boggs: Where’s the third?
Nun: Louise left us five years ago. And we haven’t heard from her since.
Boggs: If you’re lyin’, I will be back.
Lou’s preparing to leave and says goodbye to Kid.
( Lou is piling bags across her saddle.)
Kid: What you need is reindeer and a sleigh.
Lou: (Laughing) Makin’ up for five Christmases (she mounts up)
Kid: Looks like you are making up for a lifetime.
Lou: Maybe I am. I never meant to stay away this long, but movin' around, fightin' to survive--
Kid: The important thing is, you never forgot them. (Lou nods and smiles) Save that dress for when you come home?
Lou: (he leans down and giggles and then whispers) You'll look better in pants! (she rides away and turns to wave goodbye to Kid)

Back at the orphanage, Mother Superior is saying goodbye to the children. She’s kneeling in front of Teresa who is holding a doll.
Mother Superior: And you be strong.
She hugs and kisses Teresa on the cheek. Teresa looks terrified. Boggs wrestles Teresa out of the nun’s arms and puts her in the buckboard. He gets in and sits between them putting his arms around them. Teresa is tightly clutching the doll and Jeremiah appears to be more excited than his sister.
Boggs: Everything’s going to be better now. (he rubs Jeremiah’s head) You’re going home now. Driver.
The buckboard pulls off and Jeremiah looks back one last time at the orphanage. There are several men riding behind them guarding Boggs.
The nun watches as they pull off with a worried look on her face.

There’s a rider riding across a wet field. We soon see that it’s Ike and Cody’s anxiously awaiting the hand off. Ike has a bloody arm and is struggling to stay on his mount. Cody starts to think something is wrong, but starts riding for the hand off. Ike doesn’t make it and falls from his horse. Cody turns when Ike’s horse passes him without Ike.
Cody: Ike! (he races to where Ike is on the ground. He dismounts and checks Ike over.) Damn it, Ike. Take it easy, you’re going to be alright. (Ike is squirming on the ground.) Shhhh. Take it easy.
Cody gently turns Ike’s had and there’s a nasty gash on the back
Cody: Okay, okay. (he removes his bandana and wraps it around Ike’s head) Take it easy, Ike. You’re alright. You’re okay. Hold still.

At the Station, several Indians are loading 2 – 3 horses and ponies into the coral. Emma is holding the gate open for them. Kid and Jimmy are sitting on the fence, Buck is standing next to another Indian, and once the horses are put up, Teaspoon walks towards Buck.
Teaspoon: Six of them was lame.
Thunderin’ Pony signs the price. He holds out 2 fingers.
Teaspoon: What? Two hundred? (Teaspoon starts laughing). Two hundred dollars?
He keeps laughing and slaps Buck playfully on the arm. Buck smiles, but is obviously embarrassed at Teaspoon’s joking.
Teaspoon: I wouldn’t pay that much money for your horses, your women, your youngin’, the game on your land, all the stars in the sky. (Jimmy looks like he’s about to die laughing on the fence but is trying to keep a straight face)
Buck: You don’t really want me to tell him all that, do you Teaspoon?
Teaspoon: Tell him we’ll settle on one eighty.
Buck interprets but Thunderin’ Pony stands at two hundred.
Teaspoon: (rattles some coins.) Okay. God I hate this.
Cut to Emma who can’t stop smiling as she leans against the fence post. She laughs as Teaspoon counts out the payment.
Teaspoon: One hundred. Hundred and twenty… hundred and forty… hundred and sixty… hundred and eighty. (he stops counting.)
The Indian shakes his hand.
Teaspoon: Oh, sorry. (puts more coins in the Thunderin’ Pony’s hand). Hundred and ninety.
Teaspoon looks around as if he’s satisfied with the transaction but Thunderin’ Pony stays firm and keeps shaking out his hand.
Teaspoon: What? Two hundred? (he starts laughing again) Come on (he starts walking away. Cut to Emma who is still smiling.) Come on, Buck. It’s over. Forget it.
He turns his back to Buck and the Indian and crosses his arms over his chest. Thunderin’ Pony still has his hand out waiting. He looks up at Emma.
Teaspoon: (throwing his arms up in defeat) Okay. Two hundred.
Thunderin’ Pony pockets the money and nods. Cut back to Emma, Kid (who suddenly looks thinner) and Jimmy laughing.
Teaspoon: And that uh, is a fine bunch of horse flesh. Thunderin’ Pony, you strike a hard bargain.
The two shake hands and Thunderin’ Pony walks off. Teaspoon turns to the others.
Teaspoon: What?
Jimmy: You drive a hard bargain too, Teaspoon.
Teaspoon: Aww, stop your jawin’ and pick your poison. All of ya.
The boys scatter into the coral as Thunderin’ Pony and the other Indians ride off.
Teaspoon: (joining Emma at the fence) Let’s see what we got here.
Buck: (pointing to one horse) That one.
Jimmy: Don’t even think about it, Kid. That one’s mine.
Emma: Rider Comin’.
Cody: (yelling from across the yard riding in holding Ike in front of him.) Teaspoon! It’s Ike. He’s been shot!
Emma: (rushing off the fence) We got trouble.
Everyone rushes to Cody.
Teaspoon: What happened?
Cody: Bushwackers. Probably shot him, then he hit his head when he fell of his horse.
Buck: Ike? Ike, can you hear me?
Everyone helps to carry Ike away

We see Lou riding up a hill, her horse loaded down with heavy bags. She sadly smiles as she sees the orphanage and starts to have a flashback.
Young Lou: (kneeling beside Teresa’s bed and giving her a doll- the same doll we saw Teresa clutching earlier) I’ll come back for you. (she kisses Teresa’s forehead) I promise.
Flashback to current Lou still looking at the orphanage. She kicks the horse and continues on towards the orphanage.

The guys are standing outside of the doctor’s office. The doctor comes out and everyone quickly turns to him.
Doc: The shoulder’s clean. Far as that head goes, he’s damn lucky. An inch either way and that fall coulda killed him.
Buck: What’s that mean?
Doc: Well, if his luck holds, the next few days he’ll uh… He’ll wake up. Or not.

Lou comes out from behind a bush now wearing the blue dress she bought with Kid earlier. She unloads the bags from her horse and puts her gun belt over the saddle horn. She puts her hat on and grabs the bags. She sighs as she starts to walk to the orphanage.
Mother Superior: (off screen) There was nothing I could do.
Lou: He just busted in here, and took ‘em? (cuts to Mother Superior nodding and looking upset) Did he say where they were goin’?
Mother Superior: (shakes her head) I’m sorry.
Lou: I meant to come back for them a long time ago. (she bites her lip and she’s trying not to cry) You know that.
Mother Superior: What are you going to do?
Lou: Find them. (she gets up and starts to leave)
Mother Superior: Louise. (Lou stops and turns back) Was that man really your father?
Lou: (almost hissing) My father is dead.
The nun looks ashamed. Lou looks at the bags she brought and turns to walk out the door leaving the bags behind.

Camera pans around a heavily guarded compound. Men are unpacking and admiring a shipment of guns. Jeremiah runs towards a man standing by a guard wall with a rifle in his hand. The nanny is calling after him.
Nanny: Jeremiah. Jeremiah! You know your father does not want you to go up there.
Jeremiah: I just wanted to see what was out there.
Pans back to nanny and Boggs is now standing on the porch of his house.
Boggs: Get down. When I tell you to do something, (he walks towards Jeremiah carrying a belt in his hand) you’ll do it. Is that understood?
Jeremiah nods and jumps down almost landing face first in the dirt. He looks up at his father who’s clutching the belt.
Boggs: Good. Now get up. Got something for you. (he hands Jeremiah what turns out to be a knife that was sheathed and attached to a belt. Jeremiah stares at it in awe) Came from a Colonel that served in Santa Ana’s army. He swore it belonged to Bowie himself.
Jeremiah immediately puts the belt on when they’re interrupted.
Bogg’s Man: Mr. Boggs. The General’s people are here.
Boggs: We’ll be right there. (He turns back to Jeremiah). I want you to watch this. You might learn something.

Back at the Station Jimmy is trying to spoon feed an unconscious Ike. Emma comes up beside him.
Emma: Not like that. (she puts a dishtowel around Ike and wipes his mouth. She then takes the bowl from Jimmy) Like this. (she shows Jimmy how to feed Ike.) Alright? (she hands the bowl back to Jimmy)
Jimmy: It’s bad enough the man don’t talk. (Jimmy feeds Ike then wipes his mouth. Emma seeing he’s doing it right leaves) Ike, if you’re doggin’ it and it ain’t some terrible hurt, (he chuckles) I’ll kill you.
Emma overhears and smiles.

At the bunkhouse, Emma is scooping food on to a plate. Cut to her smiling at someone. Cut to Sam who’s also smiling at Emma. Cut to Cody and Buck. Cody is trying to eat, but Emma keeps piling the food on his plate. Cody and Buck look at Emma who’s distracted by Sam and still smiling. Cody’s getting frustrated that he can’t eat, but is glad Emma keeps putting more on his plate.
Cody: You oughta come by a little more often, Marshal.
Sam and Emma are embarrassed at being caught and Emma moves on. Lou enters the bunkhouse and heads to her bunk to gather her items.
Emma: Lou, you all washed up for supper?
Lou: No and I’ll just be gettin’ my things and headin’ out.
Kid: Something wrong, Lou?
Lou: My brother and sister were taken from the orphanage.
Cody: What are ya gonna do?
Lou: (looks at Cody annoyed) Find them.
Sam: Ya need some help?
Lou: Thanks, Marshal. But this is somethin’ I… I gotta look after myself. Kind of a family thing. (she looks at Emma and the others) Tell Teaspoon I’ll be ridin’ out in the morning. (she exits the bunkhouse)
Cody: First Ike, now Lou. Looks like we got some long days ahead.

