Smokefree Nurses Aotearoa/New Zealand
Strategic plan 2012 - 2015
Smokefree Nurses Aotearoa/New Zealand is a national advocacy group which promotes nurse action to achieve the vision of a smokefree Aotearoa by 2025. Smokefree Nurses launched in 2007 with the support of Action on Smoking and Health New Zealand (ASH NZ), Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Nursing and a committed group of nurses. Smokefree Nurses augments the work of Pauline Allan-Downs, Kaaren Beverly and other nurse leaders who believe that nurses can include smoking cessation in their everyday practice and have an important role on tobacco control.
Since Smokefree Nurses launched, the New Zealand government has adopted a smoking cessation health target, “Better Help for Smokers to Quit”. The Ministry of Health provides free education for standardised evidence-based smoking cessation interventions for all health professionals including training to give people who smoke access to fully subsidised nicotine replacement therapy. Provision of such access is a new dimension of nursing practice. In 2011 the health target was followed by a vision of a smokefree Aotearoa by 2025. Smokefree Nurses is currently funded by the Ministry of Health to advocate for nurses to train and deliver evidence-based brief interventions and to undertake research to provide evidence of change. Smokefree Nurses is based at and supported by AUT Nursing,
The strategy is based on a situational analysis, structured feedback from nurses attending conferences, seminars and workshops, surveys and consultation with Smokefree Nurses’ Steering Group and advisors. The three years plan fits with the interim goal for reducing smoking prevalence in New Zealand from 21% in 2010 to 15 % by 2015 (Smokefree Aotearoa/New Zealand by 2025 Next Steps 2012 – 2015).
Health goal
To improve the health of New Zealanders
A Smokefree Aotearoa New Zealand by 2025
To decrease deaths and diseases caused by tobacco smoking by encouraging and supporting nurses to maximise their opportunities to help people who smoke quit, to quit if they smoke themselves, to reduce tobacco product uptake and to advocate for a smokefree Aotearoa/New Zealand
Smokefree Nurses is committed to:
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Principles and practice of nursing
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
Tobacco control and public health
Research and evaluation
Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015
Strategic priority / Objective / Strategy / Action / DateSmoking cessation interventions / Brief best practice smoking cessation interventions are routine in nursing care / -Campaign with nurses
-Advocacy in partnership with national nursing associations
- Advocacy in partnership with tobacco control / -Media releases
-Conference attendance
Enrolled Nurses
- Maintain leaders group of representatives from National Nursing Associations
-Work with key nurses in DHB and PHOs, smokefree coordinators, MoH, ASH, Smokefree Coalition & other NGOs / ongoing
Nurse support for clients who smoke throughout their journey to quit / -Campaign with nurses and national nursing associations
-Advocate with employers for time for nurses to deliver smoking cessation support
-Advocate for recognition for smoking cessation nurse specialists
-Advocate for RNs to be designated prescribers and NPs to be authorised prescribers / -Publish in websites and newsletters read by nurses
-Write submissions to include smoking cessation competencies in nurse practice frameworks
-Respond to requests for support from nurses
-Support interested nurses
-Participate in consultation processes / As they arise
-Increase public demand for nurses’ smoking cessation services / -Promote nurse cessation services to the public via unpaid media
- Press releases– World Smokefree Day and International Nurses Day / annual
Education and training / All nurses trained to deliver smoking cessation brief intervention and Quit Card providers
Nurses’ smoking cessation practice up-to-date / -Identify groups of nurses who are not ABC trained
-Provide up-to-date nurse centred resources
- Advocate with employers for time for training to advance nurses’ smoking cessation skills / -Environmental scan
-Link stakeholders
-Promote training at meetings and with employers and nursing associations
-Host international experts
- Disseminate new best practice information on website and to electronic nursing networks
-Respond to nurses’ and smokefree coordinators requests / 2012
