March 2014
Name: Community information session
Location:Nambucca Heads Entertainment Centre
Date and time:Thursday 13 March 2014, 6pm to 8pm.
Meeting attendees:Project team representatives from Roads and Maritime Services and Lend Lease Engineering along with the wider community.
Meeting overview:
An update of building progress was provided for the Nambucca Heads to Urunga section of the Pacific Highway upgrade, including work to date and upcoming activities.
An overview of environmental impacts during building was also provided, including information about noise and vibration, air quality, ecological impacts and water quality. There was also some information about operational noise.
The draft urban design and landscape management plan was discussed with artist impressions shown of what various areas along the project would look like and the community was advised the consultation period would close on 21 March 2014.
The project team fielded questions from the audience in a group environment and individually around project map stations. The following table comprises the group questions and project team answers.
Q. / Is the overpass at East West Road happening? We’ve heard it isn’t.A. / The overpass at East West Roadis happening. A new bridge will be built to take traffic using East West Road over the upgrade to connect with the existing Pacific Highway. While this is being built there will be some traffic staging required, which will include diversions for traffic using East West Road to Deep Creek Road.
Q. / How long will thisdiversion be in place for?
A. / The bridge construction program is six to eight months, weather permitting.
Once the bridge is built it will take about two months to complete the road tie-in works and have East West Road and Pacific Highway intersection reopened to traffic, weather permitting.
Q. / Is the money for the Nambucca Heads to Urunga Pacific Highway upgrade locked in?
A. / Yes.
Q. / Who is responsible for the maintenance of the long grass at the intersection of East West Road and the Pacific Highway? Between the grass and the signs, the site distance is being obstructed.
A. / Lend Lease have a responsibility to maintainthis section of the Pacific Highway and are required to carry out maintenance at least four times a year. This section of the highway was done during the week commencing 17 March 2014.
Q. / On the southern side of the Nambucca Heads Link Road is the BowravilleBridge. This bridge is at the end of the 80kph zone, which then changes to 100kph before decelerating to 60kph at Nambucca information centre. The 80kphis causing a lot of noise. If they are not accelerating they are decelerating. Can something be done about the location of this 80kph?
A. / This issue has been forwarded to the Roads and Maritime safety team which is responsible for determining speed limits on the highway. The response received from the safety team indicates a permanent reduction in the speed limit from 100km/h (between Riverside Drive and the Old Coast Road overbridge) to 80km/h is not supported.An 80km/h speed limitdoes not meet the criteriain the NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines andwhilst the northbound overtaking lanes are in place compliance for northbound traffic would be an issue.
Roads and Maritime will install a "Reduce Noise" sign for northbound traffic to help mitigate the resident concerns.
Q. / I am an avid cyclist that rides iteveryday – what will the surface be like?
A. / The road surface will be predominately concrete. With some asphalt wearing course for noise reduction purposes in some locations. These locations include:
- From approximately 450m south of Valla Beach Road for a distance of 1.7km to the north (chainage 66970 to chainage 68670) and;
- From south of Short Cut Road for a distance of 2.2km north (chainage 80690 to chainage 82890)
Q. / Air-conditioning was installed as part of the operational noise treatments; however the air-conditioning is still not connected. When will this be happening?
A. / There have been some delays in the electricity upgrades and the project team is trying to get the designs and work completed as fast as possible. Roads and Maritime will talk with the affected residents to advise current status.
Q. / The property boundary fencing is not going very fast and a section has been left. The resident had to put up temporary fencing so stock couldn’t get out. Why did the resident have to make changes and not Lend Lease?
A. / It certainly is not our intention to leave properties that have, and require, stock proof fence without it during the new boundary fence installation. Lend Lease will talk to property owner specifically about this issue to resolve.
Q. / Is there a requirement for the 60kph zone at Ballards Road to be there 24hours?
A. / Yes. At the moment the reason that the 60kph zone is in place is because the existing intersection and alignment is not in accordance with the design standards required for an 80kph speed zone. We are in the process of upgrading this intersection now and once the upgrades are complete we can increase the speed to 80kph.
Q. / Is there a service station going in at the rest area?
A. / As part of the overall rest stop strategy for the Pacific Highway, there is a potential service centre area identified for the Nambucca Heads rest area, however the inclusion of a service centre at this time is not an approved part of the project. Service centres are planned to be located at key locations and Roads and Maritime is looking at this moving forward.
Q. / Is the whole project going to be fauna fenced 22km
A. / Large fauna require exclusion fencing for guidance through crossing structures and to prevent access to the carriageway. Fencing is being provided at strategic locations along the 22km upgrade length.
Q. / Is the road going to have a flat grade?
A. / The maximum grade used in the detailed design of the main alignment is just over 3% and will include gentle inclines and declines.
Q. / What will be the impact from grade changes on the trucks? Will they need to use their compression brakes more?
A. / There are no lengths of grade that are anticipated to create any compression brake issues and it is considered trucks will actually need to use their brakes less. The upgrade is an improvement for heavy vehicles.
Q. / Will the trees that are being cleared be milled or chipped
A. / Some of the trees are used by Roads and Maritime for their timber bridge rehabilitation program. There are also some trees that are in the StateForest that StateForestretains. Further to this, the clearing contractor retains timber and any remaining timber is milled or chipped.
Q. / Some of the trees had tape on them before they were cleared. What was that about?
A. / The orange “H” and red tape signify habitat trees. Prior to clearing any area each tree is individually assessed for habitat potential by the project Ecologist, and day and night fauna surveys undertaken. During clearing the trees around habitat trees are cleared and the tree is left for 48 hours to encourage any fauna to move on. After the 48 hour period a specialised tree harvester is used to hold, cut and lower the tree to the ground to allow the Ecologist to inspect any hollows or habitat features and capture any fauna present for relocation off site
Q. / In the NewryStateForestthere are Transgrid lines. Are they going to be moved?
A. / Anyrequired Transgrid line adjustments in this location have been done.
Q. / Does the Warrell creek to Nambucca Heads project have the go ahead?
A. / Yes it is going ahead. It is currently in its procurement phase with tenders being assessed. It is expected the tender will be awarded shortly.
Q / How much water will be drained from the East West Roaddam during construction?
A. / Lend Lease are analysing the water requirement. All affected residents, who either own part of the dam, or who benefit from the dam, will be consulted prior to any final decisions being made about the use of the water.
Q / What is the design for the Nambucca Heads rest area and the toilets in the rest area? Will they be odourless?
A. / It is currently proposed the toilets in the rest area will be connected to the sewerage system and therefore will contain a standard flush system. The toilets will be fit for purpose.
Q / Noticed in plans for Rest Area that the B-Doubles will have a drive through area. You have them up behind each other
A. / The design of the rest area allows heavy vehicles to park in a forward motion and exit in the same direction. There should be very little need for reversing
Q / Why wasn’t the MacksvilleBridge a priority?
A. / The Warrell Creek to Urunga project received project approval in July 2011 and the decision was made to split the project into two sections, the Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads and Nambucca Heads to Urunga sections.
The Nambucca Heads to Urunga section was announced to progress before the southern section following a fatal accident in Urunga, along with an environmental issue of a flying fox colony being identified south of Macksville which ultimately delayed the southern project.
Roads and Maritime are aware of community concerns and is working on bypassing the bridge.
Roads and Maritime Services