Getting Started – Setting Up your Tax & Accountancy Page & making it your Start Page.

1.  Go to

2.  Click onto Make this My Start Page at the top right of the screen.

3.  To navigate back to this page again after searching or browsing click on Start Page.

My Bookshelf

Searching and Browsing key sources can be done from the Bookshelf. It can be personalised by

clicking on the Add/Remove/Sort Sources and provides quick access to the publications used

most frequently.

Browsing a Source

From the Bookshelf on the Tax & Accountancy Bookshelf, click on the Browse link to browse a source like a book, e.g. Inland Revenue Manuals. (The Browse link by the side of a source anywhere in LNB works this way).

1.  Click on the (+) icon next to the relevant Manual to open up the contents.

2.  Click on the (+) icons until document level is reached.

3.  Click on the document title to view the full text.

Searching a Source

1.  From the Bookshelf on the Tax & Accountancy bookshelf, click on the Search link by the publication needed for searching and the relevant search form will display. (The Search link by the side of any source on LNB works in this way).

2.  For example, on clicking on the Search by the side of the Yellow Tax Handbook the Legislation search form displays

Enter the legislation title in Title field eg tcga, tick Act box and if a specific section is required type section number in Provision field eg 175

Search Tax & Accountancy Sources

Use this field to search across ALL the Tax and Accountancy sources in your subscription. LNB will

look for consecutive words and phrases. To refine the search please use the searching tips outlined below:

and / Finds search terms appearing together in the same document. For example: offshore and bank
w/n / Finds words within a number of words of each other. The “n” can be any number between 1 and 255. For example: overseas w/10 subsidiary – Finds “overseas” within 10 words of “subsidiary”.
or / foreign or overseas
! / Replaces any number of characters at the end of a word. For example:
Transfer! –Finds “transfers”, “transferring” and “transferred”.
Charit! – Finds “charity”, “charities” and “charitable”

For example: foreign or overseas w/10 subsidiary

Working with Results

Once a search has been carried out the results can be re-arranged in 3 ways:

1.  By clicking on the (+) by Source Name, Topics, Table of Contents (where available) or Source Type in the Results Groups column in the left hand pane in order to see the source list displayed as required.

2.  By changing the “Sort” option from “Source Order” to “Relevance”.

3.  By changing the “Show” option from “List” to “Expanded List”.

Results can be refined further by entering extra keywords or phrases into the “Search within results” field in the top right hand corner to refine your search.

Resources & Tools

Click on the links under this section to access other LN related sites, including Tax News Taxation Online and Tax Analysts material.

My Research

To set up topical Updates, click on Set up a new alert under My Research. Then complete the 4 steps outlined below:

Quick Find

This simple Quick Find search provides quick access to legislation, cases, journals, forms and additional sources.

All Quick Find fields are very similar in their approach.

Legislation – Type in the known acronym or some words from your Act or Statutory Instrument title

and tick the relevant box and click on Find.

Cases – Type in one or both of the party names and click on Find.

Journal Article – Type in key words from the Title of the article or the Citation and click on Find.

Find a Form – Type in the number or a key phrase in the title and click on Find.

Find a Source – To find a source that does not appear on the Bookshelf, type in a key word or phrase from the publication’s title eg Simon's.

Delivering a Document

1.  From your search results, select documents to print, e-mail or download by ticking the boxes that appear to the left of the document title.

2.  In the upper right corner of your Results page, click on the selected delivery icon you would like to use: Print, E-mail or Download.

3.  Click on the Add to link to save documents to the delivery folder to process later on in the day.

If you have any further queries regarding the LexisNexis

Butterworths service, please contact one of the following:

Help Desk: 0845 370 1234 E-mail: