UIC Data Model Version 8.0

10/16/2008(Edited 5/3/10)


Entity/Table Name


Number of Attributes/ Columns

/ Primary Key / Page #
(Data Dictionary)
1. FACILITY / 11 /




3. PERMIT / 6 / PERMIT_ID / 6
5. WELL / 13 / WELL_ID / 8
7. WELL TYPE / 4 / WELL_TYPE_ID / 10


/ 9 / VIOLATION_ID / 13




/ 3 / ENFORCEMENT _ID / 14


/ 12 / INSPECTION_ID / 15


/ 4 / CORRECTION_ID / 17


/ 7 / MIT_ID / 17

15. ENGINEERING (Class I & deep well only)


16. GEOLOGY (Class I & deep well only)

/ 13 / GEOLOGY_ID / 19

17. WASTE (Class I only)

/ 4 / WASTE_ID / 20

18. CONSTITUENT (Class I only)



Appendix A -- Definitions and Acceptable Values for Location Table Attributes

Appendix B -- Underground Injection Well Class Categories and Codes
Appendix C -- Acceptable Values for UIC Data Elements
Appendix D -- Primacy Agency Code Used for Database Primary Keys /



Total number of data elements (not including primary and foreign keys): 89;

Total elements for Class I & deep wells: 88 (for DI Programs), 83(for states)

Total elements for Class II (non deep wells): 61(DI Programs), 56(states)

Total elements for Class III & IV (non deep wells):62 (DI Programs), 57(states)

Total elements for Class V (non deep wells):: 56 (DI Programs), 51 (states)

UIC National Database Data Dictionary - version 8.1 (11/06/2007)




/ Definition Source / Field Name / Characteristics / Field Type / Acceptable Values
1. Table FACILITY: basic identification information for a regulated UIC facility (e.g. well field, etc. )
Facility ID / Unique identification of Facility table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique facility (e.g. DENR0000197590, …) /

UIC Team

/ FACILITY_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
FacilityCity / The name of the city, town, or village where the facility is located. / EPA form 7520- 16 & Data Standard / FAC_CITY / Character (60)
Facility Name / The public or commercial name of a facility site (i.e., the full name that commonly appears on invoices, signs, or other business documents, or as assigned by the state when the name is ambiguous). / EPA form 7520- 16
Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification
/ FAC_NAME / Character (80)
Facility Petition Status (class I) / Status of review of no-migration petition (this is a technical demonstration required before Class I hazardous waste injection facilities may begin operating) / Class I UIC Wells- User’s Guide (1996) & UIC Team / PETIT_STAT / Character (2) / See appendix C
FacilityState / The U.S. Postal Service abbreviation that represents the state /

EPA form 7520-16

& FRS / FAC_STATE / Character (2) / See appendix C
Facility State ID / Facility identification assigned by DI program or primacy state /

EPA form 7520-16 or alternative state facility ID

/ F_STATE_ID / Character (50)
Facility Street Address / The address that describes the physical (geographic) location of the main entrance of a facility site, including urban-style street address or rural address, well field entrance, etc / EPA form 7520- 16
Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification
/ FAC_STREET / Character
Facility Type
(Class I only) / Class I well waste is disposed in either of two types of facilities: (1) Commercial- where the waste is generated offsite but transported to the disposal facility, or (2) Non-commercial-where the waste is generated onsite and disposed there also. / Class I UIC Wells- User’s Guide (1996) & UIC Team / FAC_TYPE / Character (1) / See appendix C

North American Industry Classification System Code

/ The NAICS code that represents a subdivision of an industry that accommodates user needs in the United States (6-digits)-- (Only primary code) / Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification / NAICS_CODE / Character (6) / See appendix C
Standard Industrial Classification Code / The code that represents the economic activity of a company. (4-digits) -- (only the primary code) / Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification / SIC_CODE / Character (4) / See appendix C

