Chapter16: The Two Worlds of Christendom

Chapter Outline

  1. The quest for political order
  2. The Early Byzantine Empire
  3. The City of Constantine
  4. Caesaropapism
  5. Justinian (527-565 C.E.) and his legacy; Theodora (empress)
  6. Rebuilt Constantinople, including Hagia Sophia
  7. Justine's Code
  8. Codified Roman lawCorpus iuris civilis(The Body of theCivil Law)
  9. Byzantine Conquests
  10. Muslim Conquests and Byzantine Revival
  11. Muslim Conquests
  12. TheThemesystem
  13. The Rise of the Franks
  14. Germanic Kingdoms
  15. The Franks
  16. Charlemagne (reigned 768-814 C.E.)
  17. Grandson of Charles Martel, founder of Carolingian empire
  18. Control extended to northeast Spain, Bavaria, north Italy
  19. Charlemagne's Administration
  20. Capital city at Aachen (in modern Germany)
  21. Relied on aristocratic deputies, known as counts
  22. Usedmissi dominicito oversee local authorities
  23. Charlemagne as Emperor
  24. Pope Leo III proclaimed Charlemagne emperor, 800
  25. The coronation strained relations with Byzantine emperors
  26. The Age of the Vikings
  27. Louis the Pious
  28. Invasions
  29. Vikings
  30. Devolution of Political Authority
  1. Economy and Society in Early Medieval Europe
  2. The Two Economies of Early Medieval Europe
  3. Byzantine Peasantry
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Silk
  6. Agriculture production suffered from repeated invasions
  7. Heavy plows
  8. Heavy plows appeared in the sixth century; could turn heavy northern soils
  9. Became common from the eighth century; production increased
  10. Cultivation of new lands; watermills; and rotating crops
  11. Rural society--agricultural surplus not enough to support large cities
  12. Mediterranean trade--Italian and Spanish merchants trade with Muslims
  13. Norse merchant mariners in North and Baltic Seas
  14. Followed routes of Vikings
  15. Traded actively with Byzantine and Abbasid empires
  16. Imported Abbasid silver used in European coinage
  17. Population: 36 million in 200; down to 26 million in 600; back up to 36 million in 1000
  18. Social Development in the Two Worlds of Christendom
  19. Byzantium: An Urban Society
  20. City Life
  21. Attractions of Constantinople
  22. Western Europe: A Rural Society
  23. The Question of Fudalism
  24. Peasants
  25. Population
  1. The Evolution of Christian Societies in Byzantium and Western Europe
  2. Popes and Patriarchs
  3. The Papacy
  4. Pope Gregory I
  5. Organized defense of Rome against Lombard's' menace
  6. Reasserted papal primacy over other bishops
  7. Strongly emphasized the sacrament of penance--confession and atonement
  8. The Patriarchs
  9. Iconoclasm
  10. Monks and Missionaries
  11. Asceticism
  12. Devout Christians practiced asceticism in deserts of Egypt,second and thirdcentury
  13. Monastic lifestyle became popular when Christianity became legal, fourth century
  14. St. Basil and St. Benedict
  15. St. Basil of Caesarea (329-379 C.E.) organized monastic movement
  16. St. Benedict (480-547 C.E.) provided a set of regulations
  17. Virtues of Benedictine monks: poverty, chastity, and obedience
  18. St. Scholastica
  19. St. Benedict's sister, a nun
  20. Adapted the Rule, and provided guidance for religious life of women
  21. Monasticism and Society
  22. Became dominant feature in social and cultural life of western Europe
  23. Accumulated large landholdings
  24. Organized much of the rural labor force for agricultural production
  25. Provided variety of social services: inns, shelters, orphanages, hospitals, schools
  26. Libraries and scriptoria becamecenters of learning.
  27. Missionaries
  28. Two Churches
  29. Religious Rivalry
  30. Constantinople and Rome: strains mirrored political tensions
  31. Ritual and doctrinal differences, such as iconoclasm
  32. Schism
  33. Schism in 1054--Eastern Orthodox versus Roman Catholic