4.b(i) & (ii)
1. Promotion of scientific temper among general masses
2. Promotion and improvement in quality of science education in the State.
3. Support and promote innovation in the State.
4. Encourage research in biotechnology
5. Encourage utilization of remote sensing and GIS techniques for overall developmental planning of the State.
1. Identification of new technologies for agriculture and industry.
2. All matters relating to arrangements for processing the new technology
3. All matters relating to liaison with Research Institutions, National Laboratories, Universities and Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India,
4. Dissemination of new technology in the State.
Sr.No. / Designation
Of post / Sanct-
Posts / Basic Pay
Cell / Status
Smt. / Duties assigned
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 5
1. / Director
(Additional Charge) / 1 / --- / T.L. Satyaprakash, IAS / Head of the Department
2. / Principal Scientist (SG) / 1 / BP – 176200
L – 16
C - 12 / Rajvir Singh / 1. He will be responsible for all technical works allotted to S.E.A (SG), S.E.(A) & Libn.
2. Nodal Officer for C.M. Window /announcement, Citizen Charter / Citizen Services, redressal of public Grievances and O&M Officer etc.
3. He will act as First Appellate Authority of S&T Department under RTI Act.
4. Nodal Officer to Coordinate and Oversee the compliance of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005.
5. Scheme related to Haryana Vigyan Ratna Awards/Climate Change.
6. Examine all Technical matters of S&T Department, Council, CPB, KCMP & HARSAC.
7. PIC Incharge.
8. Nodal Officer for implementation of Transfer Orders issued by the Govt.
9. Nodal Officer for State Resident Database (SRDB).
10. Nodal Officer for coordination of Exhibitions/
Workshops /Seminars/Conferences/Trade Fairs etc
(He will report to Director-cum-Secretary,EC-cum-Director / HARSAC)
3. / Scientific
Engineer(A)SG / 3 / BP – 88700
L – 12
C - 4 / Bhup Singh / 1. Annual Administrative Reports of Science and Technology Department.
2. Financial Assistance for attending the Conference/ seminar abroad.
3. POSE Scholarship scheme.
4. He will work as SPIO of RTI Cases of S&T Deptt. Haryana and Haryana State Council for Science & Technology.
5. Scheme related to Grant-in-Aid to Research & Development Projects.
6. Scheme of Honouring meritorious students of Haryana.
7. Celebration of National Technology Day.
8. Work related with the Plasma Pyrolysis Plant installed at Government Hospital, Gurgaon.
9. All works of e-Services, e-Samiksha & Chief Vigilance Officer (C.V.O.) etc.
10. Nodal Officer to coordinate with information Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Department, Haryana for time to time changes in telephone directory.
11. Nodal Officer of DBT Scheme.
12. He will work as DDO of S&T Council.
13. Nodal Officer for implementation of Reservation Policy.
14. Scheme related to Haryana Science Talent Search scheme.
(He will report through Principal Scientist (SG))
4 / Scientific Engineer (A) / BP – 71800
L – 11
C - 2 / Vishal Gulia / 1. Science Conclaves
2. Setting up of sub regional Science Centre / Science City.
3. Preparation of RFD of S&T Department.
4. Operation of Telescope installed in the office.
5.All works related to I.T., NIC, HARTRON, office website, AEBAS, CeFMeTIS, Office Autonomation with the assistance of Librarian.
6. All work related to National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP).
7. All works related to C.S. office, DPR, Vidhan Sabha, Lok Sabha etc.
8. Nodal Officers of S&T Deptt./HSCST for dealing with Statistical matter as Coordinator with DESA. and for compliance of E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 etc.
9. Nodal Officer for Court Cases and State Litigation Policy, 2010.
(He will report through Principal Scientist (SG) ).
5 / Scientific Engineer (B) / 1 / BP – 53100
L – 12
C - 1 / Vacant
6 / Accounts
Officer / 1 / BP – 71300
L – 9
C - 10 / Mohinder Kumar / 1. Budget, SNE & Sanctions (Plan & Non Plan Schemes) related work.
2. All audit, CAG, PAC and other accounts matters.
3. All work related to e-procurement / e-tendering in Science & Technology Department, Haryana.
4. He will work as DDO of S&T Department.
5. Nodal Officer for monitoring of regular inspection of the Cleanliness in the Office etc.
6. To scruitinize and decide the grant of Loan and Advances to the regular employees of HSCST authority, a Member Secretary of said Committee.
(Sr. No. 1 & 3 will report through Principal Scientist(SG) and Sr. No. 5 to 6 he will report through A.D.(A).)
7. / Scientific Engineer (C) / 1 / BP – 35400
L – 9
C - 1 / Vacant
8 / Librarian / 1 / BP –78800
L – 10
C - 19 / Ravindra / 1. All work related with Library-cum-Technical Data Centre.