Facility Zip Code

/ The combination of the 5-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP Code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location. / Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification / FAC_ZIP / Character (14)
2. Table CONTACT: the contact information for underground injection wells
Contact ID / Unique identification of Contact table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique contact for a well. (e.g. NMNR30005003490000) / UIC Team / CONTACT_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Contact Phone / The phone number of a contact for the well / UIC Team / CON_PHONE / Character (15)
Contact Name / The legal and complete name of a contact person (including first name, middle name or initial, and surname) for the well. / EPA form 7520-4 & UIC Team / CON_NAME / Character (70)
ContactCity / The name of the city, town, or village of the contact for a well / EPA form 7520-4 & UIC Team / CON_CITY / Character (30)
ContactState / The name of the state where the contact is located or the name of the country, if outside the U.S. / EPA form 7520-4 & UIC Team / CON_STATE / Character (30)
Contact Street / The street address of the contact for a well. This can be physical location or a mailing address. / EPA form 7520-4 & UIC Team / CON_STREET / Character (150)
Contact Zip / The combination of the 5-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP Code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered. / Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification / CON_ZIP / Character (14)
3. Table PERMIT: information for a well with permits, rule authorization, and unauthorized injection
Permit ID / Unique identification of Permit table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D).The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique permit(e.g. 04DI0000000000WDW366, …) /

UIC Team

/ PERMIT_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Number of AOR wells / Number of wells identified in area of review (AOR) requiring corrective action /

UIC Team

/ AOR_WELL / Number (6)
Authorized Status / Identification of whether well is permitted, rule authorized, or unauthorized. If the well is permitted, the acceptable authorization types are individual, area, general, or emergency permits. /

EPA Form 7520-1 and UIC Team

/ AUT_STATUS / Character (2) / See appendix C

Ownership Type

/ Type of ownership for a UIC well / EPA form 7520-6 , 7520-16 & OMB 83-I (revised 7/13/2006) / OWNERSHIP_TYPE / Character (2) / See appendix C

Permit / Rule Authorized ID Assigned

/ Identification assigned by DI program or primacy state to permit or rule authorized well / UIC Team / P_STATE_ID / Character (50)

Submission Date

/ Date states or DI programs update and submit data to National UIC database system. / UIC Team / SUBMISSION_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
4. Table PERMIT ACTIVITY: information on activities related to a permit or rule authorization (e.g. permit issuance, authorized file review, etc.)

Activity ID

/ Unique identification of Permit Activity table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying the unique permit activity (e.g. TXRC0000000000WDW567, …) / UIC Team / ACTIVITY_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Permit Action Type / Type of permit action or authorization by rule / EPA form 7520-1 / ACT_TYPE / Character (2) / See appendix C
Permit Action Date / The calendar date corresponding to each acceptable value of Permit Action Type includes:
- Application Date for Permit Issuance: Date of receipt of an application by state or DI program for permit issued
- Application Date for Major Permit Modification: Date of receipt of an application by the state or DI program for major permit modification
- Permit Issued Date: Date of signature (approval) by state/DI official for the issuance/denial/ withdrawal of permit.
- Permit Denied/Withdrawn Date: Date of signature by state/DI official for the denial/withdrawal of permit.
- Approved Major Permit Modification Date: Approval date of a major permit modification. This is a date where an approved major modification requires a complete technical review, public notification or review, and a final decision document signed by the regulating authority.
- File Review Date (Class II only): Date of rule-authorized file review to determine whether the well is in compliance with UIC regulatory requirements /

EPA form 7520-1

/ ACT_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Permit ID / Unique identification of Permit table /

UIC Team

/ PERMIT_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
5. TableWELL: information of UIC wells. It is the main table of UIC database and the base for all UIC activities (inspection, violation, enforcement, MIT, etc )
Well ID / Unique identification of Well table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique well (e.g. TXEQWDW366, …) / UIC Team / WELL_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Aquifer Exemption / Well injects into exempting aquifer / UIC Team / AQUI_EXEMPT / Character (1) / See appendix C
Total Depth
(Class I & deep wells only) / The vertical depth (in feet) from the surface to the bottom of injection well / UIC Team / TOTAL_DEPTH / Number (5)
High Priority
(Class V only) / High priority Class V wells include all active motor vehicle waste disposal wells (MVWDWs) and large-capacity cesspools regulated under the 1999 Class V Rule, industrial wells, plus all other Class V wells identified as high priority by State Directors. /