Brief best practice smoking cessation education and Quit Card provision in all undergraduate nursing curricula / -Advocacy
-Provide up-to-date teaching and learning resources / -Representation at Australasian Nurse Educators Conference
-Provide information on website
-Create smoking cessation specific resource for undergraduate educators / 2013
Smoking cessation in key post-graduate courses / -Provide up-to-date teaching and learning resources / -Create, promote and disseminate resources
Smoking cessation for nurses / Smokefree nurse workforce / -Promote evidence-based quitting services to nurses / -Website
-Newsletter / ongoing
-Scope cessation service tailored for nurses / -Needs assessment / 2013
Increase equitable health outcomes / Smokefree Maori nurses, whanau and clients/patients / -Deliver Smokefree Nurses Maori Strategy
-Work with Maori Nursing Associations / -Prioritise actions on strategy
-Representation at hui
Smokefree Pacific nurses, family and clients/patients / -Deliver Smokefree Nurses
Pacific Strategy
-Work with Pacific Nursing Section NZNO / -Prioritise actions on strategy
-Representation at fono
Smokefree mental health nurses and clients/patients / -Deliver Smokefree Nurses Mental Health Strategy
-Work with Mental Health Nursing groups and associations / -Review and prioritise actions on strategy
-Representation at conferences and seminars
Tobacco control / Smokefree Aotearoa Vision 2025 interim goals 2015 / -Promote understanding of role of nurses to achieve the Vision / -Include in campaign with nurses and presentations at conferences
-Support tobacco control advocacy eg plain packaging campaign / -Write submissions
-Work with NNAs / As they arise
- Support Global Nurses Alliance for Tobacco or Health / -Representation at world meetings
-Organise and host world meeting
-Liaise with smokefree nursing groups in other countries / 2012
Research and evaluation / Measure changes in nurses’ smoking cessation and tobacco control practice and attitudes / -Undertake national follow-up survey of nurses / -Seek funding
-Repeat 2006/7ASH KAN survey
-Disseminate results in nurses’ campaign / 2012
Measure change in number of undergraduate nursing programmes delivering smoking cessation education / -Undertake national follow-up survey of undergraduate nursing programmes / -Disseminate national follow-up survey of undergraduate nursing programmes / 2012
Reduction in smoking prevalence of nurses / -Intervention study in partnership with Pacific Island Nurses
-Support other studies eg Maori nurses / Secure funding
Undertake study / 2012
Centre of excellence for nurse smoking cessation and tobacco control research and evaluation / -Undertake research projects with nurses and clients / -Scope projects
-Secure funding
-Disseminate findings
Smokefree Nurses Aotearoa/New Zealand
Steering group Advisory group
Project manager National Nursing Associations
Individual nurses
Mrs Putiputi O’Brien
Steering group
Grace Wong / Nursing, AUT University / Director; services for Asian peoples; researchAndrea Ryan / WDHB / Primary healthcare nurses
Kaaren Beverley / Waitemata PHO / Mental health services
Evelyn Hikuroa / Nursing, MIT / Maori strategy leader; nursing education
Angilla Perawiti / Te Ha o Te Oranga o Ngati Whatua / Services for Maori
Linda Tasi-Mulitalo / Whitereia Community PolytechnicBachelor of Nursing (Pacific) programme / Pacific strategy leader; nursing education
Sue Stevenson / Smokefree coordinator Southern DHB / Enrolled Nurses; DHB smokefree services (South Island representative)
Carleine Receveur / Project manager Totally Smokefree Hawkes Bay HBDHB / DHB and PHC smokefree services
Dr Anita Bamford-Wade / Joint Head of Nursing, AUT University / Evaluation; research
Tio Sewel / Independent contractor / Mental health strategy leader; Maori mental health
Advisory group
Pauline Allan-Downs; Dr Mark Wallace-Bell; Faith Roberts
Grace Wong (0.2 EFT)
Project manager
Lynn Stevenson (0. EFT)
National Nursing Associations
New ZealandNurses OrganisationCollege of Nurses’ Aotearoa
National Council of Maori NursesTe Ao Maramatanga
Pacific Nursing Section NZNO Nurse Executives of New Zealand Occupational Health Nurses NZ Plunket
Nurse PractitionersTe Runanga O Aotearoa NZNO
Enrolled Nurses NZNOWharangi Ruamano
The National Association of Nurse Education in the Tertiary Sector
Individual nurse members
Individual nurses including practicing nurses and nurses in the smokefree workforce and some Maori midwives