Self-check: To what extent does your project contribute to the Programme focus?

In line with: / Relevant criteria: / Yes / No
Objective of Norway Grants / Reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA)
Strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and Bulgaria
Objective of the programme area Green Industry Innovation / Increased competitiveness of green enterprises, greening of existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship.
Programme vision / Good for business and for the environment (both).
Aim at a final result of improving the environmental performance of your enterprises (the Applicant).
Environmental innovation.
Greening of new or existing enterprises.
Programme specific outcome / Realisation of business opportunities of greening the European economy.
Outcome indicators / Environmental technologies successfully adapted for use in new areas.
Improved green products and services.
Eco-initiatives related to material efficiency.
Innovative initiatives to increase the efficiency, and greening, of business operations.
Green jobs created (only in conjunction with another programme indicator mentioned above).
Eligible activities / Implementation and investment in innovative environmental friendly technologies.
Improvement of green products and services.
Material efficiency and greening of businesses.
Green element / Does you project have a high degree of improvement of the environmental performance of your enterprises and/or environmental impact during project implementation period/upon project completion.
(Comparing the situation previous to the project with the one resulted after the implementation of the project.)
Project implementation / Is the effective project implementation period for your project maximum 10 months?
State Aid (GBER) / Are the suggested project and activities eligible according to the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 (General Block Exemption Regulation - GBER):
Regional Investment Aid, article 13 and 14?
Is your project in line with article 2, Definitions, Definitions applying to Regional Aid, para (49) (a) in the said Regulations?
Aid for Consultancy in favor of SMEs and Aid to SMEs for participation in fairs, Articles 18-19.
Aid for research and development projects, Article 25, limited to Experimental Development,
para 2, letter(c).
Investment aid enabling undertakings to go beyond Union standards for environmental protection or to increase the level of environmental protection in the absence of Union standards, Article 36.
Investment Aid for Energy Efficiency Measures, Article 38.
State Aid (de minimis) / Are some of the suggested project activities eligible according to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013?
Incentive effect (in a state aid context) / Does your project consist of activities that would not have been carried out without grants from this Programme, i.e. in line with article 6 in the said Regulation?

Note: Self-check financial situation

Applicant’s financial situation / Does your company have a positive working capital?
Does your company have a positive equity?
Is your company able to financing the new project (which implies extra costs) in parallel with the current operational activity/costs?
With reference to the new Regional Aid Map for Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020 (European Commission decision C (2014) 4093 final from 25 June 2014) the max. grant intensity for Regional Investment Aid are:
-  25% for Sofia and South-West region
-  50% for the other 5 regions.
Is your company able to secure the full financing of your project, i.e. provide the rest of the required co-financing?
-  Applicant and eventual partners own resources?
-  Bank loan?
-  Mix of the two above mentioned sources?

BG-10 - 3rd Call - Green Industry Innovation Programme BULGARIA – Self-check, v.1.0. - 19.12.2014Page 2