The next day, cut to the outside of Emma’s house.
Lou (off screen): It’s Ike, he’s come to!
Jimmy (off screen): I knew he was fakin’ it.
Cut to inside.
Buck: Scruffy beard…
Cut to Ike lying in bed signing.
Buck: Funny hat…
Sam: A sea captain’s hat?
(Ike nods and we hear a door open. Cut to Lou walking in then back to Ike who smile and waves)
Lou: Good to see you too, Ike. Sorry about what happened.
(cuts to Sam)
Sam: Yeah, sounds like Peters alright. Used to be a hold up man for that gunman… Boggs.
Lou: (cuts to Lou. Sam’s statement has gotten her attention) What was that name you said, Marshal?
Sam: Peters?
Lou (off screen): The other one.
Sam: Boggs? (Lou nods) Yeah last I heard he got run out of the country for sellin’ guns to the Apache’s.
Kid: If a man wanted to find this Peters, where would he go?
Sam: Well Red, he’s a thirsty ol’ boy. Spends most his time wearing out barstools in Blue Creek.

Cut to Cody, then Jimmy, then Buck, Kid and then Lou bringing up the rear on the trail. Kid slows Katy and looks back.
Kid: Lou you with us?
Lou: (annoyed) What’da ya want Kid?
Kid: To ask you a question.
Lou: So ask.
Kid: Why’d ya change your mind about quittin’?
Lou: I was gonna search Blue Creek anyway. Figured you need all the help you could get.
Kid: (Not buying her explaination) uh huh.
Lou: Huh! (Spurs Lightning on leaving Kid behind)
Kid: Hey Lou, what’s going on?
Lou ignores him and they all keep riding.

Cut to an exterior shot of a saloon and then inside where several people, including Cody, are gathered around Peters.
Peters: So I shot a mule. Killed a dog then I ate it.
Everyone but Cody laughs
Cody: Well if it ain’t old Red Peters.
Peters: I know you?
Cody: Know me? That hurts, Red. Cuts right to the quick. After all, he taught me.
Peters: I don’t know you boy.
Cody: No? Well I know you. You’re the low life that held up the Pony Express and shot my friend.
Several guns click and you see one aimed at Cody’s chest.
Peters: I was on a good drunk ‘till you came in.
Cody: Then it’s time to sober up.
Cut to a window being broken (presumably by Jimmy), then Lou coming out of a doorway, Buck and Kid entering from another doorway, all guns cocked. Peters looks scared and Jimmy comes up behind him with his gun at Peters back. He cocks the hammer. Cody takes Red’s hat and hands it back to him.
Cody: I believe you got something that don’t belong to you.

The guys are standing in th Sheriff's office going through the contents Red had stolen.
Buck: Bonds and mine claims, all here.
Sheriff (holding a gun in his lap): US Army issued, never been fired. (crosses to where Peters is in a cell) Where’d you get this? (Peters just looks at him and shrugs) You know three men were killed last week when a gun shipment from Fort Jackson was held up. And that’s a hangin’ offense.
Peters. I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.
(Cut to Lou looking at Kid)
Sheriff: I think you do. The riffle. Where’d it come from?
Peters: I don’t remember.
Sheriff: Hickok.
(the sheriff walks away and Jimmy steps up to the cell. Jimmy grabs Peters y the shirt collar and point his gun at Peters neck.)
Jimmy: Remember.
Peters: Sheriff! (cut to Buck and Cody who have amused looks on their faces) Get him off me!
(Jimmy cocks the gun and pulls Peters closer. Cut to Lou looking disturbed. Back to Jimmy and Peters)
Peters: It was Boggs.
Lou: Where is he?
Sheriff: You heard the boy.
Peters: Eagle Canyon Runs the territory for 50 miles around. Built himself a great big old fort right in the middle of it. And no one ever gets close without him knowin’ about it.

Back at Bogg’s compound, Jeremiah is playing with a gun like the one the Sheriff had. He runs to the fence and looks through a crack in the planks.
Boggs (off screen): Come here Jeremiah.
Jeremiah runs to his father. There are two men dragging a third man.
Boggs: I want you to see this.
Man: Please, Mr. Boggs.
Boggs: This man stole a case of Winchesters. (the two men are now placing the third on a whipping post). He planned to take them to the nearest town, sell them and come back before anybody noticed. Besides being incredibly stupid, that kind of competition is something a businessman cannot let happen. You understand? (Jeremiah nods) Good. (cut to man on post about to be whipped.) Now, if he weren’t one of my best men, I’d kill him. But since he is, I’ll just give him something to remember. Mr. Hicks?
Man on Post: I’m sorry, Mr. Boggs. I’ll pay you back. I swear it.
Cut to Jeremiah’s reaction as he’s watching the man being whipped. Cut to Teresa who’s been sitting on the side of the house playing with her doll. Jeremiah looks away and Boggs forces him to watch.
Boggs: Keep your eyes open. You’re my son, you’ll get used to it.
The man can be overheard begging for them to stop. When he’s done being beaten, the two henchman start to release him, but Jeremiah turns and runs. The man falls to the ground and is left there as Boggs and the two men return to the house.