1. Of the knee is the largest joint space in the body
4. Sprain of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments and damage to the medial meniscus
6. Meniscal evaluation test
7. A test done to check anterior instability. Best performed with athlete in a comfortable, relaxed, supine position. Knee at 80 to 90 degrees of flexion.
11. Strong fascial lateral portion of the thigh that joins the tensor fascia latae muscle to its insertion
13. Passive procedure used to evaluate anterior cruciate ligament with the knee flexed 10 to 15 degrees
16. Another name for knock-knees
18. The accumulation of fluid in a joint cavity
19. A test done to evaluate how tight the iliotibial band.
21. Condition involving the epiphysis of the tibial tuberosity in adolescents
22. Remnants of embryonic tissue that appear in the knee as folds or plications in the joint lining
1. A test for anterolateral rotary instability similar to the pivot shift test except the athlete is placed on his or her uninjured side
2. Test to evaluate possible subluxations- often used in the assessment of patellofemoral and glenohumeral integrity
3. Swelling in popliteal space on the posterior part of the knee
5. A test for anterolateral rotatory instability in which the knee is flexed to 90 degrees followed with tibia internally rotated while valgus stress is applied to the knee as it is extended
6. Larger and more c-shaped
8. A test procedure to evaluate for an iliotibial band friction syndrome
9. A flat, triangular bone located in front of the knee joint.
10. Angle formed by the intersection of a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the midpatella and another line from midpatella to the tibial tuberosity
12. An anatomic complex that consists of the arcuate ligament, the popliteal tendon, the lateral collateral ligament, and the posterior third of the capsular ligament of the knee
14. The knee joint is this kind of joint
15. Largest and most complex joint in the human body
17. Bowleg
20. Fluid-containing sac to reduce friction between anatomical surfaces