Measures Reporting Instructions

/ HIGH_PRIORITY / Character (1) / See appendix C
Contact ID / Unique identification of Contact table / UIC Team / CONTACT_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Facility ID / Unique identification of Facility table / EPA form 7520-16 / FACILITY_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Geology ID / Unique identification for Geology record / UIC Team / GEOLOGY_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Well Site (Class III, IV, V -- storm water drainage only) / Name of the area where many Class III, IV, or V ( storm water drainage) injection wells are physically located or conducted / UIC Team / WELL_SITE / Character (50)
Permit ID / Unique identification of Permit table /

UIC Team

/ PERMIT_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Well State ID / The well identification assigned by primacy state or direct implementation (DI) program / UIC Team / W_STATE_ID / Character (50)
State / Tribe (DI Region only) / State postal code or tribal code (for American Indian or Alaska Native) indicating a program Directly Implemented by an EPA region (for DI programs) / Data Standard & UIC Team / STATE_OR_TRIBE / Character (3) / See appendix C
Well in Sensitive Ground Water Area / Well location is within the boundary of a sensitive ground water area as defined by the program. Includes, at minimum, source water area for ground water based community water systems / UIC Measures Guidance / WELL_IN_SWA / Character (1) / See appendix C
Well Name / The name that designates the well / Well Information Data Standard Draft
() / WELL_NAME / Character (80)
6. Table WELL STATUS: information related to current and/or historical operating status of injection wells

Status ID

/ Unique identification of Well Status table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only identifying the unique Well Status (e.g. TXEQ WDW369, …) / UIC Team / STATUS_ID / Primary key / Character (20)

Well Status Date

/ Date that well status is determined / Well Information Data Standard Draft
() / STATUS_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Well Operating Status / The current operating status of well / EPA form 7520-16 / OPER_STATUS / Character (2) / See appendix C
Well ID / Unique identification of Well table- / UIC Team / WELL_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
7. Table WELL TYPE: information of current and/or historical well type
Well Type ID / Unique identification of Well Type table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique well type (e.g. TXEQWDW369, …) / UIC Team / WELL_TYPE_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Well Type / Type of injection wells located at the listed facility. / EPA form 7520-16
Federal Register Proposed Rules (Vol. 63, No. 145) / WELL_TYPE / Character (4) / See Appendix B
Well Type Date / Date that well type is determined. This field ONLY applies when the well changes from one well type to another well type (e.g. converted from injection to production) / UIC Team / WELL_TYPE_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Well ID / Unique identification of Well table- / UIC Team / WELL_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
8. Table LOCATION (dependent table to WELL): geographic surface location descriptors about wells including required Agency Method, Accuracy, Description (MAD)
Location ID / Unique identification of Location table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only identifying unique location (e.g. 03DI0000000000M00905) / UIC Team / LOCATION_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
County / The name of the U.S. county or county equivalent in which the regulated well is physically located. / EPA form 7520-16 / WELL_COUNTY / Character (35)
Accuracy Value & Unit / Quantitative measurement of the amount of deviation from true value in a measurement for latitude or longitude (estimate of error). It describes the correctness of the latitude/longitude measurement, in meters. Only the least accurate measurement is recorded, regardless whether it is for longitude or latitude / Requirements for Locational Data in the Safe Drinking Water Information
System (SDWIS)
/ ACC_VALUE / Number (6) / See Appendix A
Description Category - / Code representing the category of the feature referenced by the latitude and longitude. / The same as above / LOC_DESC / Character (3) / See Appendix A
Horizontal Datum / Code representing the reference standard for three dimensional and horizontal positioning established by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and other bodies / The same as above / HORIZ_DATUM / Character (3) / See Appendix A
Method of Collection / Code representing the method used to determine the latitude/longitude. This represents the primary source of the data. / The same as above / METHOD / Character (3) / See Appendix A
Point-Line-Area / Code representing the value indicating whether the latitude and longitude coordinates represent a point, multiple points on a line, or an area. / The same as above / POINT_LINE_AREA / Character (3) / See Appendix A (default value is POINT)
Source Scale / Code representing the scale of the map used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates. / The same as above / SOURCE_SCALE / Character (2) / See Appendix A
Well ID / Unique identification of Well table / UIC Team / WELL_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Well Latitude / Coordinate representing a location on the surface of the earth, using the earth's Equator as the origin, reported in decimal format. If an area permit is being requested, give the latitude and longitude of the approximate center of the area. / SDWIS
7520-6 / WELL_LAT / Number (10)
Format (±DD.dddddd) / See Appendix A
Well Longitude / Coordinate representing a location on the surface of the earth, using the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as the origin, reported in decimal format. If an area permit is being requested, give the latitude and longitude of the approximate center of the area. / SDWIS
7520-6 / WELL_LONG / Number (11)
Format (±DDD.dddddd) / See Appendix A
9. Table VIOLATION: data identifying non-compliance with UIC regulation reported for regulated wells
Violation ID / Unique identification of Violation table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique violation (e.g. 08DI000366, …) /

