ESS 360 Physical Education Lesson Plan

Student Teacher __Whitney Piatt__ Grades _K-1_ Teacher #1 _Ms. Piatt_ #2 _Ms. Piatt_

Teaching Date _2/17/11_ Instructional Theme _Rhythmic Activities_ Lesson Sequence # _13_ of _36_

Physical Education Standards (A minimum of two standards):
Standard # K.1 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities
Standard # K.2 Movement Concepts: Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard # K.5 Responsible Personal and Social Behavior: Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Physical Education Performance Objectives/Indicators: (2-3 psychomotor, 1 cognitive, 1 affective):
TSWBAT jump on every fourth beat with a drum beating the rhythm and then to a song at a proficient level. (K.1.4)
TSWBAT march with the beat of a song that is four beats to a measure at a proficient level. (K.1.4)
TSWBAT move rhythmically to music performing locomotor skills at a proficient level. (K.1.1), (K.1.4)
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing a drum beat at a proficient level. (K.2.3)
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing music at a proficient level. (K.2.3)
TSWBAT orally state the three rules that were mentioned in the beginning of class 100% percent of the time. (K.5.1)
TSWBAT follow the rules that are stated at the beginning of class 100% of the time. (K.5.1)
Subject Area Standards (A minimum of one standard for each subject area included):
Standard # K.6 RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music: Students distinguish high and low pitches, fast and slow tempos, and loud and soft sounds. They differentiate various vocal, instrumental, and environmental sounds. They identify and demonstrate appropriate listening behavior.
Standard # K.3 Algebra and Functions: Students sort and classify objects
Subject Area Performance Objectives/Indicators: (One to two for cognitive domain):
Subject Area #1 Fine Arts: Music
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing a drum beat a proficient level. (K.6.1)
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing music a proficient level. (K.6.1)
Subject Area #2 Math
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing a drum beat a proficient level. (K.3.2)
TSWBAT count out loud the four beats to one measure while hearing music a proficient level. (K.3.2)
Equipment Needs (List all equipment, specific records, tapes, CD’s, etc.):
Music CD: “The Top 100 Kids Songs of All Time”, Drum or something to beat to create a rhythm, 16 hula hoops
Assessment Needs (List all task sheets, assessment forms to be used that the student will supply)
Skill Checklist


Type of Assessment
(How will you know what the student has learned in the lesson) / Description and Example Form to be Used
(i.e., skill observation checklist, rubric, cognitive)
Three different resources must be used for your assessment choices
***Two best may be submitted for the Applied Assessment: Skills, Attitude, Knowledge assignment
Skill Checklist / I will assess the students to see if they can…
-clap with the beat
-count the beat out loud (1-4)
-jump on every fourth beat
They will be evaluated to see if they are doing it at an excellent level, proficient level, or not a proficient level.
***Example is attached
Source: Pangrazi, R.P. Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children (16th Edition)


Type of Adaptations
(Describe special needs of any students and how you will adapt instruction to their needs) / Blind-
If the student is blind, I will partner the student with another that stand near and/or hold their hand while learning the dance routine. I will also be more detailed and explicit while teaching the movements to the routine.
If the student is deaf, I will have to do the motions along with the students at first and then I’ll partner that student with another who is excelling so that they can follow their movements
If the Student has attention problems, I will simply stand near them while I’m beating the drum, and maybe let them beat the drum for a bit so that they feel like they are helping creating the beat.


Introduction/Set Induction
(You may use bullet points rather than full sentences) / Does anyone here like to listen to music? Raise your hand if you listen to music at home! Today we’re going to be doing some activities while we listen to music. First we have to learn some rules that you all need to follow for your new teachers. What were some of the rules you had with your other teachers? Today we only have three major rules that we want you to follow. When your teacher is talking, what should you be doing? Ms. Piatt has a trick for you to follow if we’re struggling with this rule. I’m going to put up my hand and my finger over my mouth. This sign means that we should do the same and pay attention to the teacher okay? Alright so let’s try…good job everybody. So remember, when you see my hand go up that means that your attention isn’t on me and you need to start paying attention okay? The next rule is we need to keep our hands and feet to ourselves. So we shouldn’t be hanging onto our friends right? If I see someone touching another student I’m simply going to ask you to hug yourself, so let’s try that…good! And finally, if there is equipment out the teachers don’t want you touching it. So if you see jump ropes on the ground, what should we do? We should do what the teacher says and not touch the jump ropes until we are told. And that goes with anything that’s out on the floor. If you do what you’re told then we can have so much fun in PEP each week! Today we’re going to learn how to keep a beat. In music, the beat is how fast or slow the music is. Once we can count a beat in music, we’re going to start to learn how to move to the beat and the rhythm of music. And if we get really good at that, we will learn a dance to music!


(Real clock time) / Movement/Gymnastic Concepts to be Explored / Instructional Activities (Detailed) Guiding Questions (Sequentially developed questions to explore the concept or concepts for the lesson)
Key Teaching Points/Learning Cues / Organizational Plan
(How will students and equipment be organized? There must be clear descriptions for movement patterns)
Introduction/Set Induction (Text noted above)
2:05 / Introductory Activity
Drum beats
Locomotor Skills
Learn a Dance Routine
Closure / Review locomotor skills
-Lay two stacks of papers on the ground that have numbers on them.
-Have two students come up and get one paper each
-The students then must do the locomotor skills and perform each of them the same amount of times that it states on the papers respectively
-Locomotor skills include: walking, running, jumping, hopping, galloping, skipping, sliding, and leaping in which I’ll have two sheets of paper that I will choose for them to do.
1) No talking while the teacher is talking
2) Keep your hands to yourself
3) Don’t touch the equipment
-Introduce what we’ll be doing today
1) Learning how to keep a beat by counting 1 to 4
2) Doing movements to music and a drum beat.
1) Fast or Slow?
-I will beat a drum and ask the students to tell me if the beat is very slow, or very fast
2) Clap with the drum beat
-I will beat the drum and ask the students to clap along with the drum, then with progression I’ll get faster or slower. Then I’ll ask the students to clap on every other beat.
3) Counting
-we will start counting the beat, from 1 to four
4) Combination
-as the students are counting I will ask the students to clap every number, to clap every other beat, and then clap just on the number four
5) Jumping
-I will ask the students to jump on every drum beat, and progress to every other, then just jump on the fourth, all the while the students are still counting the beat
5) Marching
-the students will continue to count the beat and begin to march in place
-then I will add variations:
a) march BIG
b) march small
c) Adding turns on the first beat—“turn, 2, 3, 4, turn, 2, 3, 4, turn…”
d) march LOUD
e) march quietly
-I will beat my drum and ask them to do locomotor skills to the beat. I will limit the skills to, walking, running, jumping, hopping, and maybe sliding
-I will play music and first we will try to count/clap/beat a pretend drum to the beat, or whatever it is that needs to be done for them to get the beat. Once the students have it, we will try and do the same locomotor skills to music.
-I will teach the students different movements to counts
*I’ll be sure to teach each movement individually and not continue until they have the movement down to the specific beat
-Once I have taught them a dance routine that they can do without music, I will add a drum beat.
-Once they have mastered the beat of the drum I will let them listen to the music that they will be using for their dance (during this I will have them sit down and I will say the cues out loud with the music)
-The last step to learning the routine will be doing it to the music, maybe more than once
*I will use the song “Skip to my Lou”
-Review Rules
1) No talking while the teacher is talking
2) Keep your hands to yourself
3) Don’t touch the equipment
-What did we learn today?
1) Learning how to keep a beat by counting 1 to 4
2) Doing movements to music and a drum beat.
-What we’re learning next week
1) Using the parachute
2) Learn another routine to music, with the parachute / Students must be spread out throughout the multipurpose room to do this activity.
For the Introduction the students will be sitting in a semi circle facing me.
Students must be spread out throughout the multipurpose room to do this activity.
Students must be spread out throughout the multipurpose room to do this activity.
Students must be spread out throughout the multipurpose room to do this activity.
For the Closure the students will be sitting in a semi circle facing me.


TIME / Movement/Gymnastic Concepts to be Explored / Instructional Activities (Detailed) Guiding Questions (Sequentially developed questions to explore the concept or concepts for the lesson)
Key Teaching Points/Learning Cues / Organizational Plan
(How will students and equipment be organized? There must be clear descriptions for movement patterns)
Culminating Project or Activity / The culminating project of this lesson is the routine to music at the end of the lesson to the song “Skip to My Lou” / Students must be spread out throughout the multipurpose room to do this activity.
Closure / List two questions that explore the concepts covered in the lesson.
1) Who can tell me what the rules were that we talked about in the beginning of this lesson?
-no talking while the teacher is talking…can someone show me what the signal is if we’re being too loud and we’re not paying attention to the teacher like we should?
-keep our hands to ourselves…what is one way that we can keep us from touching our friends and getting into trouble by the teacher? Hug ourselves
-don’t touch the equipment until the teacher tells us to
2) Now, who can tell me what a beat is?
It keeps the rhythm of the music
Describe one activity, movement pattern, etc. students can practice for the next week.
How can you guys practice what we learned today at home?
-When you listen to music at home try clapping to the beat, or jumping to the beat. You can also find the beat and try to count it.
Suggest how the next lesson will build on what the students practiced in this lesson.
Next Week we are going to be doing some activities with a parachute. Has anyone ever used a parachute before? Well it is super fun, at the end of next week’s lesson; we are going to learn another routine to music. Just like we learned today, except we are adding a parachute!

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