2. Grant-in-aid for workshop /seminar/ science exhibition etc.
3. Science Quiz Contests for College and School students
4. Science Essay Writing Competitions for College and School students.
5. Scheme related to Exposure visit of students.
6. District Children Science Congress.
7. Correspondence and maintenance related to office building.
8. He will as ASPIO of RTI cases of S&T Deptt, Haryana.
9. He will also assist to SE(A) in office automation and I.T. related work.
10. Supervise Care Taker work of S&T Deptt./Council and work as Vehicle Incharge of office vehicles.
(He will report to Principal Scientist (SG) ).
9. / Private Secretary / 1 / BP – 68000
L – 6
C – 22 / Shashi Bala / Attached with Director, Presiding Officer of Internal Complaint Committee of the Science & Technology Deptt./Council under Section 4(2) of Chapter-II of the Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace(Prevention, Prohibition & Redresses), Act, 2013.
10. / Assistant / 1 / BP – 55000
L – 7
C - 17 / Sunil Kumar / 1. To deal all administrative works of S&T Department.
2. To deal all the R.T.I cases of S&T Department.
3. Any other work assigned by AD(A).
(Sr. No. 1 above he will report to Dy. Supdt and for Sr. No. 2 he will report through ASPIO/SPIO directly)
11. / Steno-typist / 1 / BP – 21000 +100 SP
L – 2
C - 3 / Narender Singh / Care Taker of S&T Department & HSCST, Haryana.
12. / Clerk / 1 / BP – 29300
L – 2
C – 13 / Kanwal Kant / Looking after the work of Care Taker during the leave period of Sh. Narender Singh, Steno-Typist.
13 / Driver / 2 / BP – 58400
L – 8
C – 18 / Mohinder Singh / Duty on vehicle No. HR70F-0082.
BP – 50300
L – 7
C - 14 / Jatinder Singh / Attached with DS&T
14. / Peon / 3 / BP – 31100
L – 3
C – 12 / Mohan Singh / Duty with Additional Director (Admn.)
BP – 29300
L – 2
C - 13 / Rajbir Singh / Duty with the staff of Admn./Accounts of S&T Deptt./Council.
BP – 16900
L – DL
C - 1 / 3rd – Vacant
15 / Sweeper-cum-
Chowkidar / 1 / BP – 28400
L – 2
C - 12 / Om Parkash / Sweeping/Cleaning and Chowkidar of the office premises
4.b(iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including
channels of supervision and accountability.
The decisions are taken strictly in accordance with the policies framed by the government of Haryana and Rules & Regulations on the subject. The dealing hand deals with the case and submits. After scrutinizing the case he/she sends the case to his/her superior who further submits it to the Director/Financial Commissioner, as the case may be, for final approval.
4.b(iv) The norms set by it for discharge of its functions.
As per Standing Orders( attached below)
4.b(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records held by it or under
its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions
The department dischargers its various functions and duties by following the below mentioned rules/manuals in addition to instructions issued from time to time by Haryana Government :
i. CSR Volume-I, II, III
ii. PFR Volume-I, II
iii. STR Volume-I, II
iv. Manuals/instructions issued by the Haryana Govt. from time to time.
4.b(vi) Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its
Personal Files, Service Books, Annual Confidential Reports, Cash Books, Stamp Paper Registers. Besides, other records required to be maintained in the department is also maintained accurately. Technical branch also maintained the records for its technical matters at its own level.
4.b(vii) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or
representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or administration thereof
No such arrangement exists.
4.b(viii) Statement of the boards, council, committees and other bodies
The following organizations/set ups are under Administrative Control of the Science and Technology Department : -
(1) Haryana State Council for Science and Technology (HSCST), Chandigarh.
(2) Haryana Space Application Centre (HARSAC), Hisar.
4.b(ix) Directory of its officers and employees
Sr.No. / Name and Designation
(Svsh.) / Residential Address
1. / T.L. Satyaprakash, IAS, Director / #1630, Sector-39, Chandigarh
2. / Rajvir Singh, Principal Scientist (SG) / #2493, Sector-19C, Chd.
3. / Bhup Singh, Scientific Engineer(A)SG / #949, Sector-7, Chd.
4. / Vishal Gulia, Scientific Engineer (A) / #1351, Sector-19-B, Chandigarh
5. / Mohinder Kumar, Accounts Officer / #139/1, Sector-44A, Chandigarh
6. / Ravindra, Librarian / #2429, Sector- 19C, Chd
7. / Shashi Bala, Private Secretary / #2216, Sec.-27C, Chd
8. / Sunil Kumar, Assistant / #2474-A, Sector-19C, Chd.
9. / Narender Singh, Steno-Typist / # 2011/2, Housing Board Colony (HBC) Sector-45C, Chandigarh
10. / Kanwal Kant, Clerk / # 2126A, Sector- 28C, Chd
11. / Mohinder Singh, Driver / V-Chowki, PO-Devi Nagar, Panchkula
12. / Jatinder Singh, Driver / # 1527A, Sector-20-B, Chandigarh
13. / Mohan Singh Peon / #1272A, Sector-28B, Chd.
14. / Rajbir Singh, Peon / # 357, Kishangarh, UT, Chd
15 / Om Parkash, Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar / # 84, Khadak Mangoli, Pkl
4.b(x) Monthly remuneration received by each of officers and employees
Sr.No. / Name and Designation
(Svsh.) / Salary for the month of April, 2017 (in Rs.)
1. / T.L. Satyaprakash, IAS, Director / ----
2. / Rajvir Singh, Principal Scientist (SG) / 1,83,748
3. / Bhup Singh, Scientific Engineer(A)SG / 92,748
4. / Vishal Gulia, Scientific Engineer (A) / 75,172
5. / Mohinder Kumar, Accounts Officer / 80,162
6. / Shashi Bala, Private Secretary / 71,420
7. / Ravindra, Librarian / 82,452
8. / Sunil Kumar, Assistant / 57,700
9. / Narender Singh, Steno-Typist / ---
10. / Kanwal Kant, Clerk / 30,972
11. / Mohinder Singh, Driver / 65,874
12. / Jatinder Singh, Driver / 53,012
13. / Mohan Singh Peon / 33,234
14. / Rajbir Singh, Peon / 33,586
15. / Om Parkash, Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar / 33,141
16. / Late Sh.Ravi Parkash, SE(B) (Ex-gratia employee) / 62,421
4.b(xi) Budget allocation
Budget Allocation of recurring scheme of Science and Technology Department for the year 2017-18.
Sr. No. / Items / Amount(Rs.)
1. / Salary / 1,40,00,000/-
2. / DA / 14,00,000/-
3. / TA / 1,00,000/-
4. / OE / 1,00,000/-
5. / MR / 2,00,000/-
6. / POL / 1,20,000/-
7. / LTC / 5,00,000/-
8. / Ex-Gratia / 11,00,000/-
9. / Professional & Special Services / ---
10. / Motor Vehicle / ---
Total / 1,75,20,000/-
Allocation of budget under various schemes (Non-recurring) of Science & Technology for the year 2017-18 (Rs. in lacs)
Sr.No. / Name of the scheme / Approved outlay 2017-18 (in Lacs)
3425-Other Scientific Research
1. / 99-S&T Programme
a) / 09-Grant-in-aid, Innovation Council / Science Education / 311.00
b) / 94-Fellowship/Financial Assistance for attending international conference/seminar abroad / 2.00
Total / 313.00
2. / 97-GIA to S&T Council
a) / 09-Admn. Set up / 168.00
b) / Science & Technology Promotional Programme / 122.00
c) / Conference/Workshop/Seminar / 1.00
d) / GIA to R&D projects / 42.00
e) / Kalpana Chawla Memorial Planetarium / 85.00
f) / Research Fellowship & Haryana Talent Search Scheme / 220.00
Total / 400.00
3. / 95-Admn. Set up of HARSAC / 583.00
4. / 96-Natural Resources Data Management System / 51.00
5. / 93-Micropropagtion of high quality planting material through tissue culture technology / 150.00
6. / 85-Biotechnology in the context of sustainable development / ---
7. / 88-Information Technology & Computerization / 5.00
Sub Total / 1502.00
5425- Capital outlay on other Scientific and Environment Research
8 / 99- Setting up of Science City at Sonipat / 8000.00
Grand Total / 9502.00
4.b(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes
No subsidy
4.b(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisation granted
Not applicable
4.b(xiv) Details in respect of the information available to or held by reduced in an electronic form
The detailed information regarding objectives, organization structure, functions, schemes, etc. are available on the website www.dstharyana.org.
4.b(xv) The particulars of facilities available to the citizens for obtaining
information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if
maintained for public use.
As per RTI Act, 2005 during the working days and office hours.
Library is not open for public use.
4.b(xvi) The names, designation and other particulars of Public Information
Name of Organization / Appellate Authority / SPIO / SAPIOScience and Technology Department, Haryana, Panchkula / Principal Scientist (SG) / Scientific Engineer (A) SG / Librarian
Haryana State Council for Science and Technology (HSCST), Panchkula / Chief Scientific Engineer / Scientific Engineer (A) SG / Deputy Superintendent
Haryana Space Application Centre (HARSAC), Hisar / Chief Scientist / Senior Administrative Officer / Accounts Officer