ALGEBRA 1 Mrs. Bayer – Room 161


Welcome to Algebra 1! I am happy to be your math teacher this school year and help you to understand the beautiful world of algebra. One reason I find mathematics to be so cool is because it is the language of logic and is considered the universal language of the world. It is the only language shared by all human beings regardless of culture, religion, or gender. Pi is still approximately 3.14159 regardless of what country you are in.

Through our study of algebra our mission is to learn to reason: to develop our skills to analyze, solve real world problems, and see the world through the lens of logic. A solid foundation of Algebra 1 topics will help you to be successful in any future mathematics course you take in high school or after. This is why it is called the ‘gateway math’…it opens the gate to all other mathematics. It has been proven that students who are successful in algebra are more likely to be successful in life.

Also, at the end of the school year, you will be taking the Pennsylvania Algebra 1 Keystone exam. Passing this exam is a graduation requirement. Don’t worry…we will work together to strengthen your math skills. You will be prepared to take this exam and show your proficiency by diligently learning key concepts throughout the year.


1. Be on time to class with all materials present…to include a 3-ring binder and scientific calculator.

2. Upon entering the room:

ü  Have a seat and get out math materials.

ü  Take out the previous night’s homework to be checked.

ü  Copy today’s assignment in your planner.

ü  Begin ‘DO NOW”

3. Behave in a respectful manner at all times.

ü  Use kind words and actions…treat others the way you want to be treated.

ü  Raise your hand to share an idea or answer with the class.

ü  Be an active participant in class.

4. Sign in/out when using lav pass.

5. No food or drink in class…unless you have a medical note in the nurse’s office for water bottle privilege.

6. Use of cell phones/electronic devices…with teacher permission only.

7. Push-in your chair before leaving class…remain at your desk until the end-of-class bell rings.

GRADES will be weighted according to the District Mathematics Grading Protocol.

ü  40% Assessments

ü  30% Quizzes

ü  30% Classwork/Homework…will also include a daily participation grade


ü  Each Test is worth 100 points.

ü  Each multi-section Quiz is worth 100 points.

ü  Mini-Quiz (vocabulary, lesson, and quick mastery) point values will vary and will be applied to your classwork/participation grade.


ü  Always SHOW YOUR WORK. No work = No credit on all open-ended problems.

ü  If you are absent the day before a test or quiz, you are still responsible for taking the quiz or test on the same day as everyone else.

ü  Cheating will result in a grade of zero (0) points for that quiz/test.


ü  Each graded homework is worth 5 points.

o  5 points….all assigned work is attempted, all work shown, and correctly labeled (see below)

o  0 points

ü  Homework is due the day after it is assigned (unless stated otherwise) and at the start of class.

o  Late homework will receive no credit.

o  If you are absent the day it is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in to me within 2 days; I will not ask you for the missing assignment.

ü  Graphs must be completed on graph paper or pre-printed coordinate planes. Otherwise, no credit will be given.


ü  Per District Policy, we will be completing Performance Tasks, Close Readings, and Reflective Writing throughout the year.


ü  The willingness to seek help when you do not understand something is an important skill for high school, college, and life.

ü  Talk to me. Don’t wait until it’s too late. I want you to be successful!


ü  All students in Algebra 1 should have a scientific calculator to use.

ü  Texas Instruments, TI-30XIIS or TI-34 Multi-View are recommended calculators.

ü  Cell phone calculators are not acceptable.

ü  If you are unable to obtain a scientific calculator, please talk to me as soon as possible.

Complete and return this page to Mrs. Bayer by Thursday, August 31.