UIC Team

/ VIOLATION_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Contamination / Well in noncompliance has allegedly contaminated an underground source of drinking water (USDW) this year to date /

EPA Form 7520-2A

/ CONTAMINATION / Character (1) / See appendix C
Endangering / A violation that results in the well potentially or actually endangering the USDW. The endangering fluid contaminant from the well is in violation of RCRA or SDWA or applicable regulations /

EPA Form 7520-2B &

UIC Team

/ ENDANGER / Character (1) / See appendix C
Violation Return to Compliance Date / The calendar date, determined by the Responsible Authority, on which the regulated entity actually returned to compliance with respect to the legal obligation that is the subject of the violation determined date. / EPA form 7520-2B, 7520-4
Final Enforcement/Compliance Data Standard / RE_ COMP_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Violation Significant / The indication whether or not the violation is in Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) . /

EPA Form 7520-2A

& UIC Team / SNC / Character (1) / See appendix C
Violation Date / The calendar date the Responsible Authority determines that a regulated entity is in violation of a legally enforceable obligation. / Final Enforcement/Compliance Data Standard / VIO_DATE / Date (8) Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Violation Type / The type of violation that is the subject of the Violation Date / EPA form 7520-2B
Final Enforcement/Compliance Data Standard / VIO_TYPE / Character (2) / See appendix C
Well ID / Unique identification of Well table - / UIC Team / WELL_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
Facility ID / Unique identification of Facility table- This field ONLY applies for Class V violations at FACILITY level (not to an individual well) / UIC Team / FACILITY_ID / Foreign key / Character (20)
10. Table RESPONSE: connecting table for the many-to-many relationship between Violation and Enforcement table
Enforcement Action ID / Unique identification of Enforcement table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only identifying unique enforcement action (e.g. 08DI000766, …) / UIC Team / ENFORCEMENT_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Violation ID / Unique identification of Violation table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only identifying unique violation (e.g. 08DI000905, …) /

UIC Team

/ VIOLATION_ID / Primary key / Character (20)
11. Table ENFORCEMENT: data identifying state and EPA enforcement actions in response to violation / non-compliance
Enforcement Action ID / Unique identification of Enforcement table - The first four characters are the primacy agency code (appendix D). The rest is DI program or State’s choice (letters and numbers only) identifying unique enforcement action (e.g. 08DI000566, …) / UIC Team / ENFORCEMENT _ID / Primary key / Character (20)
Enforcement Action Date / The calendar date the enforcement action was issued or filed / Final Enforcement/Compliance Data Standard / ENF_DATE / Date (8)
Format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Enforcement Action Type / The type of enforcement action taken by the EPA or states /

EPA form 7520-4